《No Face, No Life》045


ONI!!! I hesitated. She punched a button inside and gave me a little wave with a little mocking smile. The gate immediately started to rattle like demonic chains.



“Hell, NOOOOOOOO!!!” I dove for the elevator, sliding inside just in time. Her eyes started to widen when I crashed into her, bearing us down to the floor of the rickety elevator. It creaked and shook violently. It slammed into the shaft walls and the noises that filled the elevator were terrifying.

I flopped on top of her, screaming and kicking so much the elevator never stopped moving and slamming. It was like an amusement park ride, and I avoided those unless Reiko-chan dragged me onto one and laughed at how I reacted. When we reached the bottom, Oni was not laughing or smiling. I was very sick. She looked very sick. I started to heave.

“Get off me, idiot!” she yelled, and drove her palm into my face, knocking me away. That blow ended the nauseous sensation which gripped my stomach.

I turned to her to see she was clutching her own mouth, her eyes wide.

After a short while, she led me up the street alongside her office. She looked pretty upset still. Her back was stiff as she walked.

“Where are we going?” I ventured.

She remained silent for a long time. When we neared the nearest bus stop, she finally did speak. “Firstly, we need to board a bus. I assume you have a pass in your wallet?” I nodded.

“Good. I wasn’t about to pay your way,” she added.

We waited together, silently. It wasn’t too long before the bus arrived. When the doors slid open, we waited for the passengers to disembark. Two of them looked a bit peculiar; their features were a little off, but otherwise I didn’t pay much attention. I was in no position to judge faces. We stepped up onto the bus and we swiped our magnetic cards one after the other. People stared. Instead of just a red Magiranger, there was a strange loli with a black shirt with peculiar calligraphy scrawled across her flat chest, making her a perfect loli billboard. People could read the message so clearly, I wondered if my company would be tempted to pay her to advertise with shirts. Of course, people liked to look at larger ones.


Once we were walking up the aisle, we noted that there was only one seat available. I stood holding a pole nearby, not particularly caring. Rui looked at me and then focused forward as the bus started moving. We rode along for four stops. Just before the fourth and final, Rui pulled the stop cord. It wasn’t too long before the bus pulled over to allow passengers to disembark. She stood before it came to a full stop and started moving towards the middle door leading out. I followed her and we swiped our cards again. The city didn’t look particularly different from before, but we’d come further than I’d have cared to go afoot.

She quietly led me up the street. We went down a few side streets, and came to a smaller, narrower one. She pointed to a five-story building. “This is one of the yokai roads throughout Tokyo. There are many small communities in other cities across Japan, and even in other places around the world.”

“What’s here? A contact?” I asked, looking up at the building. It was almost as run-down as Oni’s. Just looking at it gave me a sinking feeling. “Is there another death trap elevator in this building?”

Rui shrugged. “Hahh... You’re a drama queen, Susumu. Don't freak out so much.”

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