《Providence of Wisdom》Chapter E9: Closure! Not Revenge


Chapter E9: Closure! Not Revenge (Effinshia's POV)

The two self-proclaimed gods were nowhere to be found in the cave nor could they be found in the areas around Cezza. True to their words, Artemyst and Gordiron did not harm the villagers nearby nor have I heard of any more deaths in the caves down south. Though I do worry about the lack of their whereabouts, it will have to suffice. There were other matters that I need to solve while I was still in Cezza.

The curse of the purple skin and another… more personal matter.

There are three parts to a curse. The curse itself, the source, and the condition. What do you want the effect of the curse to be, how does the curse spread, and what is the condition to unravel the curse. The more specific and straightforward the condition, the more potent the curse. Anything that is too restrictive like a curse that can only be unravelled by the curse bearer will also result in a less potent curse. There are exceptions, of course. Some curse may not correspond to some of these rules, or even at all.

From what I can see the purple skin is a continuous curse that causes a black shroud to ravage the bodies of children while leaving some sort of purple rash. The condition to break it is to simply provide Kruu leaves, something specific and straightforward. So then? What is the source?

It has to be that Arachne statue.

I stood still under the light of the morning sun, staring at one such object in an area near the adventurer’s guild, right under a tree. Korva always dreamed to be an adventurer, it would make sense for him to visit this place once every so often. It would also make sense for children to come to the adventurers guild naturally.

This Arachne statue, the oni, and the mobster. What are their connections with each other? The black shroud that surrounds the monster statue also had an uncanny resemblance to the shroud that the unknown figure I fought in A’bell had. More importantly, what were their goals? Why kill innocent children just to make money? Or was the curse’s purpose more than that?

Questions, questions, questions. But always no answer.

I let out a sigh.

Just like with the other statue in Luth E’ll, I used the spell breaker skill ‘Dist to Rapt’ and destroyed the black shroud floating over the statue. I then brought the statue to a place far far away from civilization before breaking the tainted bauble into pieces and burying it deep within the ground. Not before memorizing the Arachne that the statue was modelled after at least. Who knows, might come in handy.

“Let’s hope this will the end of the purple skin in Cezza,” I said out loud to no one in particular.

No response as always. But I could feel it. Everyone’s sadness. Kirin’s, Justicar’s, Torarias's, Armageddon's, and shockingly, even Stopwatch’s.

Letting out a soft smile, I made my way back to Cezza, not forgetting to grab a few edible herbs along the way.

I’ve been taking care of Vidya for quite a few days now. I’ve seen all of her at this point. The way she sulked and the way she griefed, her burst of anger and her intense breakdown at seemingly random times. She was the true definition of the word ‘emotional wreck’. But just like her younger brother, Vidya soon calmed down and accepted her situation. After that, she mellowed and warmed up to me. Fast. Too fast if you ask me.


Though, It wasn’t like I didn’t warm up to her at all either. I knew they were two different people, but I couldn’t help but link the similarities between Korva and Vidya. Truly siblings those two, from the way they complained about my shitty cooking to the way they were interested in my sword skills. To the way they cheekily mock me. Their childish tantrums when things don’t go their way.

Vidya in my eyes was basically a grown-up female Korva. Wiser of course, but the same.


The door to Korva’s room opened and I entered. The view of a very clean but empty room entered my sights. On the bed was no longer the boy, just thin air. Aside from the bed lies a desk, and on the top of the desk were a bunch of drawings. Drawings of what looked to be a gang of adventurers travelling the world. I walked over and picked up one such drawing from the desk. It put me to shame. The boy’s drawing was miles better than mine.

In one of the drawings, was a figure of a man and a witch fighting a large spider. The man drew out his sword in a single flowing front, and a large crescent blade manifested in front of him.

In another drawing was the figure of a very mystic looking swordswoman holding a short sword and woman with long hair and glasses, holding a square-shaped item in her hands. They were fighting what looks to be two mysterious entities. These entities resembled a reaper. One blue-eyed, holding a scythe and one red-eyed, shooting out a beam from its bony fingers.

In another drawing was a group of people fighting what looks to be a really big wolf, one of the swordsman fighting the wolf was stuck on its side and in the middle of the drawing was a very large arrow speeding towards the wolf’s head.

