《No Face, No Life》056


She led us back to an escalator. As we made our way up, I saw much of her store, and I couldn’t help but think it was as high class as any well-known store I’d ever visited. I continued to clutch my hands to my crotch and butt. As time passed, the erection faded, so I was able to dedicate both hands to hide my bare behind. Glad I was that the banks were all in the same place, so we simply went from floor to floor seeing a bit of each along the way.

In no time we reached the sixth floor, which featured a smaller selection of more expensive clothing. Even I could tell that the fabrics were of extremely high quality. We followed her to a door. She removed a set of keys from her purse, which had an adorable keychain attached. It was an ultra-happy kitsune with a wide grin and its narrow eyes expressed joy. The keys rattled as she turned them.

*rattle* *CLICK*

She pushed the door open, and the room was dark, but soon she flicked a switch and the space gradually started to light up, accompanied by the sound of motors. Eventually the room was lit by the sun itself. The sound of motors ceased, rendering the neat room silent. Above, a skylight let the sun shine directly on us. There was no conventional roof, instead it was all glass. There were lights attached to the rafters, presumably for use at night. The office was furnished with bookshelves, a large desk with a computer, racks of clothes, bins of fabric, and a large work table. By the table stood a set of mannequins in a tidy row. There were many large spools of thread and rolls of cloth and racks full of tools on the table. The spools were organized by color. And there were sewing machines, knitting needles, and assorted other things I couldn’t name.


Natalia closed the door and grinned. “I assume you didn’t come here to address your friend’s little wardrobe problem.”

“What are you talking about? He’s not the one who had his clothes eaten by Rickey today! He’s just fine. Ignore the drama queen! Spoil me, Natalia! I want a kiss!” She leapt into Natalia’s arms again. Natalia laughed, delighted.

“Such a handful, you are!” She laughed. I blushed intensely as she kissed Rui. Then I drooled as I envied Rui.

“M-me... please... too..." OH NO!!! I buckled. I’m unfaithful now! Nooooo! Reiko-chan! I love you! Forever!!!

They were quiet, because they were still kissing. It reacted again, strongly. IT’S ALIVE! I clutched at my crotch as I slinked into a corner and sobbed softly, blaming myself for being so strongly affected. Reiko-chaaaaaaan!

I was sitting on the cold floor, feeling this chill keenly through the remaining fabric between my legs. It was a good thing I hadn’t told Rickey to suck my… Had I, this experience would have been far worse.

A hand rested suddenly on my shoulder. “You know, if you don’t remove that impressive Magiranger helmet, I cannot give you the kiss you asked for.” She winked. While I stared at her, my heart skipped beats.

She reached down and tugged my helmet free from my sweating noh-face. I’d overheated for many reasons. I was overheating even more, gazing into those sparkling blue eyes, so much like the sky itself. I saw all that Rickey had described. Her features were refined. She was like a statue. Her facial structure was Baltic, or so I assumed. It was so gentle, yet aristocratic.

“Hmm..." She tapped her chin with a smile. “Well now, I didn’t expect to find you were a kindred soul. A noh-face! Yet you still are in possession of your identity, but you don’t have the full form. Even so, you’re truly remarkable! I’m afraid this means you have no mouth... I couldn’t possibly kiss you properly, but I hope you won’t mind an approximation.” She leaned down. I died. Her mouth pressed where mine would have been and she kissed for a long time. My first kiss! OH MY GOD!


I thought I saw my spirit fly up through the skylight. Far, far, far high above us. Music played in my ears, just for me.

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