《No Face, No Life》074


“Oh... oh no... I’m so sorry, sir... I was far too harsh with you.” The officer climbed off my back and started dusting me off quickly, moving to help me to my feet. “Oh... it’s my fault. We’re all so tense since... Well, it doesn't matter. It doesn’t excuse my behavior! I’ve failed as an officer. Please forgive me!” He bowed deeply and scraped before Oni and me.

“Ah... ahaha... it’s okay, my sweet daughter!” I bounded over to her as I sobbed, wrapping my arms tightly around her. Thank Kami she’s so clever! “I love you too! Just please behave well in the future, for the honor of our family. We need to leave right away. Bow, R-Reiko..." I facepalmed nearly when I gave this sacred name to the little Oni.

She blinked, seeming as affected by it as I was. “Uwaaaaa! Reiko-chan will do her very best daddy! You’re the best father ever!” She hugged me tightly. Too tightly. I felt crushed by it. It bent me over, and I bowed to the officer too. I should, of course. Oni let me go and did a happy little dance instead of bowing. To protect her pride probably.

“Of course! Please have a wonderful holiday night! I’m so moved by your love! I’ll be inspired for my whole life! When I see my daughter, I’ll spoil her even more! Daughters must be cherished!” The policeman sobbed and rubbed a tear from the corner of his eye.

D-did I create a daughter-con1 inadvertently? Did I make Japan a better place, or a worse one? Wait! This was Oni’s plan! It’s HER fault!!! She did save our butts though…

It would be strange for my ‘daughter’ to lead me off, so before she could I took Oni’s hand and led her away up the platform. We ran together, and the policeman watched after us. I looked back towards him, waving, and that sappy happy expression was still plastered all across his face.


I marched forward and faced a new horror which froze me in my steps.

“Officer, this man was on that train just now!” That annoying woman who had roused a crowd against us in the train was back at it. She drew close enough to shout a warning, “You’re investigating the damage to the train, I know. This man was involved. They claim it was a promotional stunt. Of course, they’re to blame! Them and their employer! They dressed up as a fictional character and attacked the train! They couldn’t break the window of the train. A sentai battle was staged. No one was hurt, but this is going too far! Japan Railways should be made aware of who the true culprits are behind everything!”

“Oh, crud..." Rui gasped, looking backwards towards the policeman. His sappy expression disappeared. OH NO!!!

“I know my statement is farfetched, but the advertisement on his backside proves the truth of my theory!” The nosy woman pointed directly at my butt!

The policeman glowered intensely at us. “It’s just as you said! I’m such a fool for believing that nonsense! Because of my naivety, these criminals almost got away with their crime!”

“Oh... oh crap... RUN!” Rui screamed. We leapt into action together. It was the same as the last time I ran away from the station, except this time I was in a sentai costume and I had a loli by my side.

We darted along the platform. “STOP, CRIMINALS!” The policeman ran after us. I could hear his boots slapping on the cement.

“Go, policeman! You’re a hero to all of Tokyo! Do your best!” The annoying woman from inside the train cheered on the policeman’s efforts. She’s the real ONI!

Rui ran ahead of me. People darted to get out of our way. They stared at us as though we were a spectacle. My cape fluttered behind me as I ran, dodging people, vending machines, and rows of seating. The speakers played an announcement.

“The trains will be stopped temporarily due to an incident. Please wait patiently while the incident has been resolved. Thank you very much for your patronage!”

We had to run across the whole length of the platform AGAIN!

This time an entire battalion of policemen gathered in front of us. “HALT!”

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