《The Daily Life of a Supporting Character》Chapter 4- The Shy Girl's Conflict


“....W-well, how about we end today’s class a bit earlier than usual? I’ll go have a talk with our principal about Esta-chan in the meantime.”

Everyone in the class walks out in a daze and talks amongst themselves. There was no doubt that all anyone could talk about was Cana.

I followed along with Honoka and the others, but silence was cast among the group for a long time.

“I think I’m going to go straight home today,” I said.

“Yeah, see you later Sia,” said Miu.

I separated from the group at school and headed towards home.

Even though I got a high enough MPE to be considered a genius, why did that girl have to steal my spotlight? I even tried to talk to her out of pity the other day, yet she refused my offer!

Well, let’s try to put these annoying thoughts aside. I’m pretty lucky to be so magically talented. Once I get home I’ll have to tell mother.

Pit-pat. Pit-pat. Pit-pat.

I’ve been on my way home for quite a while, but I hear something behind me. Footsteps?

It can’t be, a stalker?!

I was afraid of this. A cute girl walking home alone spells nothing but danger! Ah~ Maybe I should’ve went along with Honoka and the others.

Okay, let’s be brave Sia. I’m going to take a peek over my shoulders and see who it is. Just a peek.



Oh, it was just her? I guess we live around the same direction.

Well, this would be dangerous in another sense though.

Pit-pat. Pit-pat. Pit-pat.

Ten minutes later, I still hear the same tiny footsteps behind me. How creepy~ Do we really live that close together? I can only hope that we part ways soon.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Except we didn’t, and another 10 minutes later she was still behind me. It can’t be that much of a coincidence, can it?

Instead of looking over my shoulder, I turn around to face her.

“Hey, are you following me?”


She shakes her head no.

“Why aren’t you talking? You can’t just say a simple “no”?”


She’s gettings on my nerves…

“Speak louder! I can’t hear you!”

She flinched and started trembling. What makes her think she has that right?

I walk towards her with my eyebrows crossed and my fists curled up until our faces were inches apart from each other.

“Are you scared? Why? I’m the one who should be scared! 999 MPE? You’re a monster!”

I grabbed Cana’s collar to bring her closer to me, to make sure she would hear every word I was saying.

“Hic… hic…”

“Wanna know something? You’re not just scary, but you’re annoying too! I hate people like you! You’re quiet, you’re always looking at the ground, and you cry too easily!”

“Hic… hic… sorry…”

“Stop it! Stop crying!”

“Hic… hic…”

“...Whatever. I’m going home!”

After I said that, I dashed home as fast as I could.

“Huff... hufff... huff... I-I'm home!"

When I said that, my mother who was cooking tonight’s dinner looked back at me and welcomed me home.

“Welcome back, Sia-chan. You look exhausted. Want some water?” she asked as she gave me her heartwarming smile. I was so mad earlier, and yet when I see my mother all those bad thoughts just seem to disappear. As expected of mother!

“Huff... huff... Y-yes, please,” I said as I took a seat at the dining table.

“Did anything exciting happen at school today?” she asked, giving me a water bottle. I drank half of the water bottle in one gulp.

“Refreshing~ We got our MPE tested at school today.”

“And? How did you do?”

“I got 345! Teacher said that those with MPE’s over 300 are really strong.”

“Oh, really? Then, since you’re so strong you’ll have to protect me, okay?”

“Of course! I’ll never let anyone lay a hand on mother.”

“How reassuring. I’ll be counting on you.”

“Yes!... But mother, something really weird happened at school today.”


“Even weirder than you dashing out of the auditorium right after the entrance ceremony?”


“You know I’m just joking! Continue your story.”

“...Did you know? Teacher said that the highest MPE ever recorded was 600 MPE.”

“Yes, I know.”

“But… this girl in my class got 999 MPE. Isn’t that scary?”

“Scary? How?”

“Because… with that much magic, can’t she kill me easily?”

“...Sia-chan, although it’s true that she can use her power to hurt someone, she can also use it to save someone. For example, you’re so strong and you’ve decided to protect me, right?”

“That’s different! I know myself! I wouldn’t hurt anybody.”

“That might be true, but then why did you decide that your classmate will hurt somebody just because she’s strong? You don’t know her very well, right?”

“... I don’t.”

“Then, Sia-chan, why don’t you try to make friends with her? That way, you’ll be able to know if she’s the kind of person who will hurt someone, or save someone.”

“Okay… I’ll try. Thank you, mother.”

"Anything for my cute daughter. Ah, the food!" she said as she focused her attention on tonight's dinner.

After the talk I had with mother, Cana occupied my thoughts for the rest of the day. Whether I was reading a book, eating dinner, brushing my teeth, or going to sleep, all I could think about was that girl.

Why do I hate her so much?

“Arisa-chan is so shy, huh? How cute.”

“My daughter is always climbing trees like a monkey. If she was like Arisa-chan then I’d have nothing to worry about.”

The two mothers praised the little girl in front of them, and the girl responded with a blush.

“T-thank you.”

Arisa Tanaka was a shy girl. She was quiet, always looked at the ground, and cried easily. Because of her shy personality, she never had friends. She never took the initiative to make her own friends, and those that did take the initiative were always turned down.

She was praised for being cute, but after years of her shyness, many people thought it was overbearing and the adults were getting sick of it. Over time, their praises turned into condemnation.

“Arisa, you’re still shy? Hurry and grow up, you’re already 10 years old.”

“Arisa, can’t you be a little more outgoing?”

“Your daughter Arisa is so reserved… To be honest, it’s a little annoying.”

All those words of condemnation didn’t help Arisa get over her shyness. She tried to run away from the scornful looks by locking herself in her room. At age 10, Arisa had become a recluse.

“Mother, I’ll be leaving for school,” I said.

“Yes, have a safe trip.”

After leaving my house, I walked towards school.

I had a weird dream last night, but I can’t remember what it was about. I think it had something to do with my past life though.

“Ah,” I let out a strange sound.


On the way to school, I encountered that girl.

“... Cana? Oh wait, Teacher calls you Esta right? So your name is Esta?”


“...Then, I’ll call you Esta.”


“I was thinking about what the things I said to you last night, and I was really mean…”


“S-so… I just wanted to say…”


“I just wanted to say that I’m s-sorry.”



“My name is Estelia. Estelia Cana.”

“Estelia? Then why did Teacher call you Esta?”


Ehhh….. Teacher, did you really get her name wrong? How embarrassing.

“Well, nevermind about that. I’ll call you Estelia from now on, so you can call me Sia, okay?”


Before we knew it, we had already reached school. Before entering the school gates, I turned to face Estelia.

“A-also, your name is r-really p-pretty!” I told her before dashing towards class, leaving her behind.

Author's note: magicdownunder's list of recommendations is pretty much perfect. I've caught up to everything on the translated list. There are a few stories I haven't read in the rrl list, which I will now take a peek at. Thanks for the suggestions!

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