《No Face, No Life》064, 065, 066


“Perv! Avoid naughty thoughts!” Rui chided me. “If you think about dirty things, you’ll just dramatically shorten the time we have to get this case cracked, noh-guts-pervy-weirdo.”

“You IDIOT!” I barked before stalking over to Rui and putting my blood covered hands on her shoulders. She screamed and dodged away, yelping like a little dog.

“Grossssss!” Rui cried and ran around.

Like a cat, I pounced after her. “It’s your fault, loli-idiot! If you hadn’t said anything about kisses, I wouldn’t have had any dirty thoughts! You’re the real pervert here! I’m a virgin, and I don’t look at dirty magazines! Don’t screw with me!” I chased her around the arena, my anger flaring up.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Rui squeaked and dodged to and fro, finally hiding behind Natalia-sama. Caught up in my upset, I charged them. At the last moment, I tried to put on the brakes. Their eyes widened as we collided. Natalia-sama put up a hand and golden energy flared up about her form. I bounced off the golden flames to see that she’d raised a hand in time. It was wreathed in extra powerful energy. She looked down at me with amusement and concern equally. A sweat mark was practically hovering over her head all the while. Rui stuck her tongue out at me behind her.

After we calmed down, I had a chance to clean up. A Magiranger with blood all over his mask would be just flat out wrong. We returned to the arena after washing the interior of my helmet. Natalia-sama looked lost. Despite my earlier stratagem, Rui’s clothes weren’t obviously stained.

“Why don’t we focus on his emotions?” Rui suggested helpfully. “Like I thought, when he chased me, he looked kind of dark and taller.”

“Yes.” Natalia nodded and gifted Rui a small smile. “I noticed that. His spiritual powers are clearly linked with his emotions. That’s typical of freshly born yokai,” Natalia-sama examined me then. “Susumu, remember to focus on how you feel when you’re angry. Your yokai nature comes to the fore when you do. Trust me. There isn’t any better training I could offer you.” She eyed us meaningfully. “Well, this isn’t the information you came for. So I think it would be best if I move on to tell you what I know about Noh-face.”

Natalia-sama drew her fingers along her lips. “I’ve determined that Noh-face’s lair is likely to be found along the train tracks of the Yamanote Line. This is where it hunts, and it's probably where its lair is. A poor girl was attacked in a crowded train around a month ago. The train was crowded and it doesn’t normally attack openly, however there was something about her it couldn’t resist."

We left the warehouse together. Natalia-sama looked defeated, but she smiled nonetheless. The sun was shining brightly.

Sometimes dark clouds might darkening the sky, but that’s always temporary.

“Good luck Susumu, Rui-chan! I wish I’d been of greater assistance.” She actually bowed to us.

“N-no! Raise your head! You did your best!” I waved my hands exaggeratedly. “I’m sure your coaching will come in handy. I’ll remember it. When my life is in danger, I’ll work hard.” I pumped a fist.

Natalia-sama beamed.

Rui grinned. “Let’s hope... I won't die. There are so many cakes out there I haven’t eaten yet. There’s a million baseballs to knock out of the ballpark."

“Now who’s the noh-nuts?!” I exclaimed. “Let’s do this, Oni! I’ve already faced the worst! There’s no way things could go worse than it’s already been. I don’t know why, but I feel optimistic. Sure, we haven’t gotten much done all day, but I’m going to hope.”


“Uh... yeah… I have no nuts. Thanks for the brilliant observation." Rui rolled her eyes. Natalia-sama looked at me, embarrassed. I know she doesn’t really have nuts! I’m not a clueless guy who doesn’t know what’s between people’s legs! Don’t kill the mood!!!

“L-let’s go!!!” I yelled. I ran off up the street with my cape fluttering in the air as I charged into the blushing horizon.

Natalia-sama cheered loudly behind me. “Go, Magiranger Red!!!”

It was just the two of us again and we ran for several blocks until we reached our destination. I felt vaguely sad, and more so as time passed. Without Natalia-sama’s company, I felt wistful. She cheered me up with her sunny presence.

