《Providence of Wisdom》Chapter E10: Information Gathering


Chapter E10: Information Gathering (Effinshia's POV)

Turns out Vidya was a light eater huh? I never would have known. She’d always eat anything and everything that I gave her, so it was quite a shock when she said that she was full after that little bit of food that she ate.


The lock to a cell opened up and I entered inside. I was currently in a dungeon. The same dungeon that I broke Vidya out of a few days ago. It seemed that after our escape, the mobster moved the other slaves somewhere else. In a hurry too at that. I hover Kirin, which was glowing bright blue over a mark. Blood marks. Not just one mark too. Many. The slaves must have been forcefully dragged into this particular cell, pointing out to me that something’s up with this cell.

I knocked on the walls of this cell and focussed on the sound it made when I tapped it.

*Knock *Knock *Knock *Clack

One such tap revealed something hollow behind a section of the wall. A trap door?

I searched the cell further to find some sort of switch or trigger. Having not found any, I simply resorted to brute force. I slammed my hand infused with mana onto the wall. The body-strengthening skill ‘Sledgehammer’.


The impact bore a hole in the wall and what revealed to me was a decently sized path leading out of the dungeon. Squeezing through the hole, I made my way into the tunnel, walking slowly through the mouldy and musky pathway. Walked and walked, until I reached a set of stairs that led to a cellar. Much like the one that I used to enter this dungeon.

I cut off the flow of mana to my partner and slowly opened the cellar. It didn’t seem to be locked so I pushed it further and peaked out of the cellar. In front of me, was a completely empty room. There was no one and nothing here. Fully coming out from the dungeon, I started to investigate the empty room. Nothing noteworthy was found, so I went towards the door that looked to be the exit of this room.


The door opened, and a bright flash of light assaulted my eyes. I let my eyes adjust to the sudden change in lighting, before seeing the area in front of me. It was a courtyard of sorts. An empty and conspicuous courtyard that was hidden from view by the tall buildings that surround it. The place looked to be completely abandoned though. Like it hasn’t been used in years. Various skid marks could be seen on the floor.

But some of the skidmarks were new. I followed the trail and it led all the way to the main road, where many people could be seen walking about. It was then the skidmark blended in with the other skidmarks on the main road.

So the slave traders brought the slaves out to the courtyard and escorted them via carriage to another place.

“A dead end,” I said to no one in particular. What a waste of time that was.

I took out stopwatch to confirm the time before proceeding to walk towards the gathering point the kids told me yesterday.

Time to move on to another lead.

In a very classy pub, was me sitting down at a bar facing towards a certain displeased bartender; a confident smile on my face, a sour look on his. The young rogue told me that this bartender has 'the dirt’ on everything in town. The kids said they tried to get information from him yesterday, but it ended up badly. Said group of kids were right behind me. Everyone except Vidya looked rather tense and ready to flee the scene.


The bartender had his eyes locked on to Vidya who was covering her face underneath her pointy hat. I did tell Vidya to hide her face as much as possible so we don't call for unwarranted attention. Though, if this bartender was half as good as the rogue said then it is most likely that he had already figured out Vidya's identity.

"Hey barkeep, I hear you got information about everything in this city," I said to the bartender with a smile.

"Get out, we don't serve outsiders here," The bartender threatened me.

The abrupt sound of chairs being pushed away was heard as several large men stood from their seats. The kids behind me got even tenser.

"Hey barkeep, what kind of drinks do you serve here?" I asked the bartender. My smile didn't falter one bit.

"Are you deaf? I just told you we don't serve outsiders,"

Not giving a reply, I pull out a small sack and placed it over the counter. I then slowly opened and let out the contents of the sack on to the table counter. It was several dozen or so gold coins. I did not miss the slight widening of his eyes.

"Woooow, I'm feeling sooo thirsty. I don't really drink alcohol so I'll pass on that. Though, I am in the mood for some fresh orange juice to quench my thirst," I said with a smile, my voice exaggerated for effect.

"Ma'am, this is a tavern. If you want juice then go to a restaurant. Now please leave the establishment."

This guy is pretty expensive. The big scary looking men started walking closer to us. How intimidating.

I pulled out a few more sacks of gold and placed it on the table.

"Ma'am. I don't know what you are trying to do but we don't want any problems. Would you please leave?"

I put more sacks of gold on the table. "What do you mean? I just want some fresh orange juice. Maybe a little bit of information,"

"Look here Ma'am. I don't know where or how the rumours started, but this is not that kind of place. I don't sell 'information' alright. Bob!" The bartender called to one of the big men. "Get them out of here, they are disturbing other customers."

