《No Face, No Life》044


Rui led the way from her office. I was anxious. She walked ahead of me, and I belatedly noticed her approaching it.


She pressed the button by the elevator. I stared at the elevator in horror. It seemed to be the only way we could exit the building. My knees started knocking and Rui looked over her shoulder, noticing the clicking noises my knees were making. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not going back in there! I nearly died several times there, already!” I stomped.

She laughed. “Noh-nuts, this elevator was inspected recently. They haven’t leveled it, but it’s very safe and sound. The cable is in good condition, the motor system is also in good condition. It’ll scream a bit when you go up or down it, but honestly, I love it.”

I was taken aback by this statement. “You... love this elevator?”

“Yeah!” She beamed at me. “The thing screams all the way up and down! There’s nothing more appropriate for the entryway to my office, since I deal with cases regarding spirits and yokai! It sets the tone wonderfully!”

“Y-you’re actually a loli psycho, aren't you?” I accused her indignantly. “What kind of clientele will you keep with this kind of an elevator?!”

“It’s called finding a silver lining in a situation! Why not enjoy it?” Rui giggled.

“How can you enjoy something like this? Are you masochist? A thrill seeker?” I took a step back from her.

“Yup! It’s fun,” she squeed. I wondered which one of those she’d chosen to describe her best. ALL OF THEM? “Don’t you think, hmm... no... you clearly don’t. Well, anyhow, the eighth floor can only be reached by elevator. There are no stairs leading up here and down, except for the fire escape. If you’re so nervous, you can climb out the window by my television and scamper down it, but I guarantee..."


The elevator shrieked as it drew near, cutting her off. The elevator made especially loud noises this time. Maybe my slamming into it had damaged it beyond salvation. The gate rattled like the chains of hell itself as it slid to the side.

Rui resumed her rambling, “On top of all that, there’s an extra wonderful noise which you can only hear on this floor. Because this gate here isn’t oiled frequently. Just enough to maintain the noise and its function! One day, the maintenance man had failed to oil it for a week. It was an oversight, but a lovely one! It creates this wonderfully mysterious atmosphere! Isn’t it amazing? I specifically requested him not to over-oil it.” She started to cackle like a witch. I flinched and shivered.

“Ohohohoho! It truly frightens gutless people. It calls to mind the kind of noises ghosts are supposed to make by rattling their chains, and that delightful slamming! Anyhow, if you want to show me your courage, you’d best step inside with me.” I gaped at her and backed against the nearest wall, my heart thudding.

“I can see the mood-setting is very effective on you!” She giggled, waiting, but when I didn’t budge, her eyes narrowed. “Hmmm… don’t waste my time. Anyways, I need to know how much courage you can muster in a pinch. How about an ultimatum.” Her grin widened at that as she nonchalantly stepped inside and reached to punch a button. “If you’re not inside here with me by the time the door has closed, I won't ever call you by your name. I’ll refer to you constantly as ‘noh-nuts’ all day long.” She beamed.

ONI!!! I hesitated. She punched a button inside and gave me a little wave with a little mocking smile. The gate immediately started to rattle like demonic chains.

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