As the sunlight faded, we began to see a few people in the crowd wearing costumes. They were likely on their way to some party. I followed my small companion, holding my cellphone to mark our location on a map as well as to monitor the time. Since our way was lit only by street lights, apart from the headlights of passing vehicles, I felt as though my time was nearly ended. Light is so fleeting.

So much for optimism. It only lasts as long as the sun itself does. It will return, only to fade. And after all, what remains is darkness.

I felt a little better when we finally reached our destination, the closest train station. Trains already creeped me out, particularly given my experience that morning. Hearing about an unfortunate girl who had been attacked by Noh-face in a crowd on a moving train, made my anxiety grow even worse. We had no choice, since this was the only clue we had. At least stations were well-lit, and there were places to run.

We moved downstairs together, through the milling crowd. I barely noticed the smiles people flashed in my direction. I was concerned about how people would view me in my Magiranger costume. On the other hand, seeing someone in a costume would be less and less peculiar as the sun sank lower outside. There would surely be kids capering around in sentai costumes like mine. Thus I received fewer glances and reactions. I missed the attention, because the cheering and smiles of people had encouraged me, giving me strength to press on.

We moved along through the check stands. I half-expected that the policemen would hassle me as usual, but as before they smiled. There were no cheers or comments this time though. They just smiled as they would at normal citizens.

If I get my face back tonight, maybe I’ll stay a Sentai Ranger forever. I’ll be one of those really eccentric people with strange habits. They’ll probably label me as an otaku, which is far better than being thought of as a yakuza or gorilla. Whether or not I earn back my face, I’ll be that cute insane sentai ranger who delights the children of Tokyo. I smiled at the thought. At least my life might come to mean something no matter what happened. After all, I could move like a ranger and perform feats like one, if I really tried. I’d delight the whole city.

Somehow optimism had found me again. I wasn’t the type who would hurt anyone. Even if I did lose my mind, I was certain I’d be a force of good. I wouldn’t need food, nor even a home. In my new state, demented or not, perhaps they’d celebrate me as a superhero.

We reached the platform, but my optimism was rocked by another strange occurrence. I looked all around the platform and as I turned left and right, my cloak billowed. What was happening, what I saw was as creepy as an empty station during high traffic hours. Unlike that time, however, the platform was filled to the brim. But what was different was that everyone was literally wearing a germ mask. Every last visible person.


WHAT’S WITH ALL THE GERM MASKS! Is it a Halloween trend?! Is there some character I don’t know about who wears them constantly?! We both did a double take.

Rui whistled and hummed. “Hmmm... I don't need another mystery to solve on top of the one we already have.” She looked rattled, and I was affected, but I wasn’t an expert of Rui expressions. “I suppose it could be a costume trend or just an event. A PR thing, maybe, or it could be a viral outbreak.” She removed her cell phone from her bag and started fiercely tapping its screen in a staccato. I was impressed by how fast her little fingers moved.

“Ummmm,” Rui floundered, “I-I don’t know... there aren’t any postings about a huge outbreak of diseases. There are no headlines posted to declare an emergency situation. It could be something that hasn’t been reported yet. I think it’d be best to resort to the most obvious method, asking. Surely anyone wearing a mask should be able to tell us why. That’s a no-brainer.”

Rui charged to the nearest passerby and snagged his sleeve. It was a tall man, and a foreigner to boot.

“Why are you wearing a mask?” Rui asked him.

“Rui... I don’t think he’d be a good source of information..." I hesitantly tugged on her sleeve.

He looked at Rui with a blank expression. “Ah... 'ana la 'atahadath alyabaniat. 'ana asaf.”

I don’t understand his language. BINGO! I knew it!! He’s definitely a tourist! The guy had super-toned skin, which wasn’t a common thing to see, particularly if you didn’t leave your home except to go to work and avoided looking at others so you wouldn’t accidentally challenge others with your gaze. He noticed we didn’t understand him. He scratched his head and laughed.

Rui winced and her head crooked over. “S-sorry, excuse us.” She darted to another target. This time an elderly woman. “Miss, please could you tell me why you’re wearing a mask?”

