《No Face, No Life》062


Natalia-sama gestured at me as winked at Rui. “We’re going to see what Susumu-san is made of.”

I thought about the IV bag I’d seen in Natalia-sama’s office. Visions of Natalia-sama holding dissecting surgical tools flitted through my mind. What Susumu is made of? I shivered and winced. Natalia-sama wouldn’t!

“Okay. I’m curious, too.” That made it worse. I flailed and searched with my eyes for a suitable hiding place. There were many thanks to all the crates and racks. Rui grinned, doing as she was asked. She pulled a chair over and straddled it, leaning against the back.

Natalia-sama’s eyes were steadily fixed on me as she said, “In order to stand a chance against a full blown noh-face, you will need to have a grip on your spiritual abilities. You’ve used those unconsciously so far, but it’s another story to use them intentionally.”

I stood before her and looked around me again. It wouldn’t be necessary to hide, perhaps, but I was puzzled as I turned my attention on Rui. I wasn’t quite sure what I should do. Rui shrugged comically and grinned while waiting.

Natalia-sama spoke again, “Please look at me.” I stiffened and nodded, standing at attention. “Start by reaching deep within. You’ve touched it, so you should have a feeling for what you're looking for. For a full blown yokai such as I, it’s a slightly different process. I touch that power within. In essence, I relax restraints on it. Being human in appearance means compressing yourself and reforming. You have some similar abilities as well... though what suppresses your powers is actually your blood, right now. The loss of your human blood will trigger a final shift. As for your abilities, Noh-face have the presence of mind to use many skills, but not many can maintain a disguise for long without the aid of stolen faces.” Natalia-sama laughed and noticed my questioning and confused emotions. “Oh, yes... I plainly see doubt in your aura.” It fascinated me that Natalia-sama could read me like a book.


Natalia-sama grinned, gifting me with another sunny smile. Speaking of auras, I began to see what I would define as one which sprang around her attractive form. It surged for a moment around her and her shape shifted. My noh-eyes were like saucers. Her face shifted from the graceful elegant complexion to a ruddier. Then fur sprouted from it as her face elongated slightly, becoming more vulpine. I fell to my knees before her as I raptly witnessed her transformation. Her clothes disappeared as more fur sprouted out. That wasn’t the end of it, however. She grew larger, to the point where I felt as though she could take me into her mouth at any time. Her lips opened to bare her very animal-like sharp teeth. A tail appeared, and then one after another joined it, making her rear look like a fancy duster. I noh-gulped. Before long, an enormous golden ninetails kitsune stood before me.

She spoke mentally, her words meant only for me. Susumu. Were you watching carefully? Now, I’d like you to try reaching deep inside. Release your restraints, break your chains. You’re right to fear it. Yokai powers are extremely dangerous. To master ourselves is a much-prized goal for us. If you can feel your spiritual energy, then be certain to control it carefully. Remember, your mind has incredible power. For mortals, a large percentage of their spiritual powers and mind goes to waste. We, however, do not waste these capabilities. This allows us to perform that which appears to be magic to outsiders. Ah, but don’t mistake my words. More spiritual power does not mean smarter. Many yokai are frightfully stupid. She laughed.

Considering Natalia-sama’s words, my noh-eyes closed as I worked my way through this. I couldn’t think of anything except about how she’d transformed. Fear gripped my soul. Noh-face had traumatized me so much that just the thought of touching that kind of power terrified me. I stood there, unable to do anything. Natalia-sama waited patiently, and I heard her begin panting.


“Ehehe!” I heard Rui giggle. “His knees are knocking! He looks like he’ll pee all over his costume.”

I gasped, feeling my anger start stoking. A denial of her words would have been useless and foolish since she was right. Despite my anger and determined, I was locked down by my terror.

“Hm... I can’t call him a noh-nuts... I don’t want him showing me those again. You’d traumatize a delicate young girl. Maybe noh-brains, or perhaps noh-guts. Oh, Susumu.” I ignored her baiting. I knew she was having fun at my expense.

“Hmmm…” This was Natalia-sama’s growling voice. “It’s not my style, but you’re onto something, Rui-chan. I think you might have an idea of how he ticks.” For some reason, Natalia-sama was praising Rui for her taunting. Despite all of Rui’s slandering, and Natalia-sama didn’t set her down for it, I worried, but I didn’t think Natalia-sama meant me harm. She was a true saint! Then, I felt a huge fuzzy mass bearing down on me. My strange sight focused on her in time to see massive teeth seize me, just before I felt her jaws capture me. I was too late to react.

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