《Elrich Saga Yellow Springs Book One》Chapter 27 A Sticky Situation


Chapter 27 A Sticky Situation

The morning came with three more dead wolves to add to my inventory. Illia was giving her staff and odd look when I got up, and one of the wolves was pretty much crispy fried.

“Wow, it's almost as if you got stronger overnight,” I commented to both Illia and Crue pointing out the wolf then gave then a 'look'. Please, get my hint guys.

“I'd say,” Sturgis boomed. Lord, he was a morning person too. “It's amazing was a night sleep can do for someone's strength.”

I gave a side eye to Illia and she nodded that she got the message. Well, let's hope she understood and wasn't just nodding in agreement to Sturgis. I think Crue got my hint as well because he smiled and fingered the end of his bow.

“One of the wolves used paralysis. Even though we've been taking them out from a distance, I sort of panicked and used more power than I meant too,” Illia explained. That was probably the crispy-fried wolf. We probably wouldn't be getting any money from its hide. Since she cooked it, the gallbladder was probably done for too. Well, we'd still get the money for killing it.

“I guess we've been rather lucky that more of them haven't used it. Remember my first day in town Lotte?” I asked her as she approached.

“Arggeltal,” Lotte muttered pushing her bedroll and collapsed tent at me. She grunted when I took them. Well, she wasn't a morning person at all. It could be argued she was worse than me. Her hair had fallen out of her braided bun in the middle of the night and it looked like a rat had made a nest in it.

In contrast, Illia's hair was neatly braided and pulled out of the way.

“Raraggal falrf,” Lotte muttered and she unbraided and brushed out her hair.

“Leave the grumpy bear alone. She'll wake up soon,” Sturgis commented on Lotte. We sat in a circle, mugs of water and Crue's pastries for breakfast. Lotte took some of the water from her mug and splashed it on her face.

“Is the situation the same as yesterday?” Sturgis asked me. I guess by this point we all sort of agreed he was the leader. Even though his little brother was technically in charge.

“The Death Bees are even further west. If they keep going, they might reach the lake shore by mid-day. There isn't anything around the honey hive. The monster has wondered a few miles east and north of that hive. It's the only thing I can see in that area. Looks like everything else is hiding or ran off.

“I doubt we'll see any more wolves. They are all mostly south of us at this point. There are some groups of people engaging them, so the adventurers are already out.”

“We can't worry about the wolves right now. We now have two goals,” Sturgis held up two fingers. “One, we clear out that hive. Two, we find out what the mystery monster is.”

“Three, we don't get killed,” Lotte muttered.

“That's not helpful,” Sturgis chastised her. “Perhaps a brisk run in the morning air will wake you up? Alright, we all set?” He looked around to make certain everything was packed up.

“Then let's go,” he levered himself up and began to stretch. Lotte and I both groaned at this, but we followed.

The hive was situated around a bunch of natural rock pillars. There was a small cave formed by two overlapping collapsed pillars. That was where the Death Bees had set up their hive. The surrounding area was littered with fresh and old corpses. It was a boneyard, similar to what a bird of prey might have around their nests.


I could see how sneaking up on the nest would be a fool's errand. It was impossible not to step on bones and make noise. If there had been any bees in the area we would have alerted them immediately. Then we'd be killed. Why anyone would take on that risk was beyond me.

Lucky for us there were no bees. We could just walk in and take what we wanted. Clearing out the hive was harder than I expected though. Each honeycomb hole was the size of a person's fist and the wax covering it was thick. You had to take your knife and cut open each hole individually and scrape out the honey with your knife.

I had some empty jars and buckets. While I could just add the honey into my inventory without it being in anything, that didn't help the others who were collecting it with me. They needed something to put it in before they brought me their full jars or buckets. The plan was to purchase some jars and pots when we got back to town. I would then fill them with the 'loose' honey in my inventory.

It was sticky work. It didn't matter how careful we were, we had to reach into the holes and scrape out the honey. It got all over our hands. That meant whatever we touched got sticky too. We were all a mess. Lotte even had a bird crest hairdo going on. She must have touched her hair with her sticky hands. It was very 80s punk rock of her.

