《No Face, No Life》051



After an instantaneous loss of orientation, I peered around, but despite the unnatural vision which allowed me to see clearly despite wearing the sentai helmet, I couldn’t see anything!

As we walked deeper, I was more terrified than I’d been while surrounded by Ume’s curiosities and horrors. At least the cute knick-knacks scattered throughout her store had blunted the horror-effect a bit, but not enough. Being trapped in a dark room was like what I’d experienced in the train car. I flinched from every noise I thought I heard.

“Uwaaaaa!!!” I threw my arms into the dark void above me when I felt a hand on my side which tugged at my bodysuit. “YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” I panicked, doing a dance filled with my terror. PTSD stampeded over me like champion stallions rendering me to nothing but the turf churned and tilled by their mighty hooves. Tilled and tilted.

“Susumu... noh-nuts... shut up. I’m guiding you.” Rui sighed. “Just, wow. Are you really that afraid of a little dark? Just wait a little bit. What you see next will really make you pee your pants if you aren’t ready for it.”

I noh-gulped, but I believed her. She sounded very serious. “I-I’ll try.” Remaining silent was very difficult to say the least.

I heard a rustling noise which made me want to scream. It crackled, it snapped. Visions of bones breaking invaded my mind. My knees knocked.


I squeaked and fell to my butt on the floor, making myself the smallest target possible. “W-why are you not terrified?” I asked, my voice very very small.

A moment later, a green light hovered in the air above me, dimly illuminating Rui’s face. Her face really wasn’t terrified. She truly was fearless. That girl! Does she have titanium in her blood instead of iron? Is it some kind of alien alloy, forged by working with yokai so often? How?!





“Good afternoon, Rickey.” Rui’s voice relaxed. “It’s good to see you again!”


......... “Rui... kisses..." a voice gurgled out from the shadows before us. It sounded like a tuba gargling acid. It hissed.

“Of course! Before I give you the customary kiss, make sure you understand my friend here is not to be disposed of. I don’t kill people, you know. So leave him alone. If he sees you, he’ll piss his pants. I swear... you don't want to smell that.”

Speaking of foul odors, I noticed that something really smelled rotten. It grew stronger and stronger. And I could detect it, somehow, despite lacking nostrils.

“K-Kiss... understand, Rui-Rui. This one… eliminated… not,” Rickey blurbled, and a popping noise echoed throughout the darkness. “Your kind… doesn’t well... in my void..."

“He’s fine. He’s becoming a yokai himself. He’s probably not as bad off as he makes out.” Abuse from her again, of course. Her voice was a balm to my sore noh-ears, compared to that of the blob. Speaking of sounds, I heard something else. A smooching noise. She’d given that strange creature a kiss. I hoped it was a kiss on whatever passed for its forehead. I didn’t think it would have tasted very good since it smelled horrible. Rui’s courage was boundless.

“Mmmm- now the hug... I shall..." Rickey gurgled, sounding alien. The darkness lit up a bit as a yellow-green light flared up before us accompanied by its alien slurping noises. I was able to see Rui’s small frame, and in this same moment that strange thing enveloped her, covering her.

Eyes and teeth wobbled on its glowing putrid looking body. It was pure horror. “R-RUI!!!!” I screamed, bolting to my feet.

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