《No Face, No Life》030


I shook my head, thinking this idea might not have been the best course of action. Ironically, after I reviewed the address in my mind, I considered that the office I was heading to wasn’t too far from my work building. It made sense, given the advertisements which were being passed around there. Given how lazy their advertisement campaign seemed, not to mention as abysmally crude their website was, it followed they’d not go far from their office.

Despite all my anxiety, I saw nothing untowards. My fear was for naught. Children stared at me, and a few even grinned. The car itself affected me profoundly. I’d felt no strong feelings regarding trains in general, but even now I was traumatized to the point where anytime I could barely go near one. Simply put, I prefer taxis now. It was only necessity which forced me to board it despite crippling terror I fought. My fear wasn’t even as bad at that time as it’d grow to become.

When the train came to a stop at another familiar station, I was relieved as I disembarked safely. Rushing out of the station, I ignored everyone around me. My cape flew like a banner behind me as I rushed. By the time I neared the detective’s office, my path took me through several major intersections, along busy main boulevards, which normally I avoided under any conditions. Speed was crucial.

My cell phone confirmed that my location was correct. It indicated that I was near to my destination. Checking the address I’d punched in ahead of time, I was sure I’d come to the right building, but then I frowned. The building was old. The rent must be extremely cheap.

“Shinohara Spiritual Detective Services -- 8F,” I mumbled. It probably meant more stairs. Too many on top of all this running I’d done. I wished I could wipe the sweat from my head, but thankfully no matter how I felt, I could still see clearly. Yet, the suit felt like a sauna. I looked up at the building and saw signs painted on the windows.


Cafés were advertised for, an occult store, massage parlors, a pachinko business. High up on the highest floor, I saw a far less professional sign: SSDS. There was nothing else up there. Surely there’d be a few other businesses on the same floor.

“Oh, Kami... please let there be an elevator... I beg you..." I complained as I headed into the lobby.

There was no genkan for this building, I supposed they’d all have their own individual ones. Dashing up and down the hallways on the first floor, I finally spotted a rickety-looking elevator bank. The metal was etched and aged, and the button was cracked and chipped. I wondered how old this building must be, or if they just didn’t take care of the premises.

I gingerly pressed the button, not wanting to damage it any further. It looked as though just a poke might fracture it, but it didn’t. It lit up, and above the elevator a lever moved. It was incredibly ancient. Elevators hadn’t been made like this one for a very long time unless it was a stylistic choice. At least the decor at either side spoke loudly of someone regularly maintaining this building. Two ficus plants stood proudly on either side, looking very healthy. Just seeing them gave me a bit more hope.

When the elevator dinged and slid open, the door made from wrought iron rattled in its tracks as it slid open. I winced, inspecting the interior and what I saw scared me. It was stained and the floor was slanted. It hadn’t been adjusted or tuned for quite a while, not that I’m an expert in such matters. I could clearly see my death within. I’d seen movies where whatever cables operated them snapped suddenly, causing the elevator to come crashing down.


Oh, Kami, please let me ride up alone and safely. Two people riding on it at once would probably surely result in my demise and theirs! I’d not found a staircase, otherwise I’d have opted to climb instead. There must be one, since according to fire safety regulations there should be at least an emergency exit. Probably.

I stepped inside, but instantly, I collided with something hard. I turned my head to look. I was pinned against the doorway. Scanning my surroundings, I saw nothing. Before I could think to look down, something slammed against my head.

“Idiot! Don't you see when a cute girl is close? I was first!” True. I hadn’t looked down. “What kind of chauvinistic moron are you?!” a cute voice shrieked loudly. For the first time since the train, my eyesight was impaired. It flashed black and sparkled! I gasped and squirmed. When I stepped back I could see my assailant clearly, more or less, and gasped.

“F-FLAT!!!!” I exclaimed loudly.

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