I was working my way up and down my area of the hive. In some areas, the honey had greenish-amber color. In other areas, it was more like a blood orange. On Earth, I knew that different types of honey could be produced. There wasn't only the mostly sugar version in the little bear bottles. There was wildflower honey and sage honey that were both great in their own ways.

Not many people realized that whatever the bees made their honey out of, it changed the flavor of the honey. Heck, I'd once read an article about bees making blue honey because they were near a candy factory and were harvesting the candy waste. So I couldn't help but wonder what the different shades of the Death Bee's honey was made from. Considering they hunted and ate meat, I didn't want to be trying the blood-orange honey.

I did taste a little of the greenish honey. It was sweet but had a grassy flavor that was both slightly bitter and refreshing at the same time. It was good honey, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't tell the difference between this honey and normal honey. Perhaps I was too much of a plebeian, or perhaps the appeal for it wasn't in its taste but in its rarity.

I was getting to a dryer patch of hive. Some of the honeycomb wasn't waxy at all but rather felt like thick construction paper. These dry bits didn't have any honey in them at all. I skipped these, but there was one area in the middle of the dried bits that still had some waxy coating. I figured if I'd just peel off the thin outer layer of wax and see if there was any honey salvageable in this dry area.

It turned out that this patch was actually just one large honeycomb hole. About the size of a dinner plate rather than someone's fist. I peeled off the outer layer and looked inside.

I immediately jumped back with a gasp. Holy Hell, Screw and DAMN! I tried not to breathe not to move, become a tree. Trees don't get killed, BE A TREE. What was I thinking? Trees got chopped down. That didn't help me with the baby Death Bee that was currently trying to crawl its way out of the hole I'd made.


Run? Should I run? No, don't move. Don't scare it. Oh, I needed to breathe. Slowly, a little bit of air. Don't gasp it in dammit.

The little bee scooted out of its hole butt first then fell to the ground. It lay there in the middle of a bunch of castoff papery wax bits. It didn't move. Neither did I. BE A BUSH! No bushes died too. Shit.

Was it dead? Did the fall kill it? I checked my map. No, it was still alive and thankfully not hostile. Why wasn't it moving? It should be moving right? Was it napping?

“Now is not a good time for you to nap, little dude,” I whispered standing on tiptoe, hoping to get a different angle to see it from. Nothing happened when I spoke or moved.

I moved a little closer to it. It didn't move, closer, nothing, a little closer. I was finally standing over top the baby bee and looking at it. It was certainly alive, but there was something wrong. Its wings weren't right. I didn't know anything much about bugs but I knew that something was wonky in the wing area of this baby.

I think panic and perhaps pure dumbassery were to blame for what I did next. Certainly, there was nothing logical to explain it. It's that urge you get to help small things in trouble. See a puppy limping along the side of the road, you pull over and help it. Only what I was doing was similar to helping out a baby rattlesnake. dumbassery.

With the very tip of my index finger, I touched the bee. It was soft and fuzzy, not what I was expecting a bee to feel like. Then I activated Healing Hands and tried fixing the wings. You could bet I kept an eye on my map, the dot remained green, not hostile. I took this as a good sign and focused on the healing. After all, it was just a baby, and maybe my cutting open its hive slot is what caused this. If I had left it alone this baby probably would have been able to fully grow into a terrifying minion of hell.

The wings twitched. Mayday! I backed away as fast as I could. I watch the little guy. Its butt began to wiggle and its wings twitched some more. Then it was up and hovering. It did a few small circles then landed again. Was it ok? Now that it was moving I wasn't going to go near it again.

It wiggled around some more and was facing my direction. I checked the map, still green. To be cautious I began to slowly shuffle further away. I put my hand out in front of me in a hopefully calming motion. Good bee, nice bee, just fly off to find your friends and we'll all be happy.

The bee buzzed its wings and began to hover again. I froze, no sudden movements. That's when the bee flew towards me. I had hoped that it would go past. No such luck. It landed right on my outstretched arm.


Eh? There was this fuzzy tickling feeling on the top of my wrist. Wait, what on earth was that thing. From between its mandibles came a Cthulhu looking tongue. It was eating me!

No, it was licking the honey off my hand. It was being very thorough about it too, getting between each finger. It crawled around my wrist forcing me to turn my hand palm up so it could get to the honey stuck there. After it was done with that hand, it sat there looking at me. Was it looking at me? It was hard to tell, but I offered up my other sticky hand and the process repeated.