The elderly woman smiled beneath her mask. You could tell from how her dimples folded. She uttered a racking cough. I drew away in a way that was probably rude. Rui winced too.

“Oh no! It’s an outbreak! It’s a plague!” Rui exclaimed, nearly pulling her hair out. “I’m far too beautiful and young to die!”

The elderly woman laughed around her coughing and reached out to tousle Rui’s hair affectionately. “So... cute.” She hacked.

“N-no!!! I’m infected!” Rui fell over and started to crawl away.

“No... *cough* I... have a cold..." The elderly woman looked troubled by Rui’s reaction.

Rui blinked and looked over her shoulder looking anxious. “Oh... I was so scared, I-I mean... I’m so glad you’re... is there anything I can do for you?” She sprung up to save face. I nearly facepalmed. Oniiiiii!

“N-- *cough* No... don’t trouble *cough* yourself..." she wheezed.

I sighed. “I’ll get you a tea! On me!” I ran to a nearby vending machine and inserted a few loose yen coins into it. I selected a hot tea and rushed back after it dropped. I handed it quickly to her, and then suddenly yanked it back.

“You jerk! You’re playing a prank on an old woman?!” Rui yelled at me.

I gasped and winced, looking all around while dancing. “S-Shut up! I’m Magiranger Red! Trust my noble spirit!” I performed a pose and moved my hands rapidly in a martial-art-like gesture. As my hands moved, I snagged the opener atop the can to pull it free. At the end of my dance, I knelt down with the opened can uplifted towards her in my palm. She coughed and broke into delighted laughter and more wracking coughs. She accepted the can with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling. Others around me applauded and cheered. I blushed intensely, glad my head was hidden.

“Hmmm... I suppose you’re not entirely worthless.” Rui blushed and rounded on the closest next spectator. “You! Tell me please, why are you wearing a mask?”

“Ehhhh? Why aren’t you?” the girl asked her in return.

“Ehhhh? Is there a reason to get one?!”

The girl laughed and fondled her hair. “Well... I always follow the newest fashion trends... Where’s your sense of fashion?”

“Eh? That’s it? That’s all? A trend?” Rui buckled and clapped both hands to her own face.

“Yup! Try someone else,” she responded, sounding totally vapid. “Ehehe..." She turned towards me taking my arm. “I’m heading to a party, Magiranger-san! Why don’t we crash it together! I don’t have a date tonight! Your flat-chested date doesn't look like she’s very much fun, or maybe is she your daughter? I don’t mind it, you can bring her if so! Trust me, I’ll be reallyyyyy fun..."

Since I had absolutely zero experience in interacting with women, being as none had ever hit on me in my whole life, I totally lost it. I felt my noh-nose gush again. “Ehehehe..." I giggled in a silly fashion. It’d be a great way to go out... my first date... and it might even end with... My mind fast forwarded into the future where I might have noh-face children. Noooo! I can’t inflict that kind of horror on the world!

I yelled as a truck hit my head, so to speak. I fell over, blinking my noh-eyes. Disoriented, I wondered if I’d been sent to another world. When my noh-vision cleared, I finally saw the train platform still. I’m still on Earth... good.

I wondered what had hit me since no truck-kun could be seen. Afraid that Noh-face had come for me like that poor girl, I looked up, to see only the angry silhouette of a certain oni standing over me! “W-why?!”

“You’ll bleed to death on this platform, idiot! Focus harder! You’re a buddhist priest!” She seized my costume. “Think only pure thoughts!”

“Oh my, okay... gross... have fun with washboard-chan.” That girl shot us a parting insult as she moved away. Rui quivered, her grip loosening.

“Why didn’t you hit her instead?!” I exclaimed. “She called you a flat... yaiiiiiiiiiiii!!!” Do I need to say that she hit me again?

“You’re so brutal!” I yelled, flopping. “I’m a victim! She attacked me again! She’s my villain! Everyone cheer for me and I’ll...! Yaiiii!” And again. I drummed my heels and fists.

Everyone laughed uproariously. Of course they’d take her side, right?

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