The people in the drawings looks familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.

I didn’t recognize any of these drawings here before either. It must have been very recent. Looks like the boy didn’t just sleep quietly while I was gone. What a shame, if he couldn’t become an adventurer, he could have certainly become a painter. The boy had quite the imagination too. I paused for a short while to take a look at the rest of the drawings before gathering all the pieces of drawings and stacked them together neatly in a box.

I then took the box and walked over to the next room. Vidya’s room.


The door creaked open and I entered without asking for permission. In the room was the sight of a young girl in her early twenties sorting out the multitude of books on the shelves and on the floor. Unlike the sorry sight that I found her in the dungeon a few days back, she now looked exactly like what the fairy showed to me. A girl wearing a pointy hat with wizards robes. Cheap farmer girl clothing underneath it though. Her complexion was definitely better than the day of Korva’s death. She was no longer crying randomly out of nowhere, but one can still see her sore eyes and the bags that resulted in prolonged periods of crying.

“That’s everything I could find in his room,” I placed the box on her bed.

“Umm, Thanks Sis Effy,” She spoke softly in a regal tone.

Effy, the moniker that she gave to me. Says that my name was too much of a mouthful for her to pronounce, and calling me lady, like Korva did, was disrespectful so she just shortened my name to Effy. Cheeky brat, least Korva didn’t have any trouble pronouncing my name. And to be completely honest, I prefer being called ‘Shia’ or just ‘E’. That’s what my friends refer me as anyways.




Just like with Korva, silence fell upon us. Vidya’s full focus on sorting out the books. I let out a sigh before asking a question to Vidya, breaking the silence.

“So… what kind of books are you bringing him?”

“The ones with the Supremes, maybe a little pop-up book here and there. He likes those the most. I believe this one was his favourite. The story of the Supreme who knows no defeat. Victory.” Vidya pointed to a book on top of a stack.

“I see,” I said, observing the stacks of books next to Vidya. That’s quite an amount there. “What about you?”

“What about what?” She asked back.

“Which book do you like the most? Which Supreme? Is it Dimensyona? The Supreme of dimensions? I heard of her, but I don’t really know what’s her story. I think she was a witch too?”

She let out a wry smile “Ehehe, Is it that obvious? Um yeah, she’s my favourite. The Supreme of dimensions is a master of space magic. With her staff, she can create pocket dimensions and move around to wherever she wants at will!”

“Ohh? She sounds like a hard person to catch, or fight for that matter.”

“You bet she is! She can teleport to anywhere she wants with one swing of her staff. Any person who dares challenge her will soon find themselves chasing after a phantom! I heard that not a single Supreme was ever successful in defeating her.”

She may be undefeated, but running away from a fight is not the same as winning you know.

“Heeeh, sounds like a fairytale to me, can a person really teleport around non stop like that without any trouble? Heck, without running out of mana?” I said to Vidya, feigning ignorance of my knowledge of the supreme.

“It’s the truth! She really does exist, I’ve heard rumours that she was spotted in Makaran the other day. A witch with black clothing teleporting around alongside her servant the Supreme of Maids. One of the people there even spoke to her, she said that she was under the journey of gathering spices from all over the world. What do you think? Pretty cool huh?”

These members of the world race… really do whatever they want huh.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t see value in exploring if all you do is just teleport there and come back, sounds like a pretty lame story.” I mean the journey matters as much as the destination right?

“That’s the best part! Most of the time; travelling is the boring part anyways, it’s always stretched out and so repetitive. Who would want to read about that?”

"Hmmm, you got a point I guess?"


What is this feeling of Déjà vu?

“Her stories are the reason why I learned how to use magic. One day I’ll master space-time magic so I can be just like her,” She smiled and her eyes lit with determination for the first time in days.

I couldn’t help but smile seeing that.

In an empty garden lies the tombstone to a once cheeky boy with blue hair. The garden now cleared of all the withering crops. In front of the tombstone is a large hole; above it is an average looking coffin with Korva’s body in it. His body preserved by ice magic within the coffin. I made the coffin with my own two hands. To me, it was the best coffin in the world and I would not accept any less.

I placed the box full of Korva’s drawings and belongings inside the coffin. Vidya followed suit and placed down her choices of books and the rest of Korva’s belongings. Once done, she just stood by the coffin and stared at Korva. Doing nothing, but stare.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to ya know,” I said to Vidya.