When my right hand was clean, I began to slowly fill my palm with the honey I'd stored in my inventory. The little guy was hungry. Hungry people were cranky, it stood to reason the hungry bees were cranky too. So feeding the bee would make it less cranky.

“Good bee, eat up little dude,” I whispered more to keep myself calm than to the bee.

There was a sudden gasp from my left. I turned and Lotte was standing there. She'd froze when she saw the bee. She looked sick like she was going to faint.

“It's ok,” I whispered so she could hear. “It's just hungry and I'm sure when he's done he'll leave. Don't do anything stupid to scare it.” Well, I was the stupid one, but I didn't feel like right now was the time to get into that.

She nodded and backed away, Soon she was around the corner, presumably to tell the others about my possible impending death. In a short while, I spotted Crue, Sturgis, and Illia taking peeks at me from behind the rock outcropping.

“It's ok,” I repeated. Hopefully, they'd believe me and not scare the baby.

After a few more minutes of my feeding it honey, it buzzed its wings again. Oh, good it was done. It took flight and circled me a few times. I absorbed the honey left in my palm back into my inventory. I followed the flight of the Death Bee and I froze again when it decided that it wanted to land on my head.

What the hell? I couldn't see it on top of my head! Not being able to see it left me feeling even more uneasy. According to the map, though, the bee was still a nice, not hostile, green. Then the bee began to buzz. Like a little massage on my scalp.

Wait, was it...purring?

*Skill Gain- Monster Taming- Death Bee~

*Skill has automatically leveled up to 7 due to successful taming of Queen Death Bee~

*You Have Gained a Companion Creature. This creature's name is currently Little Dude. Would you like to change this now? Yes/No ~

Hold on now, what? Monster taming? Queen Death Bee? What in the hell is a companion creature?

*Companion Creature- A creature that is a companion. Useful pet.~

Useful pet? Could someone even make a bee a pet? My thoughts were spiraling. People didn't just walk around with baby Queen Death Bees on their heads. Shit, was it really a Queen with a big q? How did that work? Wasn't she supposed to fly off and form her own colony or something? What did I do?

“What have you done,” a scarily familiar voice said from directly behind me. I turned and there she was in all her goddessy glory, or not. It looked like she'd been hit by a truck and then jumped into a fire. She looked like a heroine of a post-apocalyptic movie. Dusty, bloody, dirty, clothes torn up, and hair a complete mess, still managed to make blown-up chic work.

“Thank you for the compliment, but I am dealing with a crisis situation and you just can't stick to any of your future paths can you? Not one. NOOOOO You have to adopt a baby DEATH BEE! Do you have a suicide wish, because this is clearly a suicidal thing to do!”

“Um, my lady, maybe yelling isn't the best thing to do right now?” Crue staged hissed from around the rock pillar.

“You can come out from there. This idiot just made this creature his companion. Nothing save a direct attack on him, or it, will trigger its animosity. Think of it as a fuzzy hat,” she turned back to me. “You see, unlike you, your friends have some damned sense. Every time we turn around you're doing something contrary to your fated lines. Just when I think I can deal with something else, you go and pull this!” She waved her hand at my head.

“I didn't plan this,” I defended myself. What was she going on about fated line? Did she mean like in palm reading? The old man Durmond had already taken a look at my palms.

“Not palm reading you dolt. Your fate! Every being has a number of possible futures ahead of them. At any given point everyone has literally dozens of futures they can choose from. Those are paths of fate. Every action you have can, to some extent, be predicted. You, however, just don't want to pick the fated paths that are already predicted for you. Noooo. You have to go out and do something completely outside our predictions! Care to explain yourself?” She crossed her arms and gave me a glare.

How was I supposed to know anything about the future, fate lines, and paths? While I agree that this bee thing stemmed from some serious lapse in judgment, from my perspective I was just doing things as I've always done. She hadn't complained about it before? Was she just grumpy because she had to be taken away from her Mad Max movie?

She looked like she was going to zap me into ashes, but then her face relaxed. She gave a sigh and touched her forehead.

“You couldn't know about it. Up until this point, I've actually found it amusing how you are throwing off all of Esaias' predictions. You got him in quite an agitated state. I like watching my stoic brother show some emotion for once, but this time even I think you've gone too far.” She crossed her arms and tapped her chin examining me.

