《No Face, No Life》077


“Where’s the nearest convenience store?” Rui asked me with a serious expression.

“W-what?” I noh-gasped. “Are you hungry, or thirsty? I’ll-I’ll buy you a drink. There’s a vending machine close by.”

“No, silly.” Rui facepalmed and laughed. “Well, I won’t say no to that kind offer, but there’s another reason. Tell me, is there a convenience store? There isn’t enough junk lying on the streets to just pick up what I need to find our friend. It’s part of his game.”

I tried to scratch my head, but I was still wearing my helmet. “Um, are we getting him a snack? A bag of potato chips, or some fried chicken? There is a conbini close by here and it has delicious chicken.”

“R-really?” Rui rolled her eyes. “I’ll remember it. I do like some tasty chicken. You can take me back later to celebrate, but chicken is not what I want. So lead the way!” She grabbed my arm and pulled me firmly to get me moving.

I laughed and shook my head, not understanding what she had in her mind. At all. “This way!” I moved in another direction, tugging her with me. There wasn’t anyone in sight, as dark as this street was. I led her up a narrow intersecting streetway and onto a main boulevard, to run along it to the right. Trees were planted along it in patches of soil inside of decorative grating. There were rails along the broadway with shrubbery which was planted seemingly at random. Tall buildings towered above us as we walked. Cars moved noisily along the road, though in fewer numbers than in daylight. Above us, the moon was full. I hadn’t looked at it until now, but I wondered whether a full moon had anything to do with why everything was going down like it was.


I wasn’t capable of keeping track of the moon’s phases, not that astrology doesn’t interest me, but then maybe the phases of the moon had nothing to do with anything. Even so, it was nice and large and yellow. It was a witches’ moon, or so I’d read once. The street was well lit. I felt better with all the ambient lighting overpowering the yellowish moonlight. In moments we reached the front of the convenience store. I gestured with a gracious bow to Rui. “Here we are. I don’t mind if you get a drink. We’ve been through so much. If you need..." I froze. I had very little money. I was just down to small notes. “I’ll buy you a drink!” I yelled aloud.

“Wow... such generosity… for a little oni.” Rui cocked her head and laughed. “Yes, I’ll get a drink, but don’t you worry. I’d buy you a bag of blood if they were so easy to come by.” She grinned mischievously.

Blood? Well, maybe if we went back to Ume-chan’s neighborhood they’d sell us some on the sly, but what could I do with it without transfusion equipment? Would I be able to drink it like them, or could I ever bring myself to do it? Oh, gross!

She jogged into the convenience store, and curious as I was, I followed her like a sibling. She looked around, and indeed she ran to the drinks coolers first. She scanned over the wares and with a little grin, she opened one of the refrigerator doors and I saw what she’d selected.

Asahi... beer. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT? The loli-oni is an alcoholic?! Is it for her friend?

She grinned. “Oh, they’ll card me for sure... it’s hilarious. Just wait and watch!” Rui laughed aloud.

She skipped up to the counter, looking like nothing more than a middle schooler. My head crooked as I watched her.


For some reason she paused at a rack and unsheathed a large umbrella from it. I thought about the clear moonlit sky. It was definitely cloudless tonight. There wasn’t any sign of impending rain at all.

I leaned against an aisle, not willing to be lumped in with her. If a policeman came charging into the store, I wanted nothing to do with it!

“I’ll take these two, please!” Rui glowed as she grinned up at the checker, who was an elderly man. When she placed the items down on the counter, he bowed and smiled warmly.

“Thank you for being a customer! Ah, but..." He froze, staring at the beer.

“Ah... I’m afraid I can’t sell you this. Can I interest you in a nice tea? I’ll treat you!” He laughed. “You chose a beer... that’s sadly an adult beverage.”

“I know!” Rui bounced and grinned. “I love to have a good beer sometimes! I could really use one tonight!”

“A-aren’t you too... young to be an alcoholic?” I noh-gaped. She really intends to drink it?! W-well.. I can’t judge her... It’s not like I have a social life… I’ve never socially drank. Who with? Reiko-chan was clean, too, or else she never wanted to do anything like that with me.

“Ehe... nope! I’m not! I just like beer!” Rui teased, wasting more of my time with her silly game.

“R-Rui!! Please be reasonable! Don’t trouble the elder!” I yelped as I charged ahead to intervene.

At that moment, Rui reached into her purse and unfolded her wallet. At that moment, I fell heavily against the counter and my head hit the counter. I looked right at the ID. “You really ARE TWENTY!” I yelped.

“Ohhh... I never would have imagined it... you age so gracefully,” the elder checker complimented Oni. “I’ve seen it before, but you look like a middle schooler. My apologies! Please enjoy your beverage!” He bowed, shaking a bit as he did, which showed his age.

“No problems, grandpa!” Rui grinned and winked. “What can I say? I’m blessed!”

“But your chest..." the elder pointed out.

I winced. Oh no...

“D--” Oni froze. “D-Don’t attack a girl where she’s sensitive! You meanie! I hate you!!!” she screamed, grabbing her umbrella and beer. I watched her run out of the convenience store, my head still on the counter. I shifted my noh-gaze up to the elder’s stunned face.

“You... you just dodged a bullet..." I helpfully informed him of his tactical error.

“Oh... I see... It’s my fault. Don’t worry about it. They’re on the house today. I hope she never returns,” the elder commented, scratching his thinning scalp.

“That’s generous, sir. Ah..." I straightened, looking seriously at him, not that he could tell. “I told her about your amazing chicken. I wouldn’t count on never seeing her again. Just don’t talk about her chest if you see her again or you’ll..."

“GET OUT OF THERE IDIOT!!! WE DON’T HAVE ALL NIGHT!” Oni yelled into the convenience store.

“Y-yes, Loli-Oni-sama!” I cried, springing out of the store.

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