"Yes, boss." The big man said before reaching his hand out to me.


I took out the remaining sacks of gold that I have and poured out its contents on the table. Several hundreds of gold and silver pieces.

*Clink *Clink *Clink *Clink

Everyone's face of surprise and astonishment could be seen.

"So?" I asked the bartender. An unwavering smile on my face, "about that orange juice."

"Bob!" The bartender shouted.

"Yeah! On the way boss," The big man who was about to 'escort' us responded. He started grabbing me by my shoulders and tried to drag me away.


"We ran out of oranges, I need you to run to the nearest store and get some. Fresh ones!"

"I'm sorry?"

"Didn't you hear what she said? The respectful madam wants those orange juice. Now!"

"Yes, boss! I'll be right back!" The man said before rushing out of the place.

"I am so sorry kind madam, these guys don't know a thing or two about respect. We'll get that orange juice for you, don't worry." The sour bartender was now full of smiles. "You said you wanted information? I can't tell you much, but if there is anything you want to know, just ask. I'll do my best to answer,"



“Well, for starters...” I pulled out a map of Luth E’ll and placed in on the bar, “What do you know about the slave traders in the city?”

The bartender took a while to think about the question, “Not much, other than the fact that there’s been an incident recently regarding them,”


“Yeah, the big tornado incident. It happened down south, near the gates. I heard quite a number of gang members were severely injured. Most of the slaves they held were freed by the guards when they arrived, but it seemed that there was quite a few that got moved to another location”

Yeah… I know about this one. I was there myself.

“Any Ideas where might these other locations be?”

“Nope, if I knew then I wouldn’t be a barkeeper now, would I? I would be a detective instead,” The bartender replied as he wiped a glass cup.

“Are you sure you aren’t just lying to us!” Lanarya suddenly came up to the bar and shouted at the bartender.

What is this girl doing?

“You could be one of them!” Lanarya accused the bartender.

The Bartender raised his voice, clearly not happy, “Look here, young girl. If you got proof that I am working with those slave traders then bring it to me. Else, do you mind letting us adults continue our talk?"

"Muuu… but, but..." Lanarya backed away after.

"Sorry about that," Scorch said as he pulled Lanarya away from the counter.

"Back to the topic at hand…" I said, "Do you know of any suspicious groups? Misbehaving merchants or just ruffians slash mobsters and the like?"

"No to misbehaving merchants. But there was a bunch of mobsters appearing near the market district recently. The guards re-doubled their patrol on the area after the tornado incident. You can't find them anymore,"

Tsk, the incident that I caused a few days back is giving me lots of trouble. I knew I should have investigated more before I broke in.

“No luck huh?” Tyle said behind me.

“Figures. If it was that easy, everyone would have found out about the slave ring,” Ride replied to Tyle.

No, I’m asking the wrong questions here. I need to think like someone who would be selling slaves. If I have a whole bunch of slaves, what would I need to do to make a profit?

It’s obvious. I will need to find buyers and a way to transport slaves without getting caught.

“Can you list down all the places one can store carriages in the city? A whole lot of them. Also, can you list down any secluded areas surrounded by tall buildings?” I asked the Bartender. “Excluding this, this, this, this and this area.” I pointed at separate areas on the map.

The courtyard that I investigated this morning, the park and all the places inaccessible by carriages. No point searching the courtyard and the park, I’ve cleaned that place out. Places not accessible by carriages were definitely a no. If I was a slave trader, I want it to be discreet as possible, that would mean minimizing the contact that the slaves have with the outside world.

“Hmm?" The group of kids was perplexed by my sudden question and crowded around to look at the map. Even Vidya was curious and was no longer trying to hide her face.

What are you guys doing? Let me do my thing... Kids these days...

Unlike the kids behind me, the bartender seemed to have caught on and had already started to mark the map based on my criteria. With a pencil, he marked the places with precision.

"If we are talking storage then it has these areas." The bartender marked three different areas, each one of them connected to the main roads. One particular area caught my interest. The adventurers guild.


"I'm not too sure about secluded areas, but these places fit your bill," he pointed out a few more areas, marked differently from the storage areas.

"These places don't look too secluded to me," Ride commented.

"That's the point kid," I told him.

Ride analysed the map further. But I could tell he doesn't understand the thought process here. I'll have to explain to them later.