Who was Esaias?

*Esaias- God of fortunes and prophecy and gambling. One of the twelve main deities.~

Oh, It was good to know someone had been looking out for me.

“I've been looking out for you! Why do you think I'm here!” Amoris puffed out her cheeks in an angry pout.

“Besides you and Edomael of course,” I added to my thoughts. It was inconvenient at times for gods to be able to read thoughts.

*Incoming Message. Please check your inventory.~

I'd do it later, she'd know if I wasn't paying attention.

“Anyway, for the most part, your unpredictability has been largely beneficial so far. Most especially for the people around you, but every time I get a notification that you've gone off the predicted path I worry. Papa would kill me if I didn't at least scold you for acting like a moron,” She paused. “Do you feel sufficiently scolded? I'm usually on the receiving end of this sort of thing.”

“I know what I did was dumb, but I can't explain why I did it. Something just overrode my logic and I acted without really thinking. I am sorry you were worried,” I apologized. I was sorry. It did seem like she had been in the middle of something and my idiocy took her away from that.

“Don't be sorry for inconveniencing me, be sorry you almost got yourself killed.” She reached out and flicked my forehead. It caused the bee to buzz, or was it purring, louder than it had been. Amoris smiled at the bee.

“That's right little one. He's yours. I'm glad you're willing to take such good care of him.” Amoris reached out and pet the bee. At least that's what I thought she was doing. I still couldn't see the top of my head, but I felt the slight shifting of the bee and assumed it was getting petted. So it really was friendly?

“Of course she is,” Amoris chuckled. “From her perspective, you are her hive. Her family. She will protect you fiercely.”

“Shouldn't she fly off and get her own hive with a bunch of other bees though?”

“She's a true Queen, even if she is only a baby. She secrets pheromones that will attract other Death Bees to her. You'll soon be the Pied Piper of Death Bee's because of her.”

I shiver of alarm tingled up my spine. Oh, Shit.

“Don't worry, give me a second to explain the workings of the human world to her.” Amoris held out her hand and the baby bee crawled onto it. Amoris stood there for a long time just staring at the bee.

It was such a long time, that Crue, Lotte, Illia, and Sturgis went back to honey collecting. Feeling unproductive just standing there waiting, I went back to work too. I gave me some time to come to terms with my new pet. They all had something to say about it when they came to me with their full jars and buckets.

“I was so worried it would sting you. I'm sorry I didn't know what to do,” Lotte apologized.

“Every time I turn around you surprise me with something else. Don't scare me like that ok?” Crue was half amused and half scolding.

“When I saw that bee in your hand...” Illia trailed off and looked like she was holding back tears. I must have really scared her. Guilt washed over me all over again.

“Good thing I was here to witness this,” Sturgis nodded to the goddess and the bee. “Otherwise you'd never bee allowed back into the town.” He slapped my back, “Get it? BEE? HA!” He chuckled at his really terrible pun. “No, but seriously I didn't know you had the tamer skill, when we get back you will have a stack of paperwork to fill out and I have more dispensations to give you. We've had tamers in the town before, but I've never heard of anyone taming a Death Bee. Can it even wear the Tamer Collar?”

“Tamer Collar?” What new thing was this that I had to worry about? He gave me that look that I had come to know quite well recently. The 'is this guy an idiot' look.

“Tamed monsters are identified by wearing a purple collar with an identification tag.”

Oh, so it was like a dog with dog tags. Good to know. He did have a point though, how did you get a bee to wear a collar?

After Sturgis left I finally got around to checking that message.

*Dear Eri,

HA! You really showed Esaias. I think betting on you is both nerve-wracking and exciting for him. For once, he can actually lose a bet!

I don't think it's surprising that the Death Bee found you attractive. After all, you are basically showered in my power. Death God, Death Bee... I've never really thought of them as part of my pantheon, but it stands to reason that something that is a symbol of death would like you.

We are a bit busy at the moment so if you could refrain from getting yourself killed or distracting us for the next few days it would be appreciated. Not that your mundane antics in this world haven't been entertaining, we have found ourselves a bit more stretched than we like.

We only have limited omnipotence. We can't be everywhere and when shit hits the fan we have to have our focus on that issue rather than have ourselves spread out. Believe me shit has hit the fan.

