《No Face, No Life》031


The girl standing in the crooked elevator was short. She appeared to be about sixteen, more or less. She wore a skirt with a black tee shirt and looked like a casual gyaru, due to the makeup she wore. A bit of eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. Her eyes were a chocolaty brown. Dark hair spilled about her shoulders, like dark cresting waves. My eyes fixed instantly upon her shirt, the kind that cries for attention with important special messages, such as ‘oppai’.

Sure enough, a strange message was scrawled upon it. The writing was white and highly stylized, like calligraphy. As artistic as the characters were, the message itself was less inspiring.

‘I’m not weird. I’m just yuri. Seriously?’

It made me think a bit of the pun I’d read on the tissue container. The implied sense of humor sucked. More importantly, aside from that, I noticed her chest was as flat as a brick wall. She’d felt like one when I’d accidentally run into her. I couldn’t help but comment, and while I intended to be more tactful and comment on her shirt, my brain overloaded instead. And what came out was...


It came out very loudly, echoing off the walls.

Her annoyed expression shifted instantly to something far darker and more sinister. She’d gone from cute vaguely pissed-off girl to a rampaging dragon in an instant! I could practically see flames wreathing about her whole body. She charged forward and I felt as helpless as when I faced Noh-face. I was frozen by my terror. When she reached me, she flashed me a smile.

I blinked, stunned for a moment. Then she drove her leg up powerfully, and her aim was very good, to my dismay. Her foot landed firmly between my legs, to produce a noise like a rubber band snapping.


“Baka!” she yelled as her leg arced powerfully upwards.

It was like a moment of deja vu. I went flying from the force of a brutal kick which sent me flipping backwards as though I was a sentai ranger. Did they get kicked in the balls? Lights flashed through my vision as pain flooded my body. I blacked out as I struck the far wall. The pain from slamming against the wall paled compared with the kick.

I’m not sure how long it was before I recovered from her attack. I hurt all over. I was terrified I’d become a noh-balls on top of being a noh-face. Huddling against the wall, I waited for the pain to fade. My whole life was entirely upended in a moment. This time I was the victim of a small girl. I had it coming, though. After a while, I managed to get to my feet, but my legs were low-powered jackhammers. I could barely support my own weight on those over-soaked noodles.

Whether or not I’d become a yokai, I still had a very mortal weakness. I knew I’d have to be very careful in the future. I felt like a child saiyan whose tail was grabbed and squeezed. Could any man overcome this natural weakness? Bowlegged, I strode back to the elevator, my teeth champing. I was certain I wouldn’t see the girl in the elevator again. I punched the button more forcefully than I should have. This time I heard something snap. Knowing I’d done a bad, I winced, looking down to see the plastic case of the button snap down the middle away from my finger’s tip, falling down on either side. The halves clattered loudly on the floor. I wasn’t sure what to do about the damage, but on the upside, the button should function.


My head swiveled back and forth as I sighted up and down the hallway. I hoped nobody else noticed the demise of the elevator’s button. Thankfully, no one was in sight. I heard no one, so I hummed anxiously as I waited. The elevator returned slowly. The gate rattled again and slid open. It looked the same as before, but to my imagination, the floor might have been a bit more slanted. I hesitated, but finally stepped in myself. If the girl had the courage to ride up, I could do no less. In other words,

I won’t lose to a violent loli dragon!

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