"Hey Barkeep, is there a place in the city that—" I asked further of the bartender about various other things. I drew as much information from this Bartender as I could. The kids only observed the talk between us with interest.

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

After a while, I've gotten all the information I needed to conduct a proper investigation. On the map lies lots of crossed-out markers, all except a few points of interest that weren't crossed out. These were places that I find the most suspicious.

I took a sip of the freshly made orange juice and quench my thirst. The bartender didn't disappoint. I expected just freshly squeezed out oranges, instead, he brewed me a non-alcoholic concoction. Finishing the juice, I folded the map and stored it within my pouch, "I think that's all, thanks for the help barkeep,"

"No problem Kind Madam I hope you have a nice day," the bartender said with a business smile.

"Come on guys, we got a city to search," I said to the kids and they responded accordingly.

"Oh right! One more thing," I leaned forward over the counter, "Is there any sighting of an Oni or an Arachne around? Or anything related?" I whispered in such a way that only the bartender could hear it. Unlike previously, my tone was deep. I was not playing around anymore.

The bartender noticed this and whispered back equally as serious, "I don't know of any Oni's or Arachne, but I did hear there was a suspicious swordsman with two swords walking about. They stop appearing after the incident with the tornado."

So the Oni had already fled. Or perhaps she was just hiding until things calm down in the city.

"I see. Thanks again for the help," I said as I left the premises, the kids followed behind.

"Are you sure it's okay Miss Effinshia?"

We were just sitting down in a restaurant somewhere to grab lunch when all of a sudden Ride asked me a question out of nowhere.

"It was half your reward for the Kruu Leaves request and you just use it all for that barkeep," he said.

So that is what this is about?

"It's worth it. Besides, I don't particularly care about money. I could always get more if I need to."

It's not that hard for someone like me anyway.

"If you say so, then I won't object," Ride responded.

"It still hurts to know that you were willing to throw several hundred gold coins just like that." Kranis the rogue said. His voice a bit dejected. I would even say annoyed and angry.

"Oh? You suddenly care about the money now Kranis?" Ride teased the rogue.

"Come on Kranis, I thought you said you wanted to save those poor people. Surely a person of your conscious can accept that." Scorch added on.

"Yeah, our kind leader, surely you don't care about the money, right? It's all about helping those poor people," Tyle joined and teased the rogue.

"Also, It's her money Kranis. She can do whatever she wants with it. Besides, we managed to get quite a lot from the man, more than whatever you got anyway," Larnarya did another blow to the young rogue

"Kuh" Kranis flinched, unable to respond back.

This group is a riot. Even Vidya was laughing silently at their banter. It's good that's she's feeling better now. This Vidya was much better than that crying mess a few days back. I made the right choice in dragging her here, she needed to focus on something else than her brother. Meeting these guys was also a boon. I think Vidya will get along just fine with them.

"Alright, enough talk," I clapped to gather their attention before laying the map on the table, "I need you guys to split up into several groups and search through these areas,"

I pointed at a series of locations on the map, "I need you to check for excessive skid marks or suspicious people walking about. I'm talking people that wear like hooligans or mobsters or just shady people in general."

“I’m sorry if I sound rude. But why these areas?" Tyle asked me.

"Yeah, I don't really understand. These places just look like random areas to me." Ride commented.

"If you have lots of slaves you need lots of carriages to transport them around. To either keep them captive somewhere or to bring them to sell to people."

It wasn't necessary that they use carriages to transport them around, there are definitely other methods. But I doubt that’s the case, seeing from my previous clues and investigations. Carriages were definitely their mode of transport.

Then again there was also the fact that they need to transport them to buyers. It could be that the buyers personally go down to the dungeon and select for themselves. Again, highly doubtful. Wouldn’t one want to showcase their goods properly? I don't see why would they do so in a dark and smelly dungeon.

"I see…" Tyle said, "What about these areas then?" He pointed to the other markings, the ones not related to the carriages.

"Hey, kid. Just say you have fifty younger siblings, and you are in charge of taking care of their every basic need, what would you do?" I asked the boy with the glasses.

"That's an odd thing to ask..."

"Just answer the question."

"I would need to secure a lot of money, I guess, I’m going to need it to buy lots of food and a place to stay— Ah!"

Looks like the boy finally understood. Slaves need food, they need shelter and the slave traders need muscles as well. To keep them alive so they can sell them to buyers. It’s not enough to just be alive, you will want to keep them in their best condition to sell to potential buyers and do it as cheap as possible.