Good news is it has nothing to do with you! Just don't do anything really dumb in the next few days...like tame a dragon or take over the kingdom. We just can't deal with the headache right now.

So be good.


What sort of person did he think I was? First he thinks I'm going to raise a giant army, now he thinks I'm going to take over a kingdom. Even I knew that being the leader just wasn't my thing. Besides I didn't want to deal with all the bureaucratic nonsense that came with either of those options.

While I didn't really know what I wanted to do yet, being on top wasn't one of them. I would live in Yellow Springs, learn the Surveyor job, work for the Guild, and after I'd earned enough money I wanted to travel. Leaving behind my friends and heading out on my own wouldn't be easy, but I really wanted my life to be different from when I was on Earth. I'd been reluctant to travel because of my grandmother and school. Now I didn't have either of those things holding me back.

How I was going to travel with a Death Bee would take some logistical hula hooping though.

I looked at a notification that had popped up, but that I had ignored at the time.

*This creature's name is currently Little Dude. Would you like to change this now? Yes/No ~

I had to name it, her. It was a female. Beetrice, Beeyoncé, Debbee? What did you name a bee? I was still thinking about it a few hours later. We had finished collecting the honey and were just finishing up lunch. We'd left a portion out for Amoris just in case she finished and wanted to join us.

When it became obvious that she wasn't eating, I put the food away. I wasn't complaining since Amoris was explaining human society to the bee. I was honestly grateful that I wouldn't have to worry about the bee reacting poorly to certain situations. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of silver.

“What did you do?” I asked standing up in alarm. I knew that light. That light was trouble.

“I just made it easier for you to communicate with Amisi,” Amoris said. “She'll be able to understand human speech and she'll be able to send you basic communications now. She's still a baby so don't expect anything too intricate. She'll tell you when she's hungry, tired, or wants to play. As she matures she'll get better at expressing her wants and needs to you.”

“Her name is Amisi?” Out of all that, the strange thing to me was that the bee already had a name. Giving the bee a communication Blessing seemed just about normal for Amoris.

“Yes, that's what she says. Her name is Amisi. It means flower,” Amoris smiled at the bee and scratched its back between its wings.

I entered the bee's name as Amisi in my Gamer Glass. If that's what she said her name was I was fine with it. It was certainly better than Debbee.

“Debbee? Really?” Amoris gave me a 'you have got to be kidding' look. Considering Amoris' personal tastes, I thought she was being rather judgmental. Orange argyle socks, I thought hard at her. She huffed and turned her head.

“No accounting for taste,” she muttered to the bee.

“So how do I care for a baby Death Bee?” I asked Amoris changing the subject. There probably wasn't a manual for that sort of thing.

“She'll need that honey you have stored so don't sell it all off. Save about a third of it. That should be enough to get you through these next months and winter. She'll start trying to hunt her own food soon. Small things like mice and birds. She might not be successful at first so that's why you need to keep some of the honey. By next spring, she will be old enough to start her own mini hive and begin making her own honey.”

“Wait,” I interrupted. “I know I don't know a lot about bees, but aren't the minion bees the ones that make the honey?”

“In normal hives, yes, but in monster hives, the Queen can perform all roles necessary for the function of a hive. She can solo nearly everything. However, if she ever wants to start her own hive for real, you will need to find a Death Bee hive with a high population of males. They have a tendency to die off after mating...”

“Anything else? Do I need to walk her, or keep her inside during the winter? Does she hibernate?”

“Nope, don't take her out in a blizzard with high winds or anything, but as for cold, she'll start to grow a super fluffy coat for winter. I think you would be wise to think of Amisi as a sort of odd cat. They hunt the same prey, react with the same indifference to humans, are more intelligent than they appear, a... they purr....” Amoris trailed off. “They hunt the same prey.” She thumped her fist into her palm like she'd remembered something. She completely forgot that was the first thing she mentioned.

“Oh, I already said it? Well, it's important so I repeated it.” Somehow she wasn't very convincing. She gave me a dirty look. Hey, it's not my fault!