She shook her head before giving me a reply, “No. I’m the one who has to do it.” She then gave the boy one last stare before departing a kiss to Korva’s forehead. Backing away a few steps, Vidya started casting a spell; magic circles appearing underneath her legs and rings of magic circle appeared on her hands.

Taking a deep breath, she then spoke loudly, “Oh, earth spirit. I Vidya Vis Cezza request of thee, to claim the body of my brother and return him to nature whence he came from,” Her voice strong and clear. Vidya then waved her hands in a circular motion.

The earth grumbled and the coffin starts to descend into the large hole. The ‘earth spirits’ slowly swallowing Korva’s body. Once the coffin fully entered the ground, Vidya began the second verse of her spell. Dirt started to fill the hole, bits of pieces of the earth slowly covering the coffin. A few slow and hurtful seconds later, the entire hole was covered. The burial was complete. My eyes never left the scene. I never stopped looking, and so did Vidya.

“The deed is done,” She announced. Magic circles dispersing into the air.

Both of us stared into the tombstone, melancholy in our hearts. The tombstone of Korva Vis Cezza.

Vidya looked fine, up until the point where she started putting her hands to her mouth, “I’m going back inside… I’m so sorry, I thought I could—” Vidya turned her back to the grave.

“It’s okay,” I told her, understanding her pain.

“I’ll be in my room… I need some time... alone,” Vidya said as she walked swiftly back inside the house. I did not miss the quiet sobs as she walked past the door.

“Looks like it’s just you and me Corn Boy,” I said as I walked up to the tombstone. “I kept one of my two promise at least.”

Yes, my other promise to the boy… I promised to show him the grade eight skill ‘Cross Infinity’.

“Don’t get too angry will ya? I promise you’ll see it one day.” I said to no one in particular. I know nobody will hear my words, but it does make me feel better.

It was then that I sensed a presence in front of me. I scanned the area in front only to see a few glowing balls of light fluttering about. Fireflies? I took a closer look and saw that they were actually miniature humanoids with butterfly wings attached to their backs.


They approached and danced lively around the tombstone, doing somersaults and barrel rolls in mid-air. Each time their wings flapped, dust of magic particles flowed down the grave. Once done, they waved to a certain direction. In the direction they were waving at, one could see a whole bunch of other fairies carrying a flower each, a dandelion to be exact. They carried it in such a way that it looked like the wind was carrying it. One by one, the fairies laid the dandelion onto the grave, before joining the dance with the others. It was a majestic sight to behold.

As the fairy dance was going on, one fairy, glowing slightly brighter than the others arrived. It looked to be the leader of this group. It carried with it a drop of nectar. Wait a minute, this fairy...

“Old man?”

The moment I spoke up, the other fairies went into a panic and started to flee from the area.

“Wait, guys, don’t go!” The fairy holding the nectar shouted to the others with a high pitched voice.

The other fairies didn’t listen to him of course. They just dispersed back into nature where they came from. Leaving the old fairy alone.

“Ahhh! Look what you've done!” the old fairy yelled at me as he puts the nectar onto Korva’s grave.

“Sorry, I didn’t think they will get scared like that,” fairies are often playful and cheerful creatures, I didn’t think they would be so… jumpy.

“After that stunt you pull in the garden and in the caves, every fairy in this town is afraid of you young lady!” The fairy pointed at me with his small fingers.


Ah well, I’m glad to see the fairy all okay. I was wondering where he went after I came back from Luth E’ll.

The fairy circled around me for a while which I followed with my eyes, “So you can see us fairies! I knew it!”

“Yeah, I guess I can."

“How’d you do it? I thought only pure souls are capable of seeing us in our true form?” The fairy asked as he flew around me.

You’re trying to say that I don’t have a pure soul?

“Let’s just say I have very good eyes. Anyways, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a few days and then suddenly you come here bringing friends to dance on a poor boy’s grave. Such poor misconducts," I commented sarcastically to the fairy.

“Hoh hoh hoh, don’t jest with me. You know how we fairies pay respect to the dead. To end things with a smile is a great honour!” the old fairy said to me.

