《No Face, No Life》061


When we left Natalia-sama’s store, I felt utterly ridiculous. She led us to her small car which was decorated with advertisements for her store. Just like how she’d covered my butt. I’m certain that she’d never pass up an opportunity for publicity. She’d do anything to succeed. Well, anything morally acceptable. I couldn’t see her doing anything evil. She was like the sun itself, like Rickey said.

She drove us up several streets. She played popular American music over the stereo. I wasn’t at all familiar with the songs and I couldn’t tell you what I heard, because I couldn't understand a word. The beats were driving and pounding. A few artists sounded aggressive to me.

We rode quietly. I seldom had a chance to ride in a car. Nevertheless, I simply enjoyed it despite Natalia-sama’s questionable musical taste. She parked in front of a large rectangular warehouse. She smiled at us as she cut off the power. “This, my friends, is where I keep my extra merchandise. Orders are answered back at the store, and if the demand exceeds my supplies, then we go over here to refill our inventory.”

“We know that you’re a logistics genius, Natalia.” Rui smiled quizzically. “Do we really need to know everything about your business?”

“No, not at all. I just love to talk about it.” Natalia-sama looked abashed.

“It’s very fascinating, Natalia-sama!” I leapt to her defense.

Rui laughed, “Tell him more another time. We are short on time, however.” There was a sweatdrop moment, because Rui was divorcing herself from the proposed lecture. Even so, my lips spread in a warm smile. I wanted to say that, but I couldn’t.

“I will! Trust me. What we’re doing here will indeed help you,” Natalia-sama reassured us and left the car. Her motion was smooth and graceful, as though she’d dismounted a horse. I opened the door on my side, and lifted the latch to allow Rui to climb out. Before leaving, we’d argued a bit over who’d get to sit in the passenger seat, but Natalia-sama insisted that Rui should stand back and climb in the backseat, so the ride was as pleasant as possible for me.


We closed the door behind us and followed Natalia-sama into her warehouse. Unable to resist explaining a few more things, she spoke as we approached the building. She produced her keys again with that adorable kitsune keychain on it. “We store our goods here, but it’s also very handy for other purposes. I have a few other surprising uses for this building, and a few interesting items aside from clothing.”

She opened the doors for us. When we stepped inside, she reached over to flip a switch. A series of lights came on up and down the building. There were crates and racks of products layered in protective plastic and more outfits very much like the ones back in the store.

In the center of the building, there was a large open area. “Now, I’ll ask you to be careful here. Whatever you break you pay for.” Natalia-sama winked at us. “Rui-chan, pull a chair up, but keep it outside this open area in the center. Don’t get involved with what we’re going to do.”

“What,” Rui asked, smiling, “are you doing, exactly?”

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