“Anyway, you will be needing this,” She held out her hand. A purple leather harness, with a few purple jeweled studs, was dangling from her fingers. There was a purple plate attached to it. “It will grow as she grows. Death Bees have natural magic resistance, so I've made it so that this harness amplifies that. Most magic under a certain level won't affect her at all.” She paused, “I don't think I'm forgetting anything. It's a very simple magical item, but still remember to be cautious.”

I took the harness from her and read the plate.

Amisi- Queen Death Bee

Companion- Eri Veritas

Blessed by Amoris

Did all companion nameplates have this information? Why was it necessary for her to add Blessed by Amoris?

“Queen Death Bees are coveted kills. Remember just one will earn a person 125 gold. That is a lot of money and a lot of temptation for some people. If they thought it was just a normal tamed monster they might take the risk of killing her and turning her into the Guild. However, since she's been Blessed by me she isn't a normal tamed monster and anyone who tries and harms her for profit will face my divine wrath!” She looked ready to jump into the ring and pick a fight. She even held up her fist like she was about to punch someone.

“I've given her permission to protect herself and you with lethal force if need be. If it should come to that, don't worry about the legal consequences. I promise to step in and take care of it. This pass is only for defense of life. If you get into a drunken brawl where there isn't really any danger of you dying then she's not allowed to protect you.” Amoris waved her hand at me. Drunken brawl...really now.

“So I've got a fuzzy bodyguard with the personality of a cat?”

“Pretty much,” she passed Amisi back to me. “I really need to be going now. I've stayed far too long. We really are in the middle of a crisis situation and I need to get back to it. You should be fine if you just pay attention to her when she needs something. Don't get yourself killed hunting monsters. I have a bet with Esaias and I'd like to win.” Then she did her godly poofing thing and was gone.

She had a bet with Esaias that I wouldn't die from monsters. Does that mean Esaias has predicted I would die from monsters? That was certainly more than unsettling. The prophesy god was betting on me to die. Great, just friggin' great. Here I was about to go hunt and stalk a mystery monster.

I was suddenly not looking forward to figuring out what the monster was. Shit, this day just kept getting better. Talk about an emotional roller-coaster, but on the bright side, I'd made a new deadly friend.

Name- Eri Veritas

HP 3234/3234

MP 95/95

Level- 14

Age- 18

Race/Species- (Human) Unknown

Gender- (Male) Unknown

Occupation- Surveyor of Adventurers Guild

Companion- Amisi (Baby Queen Death Bee)

Exp- 5837

Physical Power- 289

Stamina- 312

Defense- 393

Agility- 574

Intelligence- 105

Magic Power- 8

Metal Rain Lv 1

Lightning Magic Lv 1

Healing Hands Lv 2

Telekinesis Lv 3

Restraint Lv 3

Paralysis Resistance Lv 3

Mind Magic Resistance Lv 1


Staff Fighting Lv 2

Basic Sword Lv 4

Skull Bashing Lv 3

Slicing Lv 1

Piercing Lv 1

Martial Arts Lv 3

Stance Lv 2

Smooth Movement Lv 2

Archery Lv 3

Spear Lv 1

Stalking Lv 1

Scouting Lv 1

Jumping Lv 1

Running Lv 3

Monster Taming Lv 7

- Death Bee

Pain Tolerance Lv 3

Deception Lv 2

Intimidation Lv 1

Poker Face Lv 1

Etiquette Lv 3

Public Speaking Lv 1

Dismantling Lv 1

Appraisal Lv 1

Cooking Lv 1

Leather Work Lv 1

Metal Work Lv 1

Replication Lv 1 (Lv 10 for Succuba Star only)

Rock Throwing





Small Talk


Party Tricks

Alcohol Tolerance

Monster Biology




Special Skills

Abyss Walker

Racial Ability-

Hidden Among the Masses- 20

Stealth- 95

Party- 10

Items Equip

Inventory Bracelet

Succuba Star

Gold- 1g 4s 09c (1409c) (6570c yet to be divided.)

Blessing 1- All Map Exploration

Blessing 2- Exp Points Required by Level Up / Current Level

Blessing 3-Exp Increase X Current Level

Blessing 4- Item- Gamer Glasses

Titles- Emissary of Amoris

Devotee of Amoris

Devotee of Edomael

Oracle of Amoris

Oracle of Edomael

Prince of Dreams

Grateful Petitioner

Lover of Leaves

Enemy of Apes

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