“Yeah, I know.” I crouched to meet the fairy eye to eye. “How was the boy’s last days by the way?”

“Truly happy. The child’s last days were very fulfilling and ended with a smile on his face.” The fairy said excitedly to me. “Everyday, the child would ask me to tell him stories of the outside world and so I did. I don’t know everything that’s going on out there, so I just tell him half-truth and half lies. Ah, I hope you don’t mind me using your face for that.”

“It’s alright, I don’t really mind.”

The fairy then continued on about how he told him all sorts of stories, and in return how Korva dreamt of all these epic fights. About how he would spend time drawing the adventurers he had in his dreams.

“The last few days the boy had was as if he was never sick at all. He only smiled as I told him the stories. Although, his brightest smile was when you bring over Vidya to meet him one last time. For that, I thank you, young lady”

“I see...I’m glad to know that,” I replied to the fairy.

Having done telling me the stories, the fairy then looked towards the tombstone. I followed suit and both of us stayed silent for at least a minute to pay our respects to the boy.

“There is a story that goes around the children in this region, you know?” The fairy broke the silence.

“What story?” I asked.

“You see, the children in the region are often told stories where kind fairies will come to children during their time of need and bring them away to a happier place”

That sounds… pretty depressing.

“During my last moments with Korva, I could tell that Korva truly believed you were a fairy that was sent to help him. It was probably why he was able to accept his death so easily.”

Is that why Korva was so quick to accept me?

“I see… So, what are you going to do now?” I asked the fairy of his future plans.

“I’m thinking of going back to my home. The grove of Titania. I haven’t gone back there in about forty years.”

“Aren’t you going to watch over Vidya?”

“Mmm. No, I don’t think so. Vidya can take care of herself. Besides, I think she’s in great hands right now.”

I gave a soft chuckle, “I see.”

“I have to go now. I need to find the others and say my goodbyes before I leave the place.” The fairy perked up and started to flap his wings aggressively.

“Then this is goodbye then. Thank you by the way, for taking care of Korva during my absence.”

“I thank you as well. Also, cheer up young lady. You’ve done a good job bringing happiness to the child! Farewell! I hope we meet again,” The old fairy said and flew off into the distance. I waved the fairy goodbye before staring back onto Korva’s grave again.

Good job huh? Then why I wonder, do I feel like absolute shit. I let a boy die when I could have saved him. It’s not easy to feel good about it.

I let out a sigh before placing a coin onto Korva’s grave. My last gold coin.

“May you rest in peace Corn Boy. I’ll continue that adventure of yours.”

I stood out of the door to Vidya’s room, in my hand is a wooden bowl filled with edible herbs, mixed into a paste. The room was full of books and grimoire, the residence of a witch. The witch in question was on her bed, hugging her knees and just staring out the window. Her eyes were a little bit sore. She must have cried for a while.

“You alright there?” I asked the witch as I entered the room.

“Yeah, I’m fine now. Thanks for- Urgghhhh not that again.” She let out a displeased moan when she saw what was in my hands.

Letting out a sigh, I said: “It’s either you eat or you go hungry, so stop complaining.” I passed the dreaded bowl to her.

Vidya just grabbed the bowl with a displeased face. “Why can’t you cook something that’s actually nice to eat for once,” Vidya said as she took a spoonful of the paste and ate it. Visible cringe on her face as she tried to swallow it.

“I’m too lazy, and I don’t have money to buy real ingredients. Besides, it’s not like there is any place to cook in this house anyways,”

Vidya only gave me a deadpan stare as I gave her my reasons. Don’t give me that look girl, whatever money that I had left, I used to make that coffin for your brother. Good quality wood ain’t cheap. I ignored her stare and sat down on a wooden chair next to her bed. “So? What are you going to do after this? Sell the house? Travel to a grand city to further your studies?” I asked her the big question.

“I don’t think anybody is going to buy a house with a grave in the backyard,” She retorted.

I only shot her a disapproving glance. Vidya, noticing that I was serious then took some time to think about the question,

“I don’t know… but I don’t think I’m going to sell the house. As painful as it is to stay here, the house represents the only memories I have left of my family.” she replied.

“You aren’t seriously considering becoming a farmer now? I think you are a very talented mage, it will just be a waste to throw away all that effort.”

Self-learning all that magic at an age so young. It’s no easy feat.