That was what I asked the bartender to mark. Places where you could buy lots of food in bulk— places that could be used as storage. Not necessarily a place to store humans, but store clothing, and other things like slave collars and stuff. I also asked the bartender to mark places where one could get easy access to mercenaries or thugs for hire.

“This is well thought out…” Scorch commented.

“It’s nothing special. You just need to connect the dots.”


“Don’t get too excited. There is a chance that I’m completely wrong about everything,” Not that I think I am, “also Vidya, Lanarya. I need you two just stay in the inn and lay low.”

“Eehhh!? Why?” Lanarya shouted in dissatisfaction.

“Fuehh? We’re not coming with you Sis Effy?”

“You are too high profile of a target right now to do these kinds of jobs. The last thing we need is people figuring out who you are and causing a scene. Even worse if those slave traders found you.”

“Oh… alright," Vidya answered, a little bit dejected.

“What about me? I want to help too!” Lanarya asked.

“I need someone to protect and accompany Vidya here. I can’t exactly ask the guys to be with Vidya alone now can I?”

“Eh? Why not? I think Scorch will make a good protector.” Lanarya asked, her head tilted to the sides.

“Wh-why? Because, it will be awkward, won't it? A guy and girl that just met in a room for the whole day…” I answered to the blonde girl, who still seemed confused at my answer.

‘Either way,” I placed my hands on Lanarya’s shoulders. “You are the only the only one I can trust with this Lanarya.”

“Yo-you really think so, Miss Effinshia?”

“Of course,” I said back with the utmost appreciation.

"I'll, I'll do my best!"

That and I don’t think Lanarya is suited for these kinds of jobs.

There were a lot of points of interest on the map so it took us several days to investigate them all. I say we but I all I did was ask the kids to search the other areas while I investigate the one place that I found most suspicious. It was just insurance in case my deductions were incorrect.

The five things that I focused on during this investigation were

A place to store the mode of transportation. A secluded place to showcase the slaves to potential buyers. A place to buy food to feed the slaves. A place to shelter the slaves. A place to hire mercenaries, thugs or just manpower in general.

There was only one place that has all five of these facilities close enough to each other.

The adventurer’s guild.

Didn’t think that they would operate right under the adventurer’s noses, but It makes sense really. You could store all the carriages and horses you want in the storage area of the adventurer’s guild. You have a multitude of shops and traders around the area to buy food. There are tall buildings all over the place in this district, it will be easy to just purchase one secluded one to use for nefarious purposes. Such as sheltering slaves. The adventurers guild also rents rooms and small buildings to be used for private talks. I’d assume this is where they ‘showcase’ their slaves. It just fits.

The only thing that I couldn’t explain is where they get their manpower from. Sure, it’s the adventurer’s guild and that one can just request adventurers for escort quest and what not. But what about the dirty jobs? I don’t see how they can hire adventurers for that. Not without risking being exposed.

Nonetheless, I am very confident that one of the slave traders hideouts was located here. All I needed to do was investigate the secluded area. And so I did. Results were instant, I immediately found the place and as I predicted, I found the slaves and the underground slave ring members walking about. I could do things the way I did it the first time, but I got a feeling that this isn't the only hideout they have. I wanted to do it the right way, so I investigated everything I could. All their potential escape path, their ring leaders, the place where they held the captives, the places that any carriages that pass by this hideout go too and many others. Investigate I did, for four days.

It was the night of the fourth day that I finally found all I need and sprang forth the next step in my plan. I got the rest of the team(bar the girls) to stop investigating the other areas and asked them to gather in secret around the secluded area. I told them that “I’ve found a suspicious enough place and that we should ‘Investigate’ it further,”

It was a lie, of course. I’ve already got all the information I need. I just need them as proof to enact the next step of the plan.

“I see the carriages coming,” Kranis said to the rest of us.

Using the cover of the night, We monitored the hideout from a room in one of the tall buildings. Ride, Tyle, Kranis and Scorch together with me, just watching the slave traders from above.

It was as Kranis says, much like the first time I encountered these guys, heavily armed carriages stopped right in front of an inconspicuous building. Afterwards, the people there dragged the slaves inside into the building. Slaves of various races, but mostly females.

“This is… pretty horrible,” Ride commented, his face rather pale.

“Yeah,” I responded.

“Think the requester is in that building?” Scorch asked, looking at the scene below with anger.

“I don’t know,” I said, not mentioning the fact that the requester that they were looking for was right here.

