《Martial Morpher》Chapter 12: Fight or Flight


Hey guys I made this story do a 4 day time skip. Why, you might ask? Because I'm trying to keep this an action story, and going through 4 days of prep for the competition the MC is going to is frankly a waste of time, but there is going to be parts of the story that tells what they did during those 4 days. Also I'm starting out with a different PO.V. so don't be freak out lol.


Warning: Mature

-----1 day into the competition----

--Stealth Warrior P.O.V.—

Our team has been waiting for a good competition for a while. Lately the adventurer guild’s missions are too easy, but when we learned about this it was opportunity knocking on the door.

The 5 of us consist of me, a warrior that specializes in stealth and recon. I use daggers most of the time and also throwing knives. Obviously my armor is leather and minimal too, because I need maximum speed and minimal friction when I go in for the kill. And I do kill.

Some of my team is kind of squeamish about killing other humans but I don’t give a shit. If someone stands in my way they are no different than a goblin or an orc.

The other members are a warrior with a battle axe, another warrior with a sword and shield, and then 2 mages. The first mage is a healer and the other focuses on ice attacks and summons an ice wolf. So in all, we are a typical dungeon conquering team.

The only team I am afraid of in this competition is one named Raid Mages. I can’t tell if they are the only ones who managed to cheat the system here or not. By this I mean, all 5 are mages and all five have ridiculously strong summons, so it makes it equivalent to having 10 members in one 5 person team. 5 people and 5 summons.

Anyways now is not the time to contemplate what I do not know. Since I am the scout in our team I usually stay in the trees, jumping from branch to branch ahead looking for enemies. And I definitely found one. They look like a bunch of idiots going through a stroll in a park not even alert to who could be snooping.

Especially the guy with the long black hair and red eyes with the black suit and huge black. He’s looking at the trees like someone shit in his tea. Maybe he hates trees or wants to burn the mountain forest down?

What is really interesting is that they all have leather armor and from what I can tell there are no mages or heavy armor warriors. There is an elf with a bow which is kind of weird. Usually elves stay in their forest hugging trees and whatnot. Must be an outcast or something.

They all focus an agility and speed from what I can tell. Best to go back and report to the others about this. Suddenly I hear the black haired man speak to the only other man on the team,

“Hey Drake what do we do when find a team? Should we show mercy and ask for surrender before we end their lives?” [Black-hair, red-eyes]

The man I assume named Drake seems to ponder on the question for a moment before answering,

“Surrender? What does that mean, hahaha, first we rip their finger nails and toe nails off then we force them to make a necklace with them and then cut their feet off and make them dance like a shaman around a campfire with their tongues cut out while trying to sing about how much they want to run away but it sounds like a bunch of gurgling. Then when they can’t dance anymore, we throw them in the fire and after they are roasted we just piss on the fire and find some water too, to stop the flames from spreading and walk away. Or if you want we can...” [Drake]


He goes on for about 5-10 more minutes coming up with several sick torturing methods that make it difficult not to release my bowels in the process. I was so fixated on doing that, that I forgot to go back to my group and tell them to turn a different direction so we don’t accidentally run into these demons. My team is walking here and finally found these bastards so there is no hope.

I see them walking directly toward the demon-like group about 10 meters away. Well nothing I can do about it now. I’ll just see what our shield and sword warrior does. He’s our ‘leader’.

---Jared P.O.V.---

After we prepared in the last few days for the completion {which meant that we had to get Ally a bow which she is actually very accurate with) we are finally walking through the forest trying to find a team to beat.

None of us are really on alert since we have our ki spread out so any enemies around us will be noticed if they are in range. And speak of the devil there is a person hiding in the trees. I want to try and scare him just for fun and see if he will run away and lead us back to his group.

So I’m just going to let Drake take over on that since he needs to blow off some steam. I think he did a little too well though, since I just listened to the most awful types of torture in a total of 10 minutes.

The most scary part of this ordeal was that I spotted Tara my lovely saint looking like she was getting off on it. Nooo! My saint is actually a sadist! Or it could be masochist…but I don’t want to find out. Does she have a split personality?!

So is Ally the only normal person here? The answer is no. After Melody visited her one day, the next she turned into one of those subservient ‘Master’ people. But this is a story for another time. Our group has Tara the masochist or sadist, Drake the deranged battle-hungry bloodlust fighter, Melody the nymphomaniac, Ally the master/slave submissive personality, and last but not least, I with a demented bloodlust with an automatic on/off switch that I can’t seem to touch and only changes during a fight.

{Author’s note: You didn’t think I would make normal/sane characters right? Hehehe of course I wouldn’t. It’s no fun having mundane personalities}

Anyways Drake’s monologue worked in a way that I didn’t expect. The scout was scared stiff and couldn’t tell his friends to get the hell away from us, so they ignorantly walked up on us haha. The other 4 and the scout look like a well-rounded team and have mages. First time I will see mages, it should be dazzling.