“I… I don’t know. It’s just so hard for me to think about it right now. I don’t know what I want to do.”

“It’s not really that hard. You don’t even have to think far, just start moving forward.”

“Moving forward…” She mumbled. “What about you then, Sis Effy? What are you going to do after this?”

Well, the first thing I’m doing is getting you back on your feet.

“I’ll continue my journey to explore the world I guess. Maybe find the true reason behind the attack on A’bell and the truth behind the purple skin. So I’ll probably head to Luth E’ll to beat the crap out of those slave traders that captured you.”

“Heeeh. You’ve got everything all planned out. I’m so jealous. Ah… that must mean that we are going to have to save goodbye right...” Vidya came to the conclusion and looked downwards in sorrow.

“Don’t go making up your own conclusions, Vomit Girl. You’re coming with me as well,”

I may not be able to help Corn Boy. But, there was another child I could still help at least.

“Eh why? Also, stop calling me vomit girl, it’s Vidya.” she sent me an annoyed stare.

“Don’t you feel angry knowing that your last few weeks with Korva was basically stolen from you? Seeing that I am going to beat the crap out of them, you might as well join me in beating them up. Also, I’ll call you whatever I want.”

And then there was the matter with the Oni and the Arachne statue. Though, I didn’t tell Vidya about it as I didn’t want to overwhelm her.

“Ehhh. That’s quite unexpected,” she told me.

“What about what is unexpected?”

“No… I just thought that Sis Effy would be… Shouldn’t you be telling me not to go for revenge instead?”

Revenge? Whoever said anything about revenge?

I stood up in a dramatic pose. “NON NON NON! This is for closure! Not revenge!”

Once again, Vidya gave me a deadpan stare.

“Now fast, chop chop! Eat and pack up, we leave now!” I forcefully took the wooden spoon of her hands and started to force the paste down her throat.

“Ehhhhh? Today?! But that’s too- mmummnmm- urghhhh” she grimaced as the spoon full of healthy herbs entered her mouth.

Taking a carriage to Luth E’ll would be too slow. Not like we have the money to pay for the ride anyways. So, just like before, Torarias will fly us to Luth E’ll. We entered the jungle and found a secluded enough location. I then prompted the sleeping tiger on my head and Torarias soon transformed into a large white bird with tiger stripes. Torarias let out a roar before lowering itself to the ground so that we may climb it.

“Umm, Sis Effy?” Vomit girl asked me.

“Hmm? Yeah?”

“I didn’t really ask before because you don’t seem like you want to tell me about it. But that hat and the coat are Soul Weapons right?” Vidya put an emphasis on the term ‘Soul Weapons’.

Oh right, I never really did explain to her about Torarias and Armageddon. “Yeah, they are.”

“I see… This is my first time seeing one. How does it work?” Vidya moved forward slowly and carefully tried to touch Toraria’s bird shape head.


Using its beaks, Torarias slightly pecked Vidya’s forehead. Probably angry that she called it an ‘it’.

“Ouch!” Vidya backed away from the white striped bird. “I don’t think this is a really good idea! Maybe we should find another way.”

“Why are you getting scared now? You’ve ridden on Torarias before, this time should be no big deal”

“She looks scary! What if she drops me or bite me or something?”

Torarias? The thought of a small tiger cub trying to bite someone flashed across my mind.

“Don’t worry about it, Torarias only bites me.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better!”


“Come on, we don’t have all day,” I got up onto Torarias before extending my hand towards Vidya.

Vidya tensed up her body and kept her eyes on Torarias. “Ummm, nice girl, nice girl…” She slowly walked up to me and grabbed my hand, which I pulled swiftly. Vidya was now on top of Torarias.

“Take care of me Torarias,” Vidya said as she adjusted herself on the top of the bird.

“Grrrr,” Torarias only responded with a growl.

“Make sure to hold on and watch out for your tongue, the journey could be a little rough,” I warned Vidya.

“Alright,” Vidya said as she hugged my body tightly from behind.

“Ready?” I asked one last time before we depart.

“Yeah, I’m read— aaaahhhhHHHHHH!!!!!” Vidya’s hysterical high pitched screams resounded as Torarias surge upwards to the skies without waiting for her to reply.


This tiger...

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