The boys didn’t say anything else after that. We just stared at the sight of slaves being dragged into a building. Watched until the last slaves were moved into the buildings. Even after the carriages left, they just stood there staring without saying anything.

“Come on, let's get out of here. We won’t find anything else of value here. Don’t want to get caught and let them get away,” I moved to the exit.

“Aren’t we going to help them?” Ride asked me.

“Not yet. We can’t do this alone, I need you guys to contact the adventurers guild to raid this area."

“The guild?” Tyle asked.

“Yeah, the guild. You guys mentioned that the guild master himself requested this of you right? I’m not part of the adventurer’s guild so I’m not so sure how things work. Just tell him about this place or something. I’m sure he’ll know what to do from there. Getting the guards involved wouldn’t be that bad either.”

“Yeah, that will be the best move I guess,” Ride said as he walked towards the exit too.

“One more thing.”


“Don’t mention about me or Vidya. I don’t want people swarming over Vidya for the platinum coin. She’s in a tough spot as it is,”

“Oh, alright,” Ride responded and the others nodded.

You know Ride, I only told you why I didn’t want Vidya to be known to the guild. There wasn’t any real reason to keep my identity to the guild hidden ya know? Geez, I feel so bad for leading them like that. Chalk it up to their inexperience I guess.

I’ll make it up to them one day. For now, I’ll leave the talking to them. Slipping away from their sights, I made my way towards a certain empty courtyard. The slave trader’s escape route. There I lay in wait for an ambush. Waiting for the raid on the hideout to begin.

It was about a few hours after sunrise when I heard rowdy noises coming in from the direction of the hideout. It looked like the raid has begun. Not long after, I could hear carriages being brought into the courtyard and I could see several men running about frantically and getting prepared for something. It was obvious what they were trying to do though. I got myself in a ready position, waiting for someone to come out of a certain building into the courtyard.

Lo and behold, they did. The door burst open and a bunch of rough-looking men came out of it. With them were lots of slaves walking behind with chains tied to their feet and hands. With haste, they started to load the slaves into the carriages. I didn’t act.

Not yet, not until I find a suitable target.

I scanned and observe a group of people in front of me. Searching each and every person there. Searching for someone who looked like they would belong in the upper echelons of this wicked organisation.

“Jackpot,” I muttered. Found him.

My investigation these past few days have brought me knowledge of a certain mobster that talked with the oni that night. It seems that he frequented this hideout from time to time. I honestly didn’t expect the person to be here, but I’m not complaining.

Having my fill of the situation, I wore the cheap mask that I bought from some shop and sprang into action.

“Frost wall!”

I stabbed Kirin to the ground and large blue lines appeared from the ground a distance away from me. The path to the main road.


A large wall of ice rose from the blue line, completely sealing the slave traders inside the courtyard. Without wasting any time, I immediately dashed forward. Towards the mobster.

“Yo guys, good job on the raid.” I raised my free hand to greet the four boys just standing idly talking to each other.

“Oh, there you are, old hag. We got a bit worried when y—” The rude rogue greeted me for a while before stopping. His eyes wide like the ocean.

It wasn’t just him either, the other boys also had a dazed look.

“Umm, Miss Effinshia?” Ride raised his voice.


“What is that?” Ride pointed towards my right hand. The hand that I was using to drag the unconscious body of a certain mobster

I threw the body towards the boys. Each one of them did step one step back from the body. “Don’t worry, he’s not dead. It was a mobster that was giving orders to the rest of the slave traders. I thought that maybe he would have more information.”

“Information? Information for what? Is busting this hideout not enough?” Tyle asked.

“Enough?” I let out a small laugh. “Kid, this hideout is just the peak of the iceberg. We still haven’t caught the big guy, the one calling all the shots. This guy will help us find him.”

Scorch went over and touched the man before letting out a sigh of relief. “Shouldn’t we be handing him over to the guards?”

“Later. After we interrogate him.”

“In-interrogate?” Ride asked

“You know, rough them up, a little question here and there—”

“No, I know what an interrogation is…” Ride started at the unconscious body, “Where did you even get the guy from?”

I gave the boys one of my prepared stories. “I grabbed him in the confusion during the raid. Come on, pick him up. We need to find an empty room where we can beat the crap out of the guy. Preferably a room that’s wide and out of earshot.”

“Oh-ohh...” (Ride)

“Alright…” (Tyle)

“Sure…” (Kranis)

“Ok….” (Scorch)

The boys nodded and reluctantly carried the man.

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