The muscle head with the sword and shield who I infer is the leader steps up to us in a prideful way with a look of distain saying,

“Just surrender, you look like an amateur group we can wipe the floors with. Piss off.” [swordsman]

Hah, if heard what Drake said earlier he would probably be the one surrendering. I know as hell I would if I were in his shoes. Well, in his boots I mean. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the scout frantically waiving his hands to the leader like he’s drowning in water. Before he can tell the leader to stop I get Drake’s attention and nod in the scout’s direction.


Drake understands immediately what I mean and takes off towards the tree to silence the guy. Thus it starts the battle. The rest of my team don’t even need to say anything, because I move first going straight towards their ‘leader’ at high speed.

The bird-brained guy is better than I thought because he shows a surprised face for a small moment before getting into a defensive shield position.

Meanwhile I know that Tara is going versus battle-axe man, and Ally versus mage who summoned a wolf made of ice.

Back to my fight, I adapt to the first time going against someone with a shield doing a maneuver that confused the knight. After using ‘Gliding Steps’ I stop right in front of his shield and use two extra of my swords previously held under my coat.

However I am not holding them with my hands. Using my skin as a method, I extend the skin on my back like a clamp to hold the hilt and move the morphed skin along my back holding the sword towards my waist. Now I looks like my waist is the front of a stag beetle.


Think of it like having two magnets and cloth. One magnet on either side of the cloth stuck together. Hold the ends of the cloth together and pull up with the magnet and move it to different parts of the cloth. The cloth will extend out wherever the magnet is. The ‘magnet’ is the hilt of the sword, and the ‘cloth’ is my skin.

The reason I did this is because I can technically bypass the shield around the sides of it and attack the person holding the shield. The difficult part is not only hitting where I want using my skin clamp, but also making it look like I used some kind of contraption and not morphing.

Thus I hovered my hands over the skin clamp all the way until it went to my hips, to make it look like I was moving them into a holster of some kind. This is what I was practicing the last few days and it still needs a little bit of work but during a battle unless someone is specifically looking for morphing it should be fine. Which I might add, barely anyone alive knows about morphing, except for a very few amount of major scholars. Since the rift with the mages and ki practitioners was hundreds of years ago there probably is little amount of information on morphing. I still need to be careful though.

My stag-attack only managed to make a couple cuts on his thighs where his armor wasn’t guarding. It also caught him off-guard so that helped too. Seizing the opportunity, I quickly side-step to the right while inconspicuously retracting my swords to act as a ‘belt’ to guard my waist. Using the momentum of the side-step I do a sweep to the back of his legs.

I was hoping to knock him on his back with that move but it only brought down to a kneeling position, and at the same time he tried to bash me with his shield. Luckily I was preparing for that and rolled away not taking any damage. So now he has two cuts on his leg and the back of his left leg is definitely hurt. While I currently have no damage.

Noticing this he has a furious look and makes a growl while starting to stand up. Unfortunately I have other plans. Earlier I didn’t put any ki into my leg sweep, just to see if I could drop him with raw strength. Now that it didn’t work I’m going to use ‘Elemental ki’ and emit ice.

Right now I cannot shoot ice out of my body like a mage but I don’t need to. Running after my roll, I get to him before he can stand and put my index finger and middle finger together. Emitting ice along my two fingers, I quickly trace it from the back of his neck, penetrating his armor along his spine. I stop at his waist content with my vertical line of ice.

Then I absorb ki into my hand and chop three times from top to bottom of the ice, breaking his spine into small pieces. He is no longer able to move. This was done in less than two seconds even though it sounds like a long process.

After that he slumps onto the ground screaming in pain, and without any pity or feeling other than the euphoric sound of ending one’s life, I use both of my waist swords to cross-attack his neck and decapitate.

I look around and see the situation with my other teammates. Drake killed the scout who is currently bisected with both parts under the tree. Now he is holding off the ice wolf and about to destroy it while the mage and Ally are both shooting projectiles at each other. The mage keeps making ice shields to stop the arrows. Tara is still fighting the battle-axe man who keeps getting healed, and she can dodge the axe but he rejuvenates from every attack. That leaves me to take down the healer.

Right now during this whole battle I don’t have any qualms about killing a woman, and only realize what I did after the fight. Unfeeling and ruthless is me right now. Happy-go-lucky is my attitude outside of fighting.

Understanding that once the healer dies, the Battle-axe man will later die, I ‘glide’ over to the woman and end her life. I at least don’t intend to drag it out like their ‘leader’ before. I punch her stomach, knocking the wind out of her, disarm her grabbing her staff and skewer her heart. Making it a quick kill.

Now that she is dead, Tara quickly dispatches the battle-axe man, and joins the others thus ending the fight successively.

Again, only later do I realize that I killed a woman. One of the things that will haunt me in my dreams. From a peaceful life in the woods on Earth to a battlefield.

However it is kill or be killed out here.

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