《Providence of Wisdom》Chapter E8-2: Acceptance of Failure


Chapter E8-2: Acceptance of Failure

(Effinshia's POV)

Using the cover of the night, I approached the building and searched for ways to enter it. The ruffians were currently transporting the captives into the suspicious building via the main entrance so I cannot possibly enter from there. Not if I want to do this unnoticed. I’m not necessarily opposed to violence, but I want to at least confirm Vidya’s existence before doing something like that. There was also the matter of the slave’s safety.

I moved around the building, looking for the backdoor or any hidden entrances. There were a few, but all of them guarded by a patrol or two. My luck didn’t run out, however, as I spied one of the windows on the second floor completely open and unguarded.

Jumping and climbing the wall as silently as possible, I entered the building from the opened window. Inside, is a dark room that smells of rancid ale. I didn’t fail to notice the few men unconscious with their mouths open on the floor—empty mugs of beer next to them. They probably passed out after drinking too much.

I explored the room further and found a few pieces of gold and a set of keys lying around on the table. I swiped it without any hesitation before proceeding to exit the room, taking note to not wake up the passed out men. I felt no guilt about it and I needed the gold anyways.

Keeping to the shadows, I roamed the building further. It was relatively easy as everyone seemed to be asleep at this time of the night and most of the patrols were outside the building rather than the inside. Without much effort, I soon explored most of the rooms on the second floor. Results were roughly the same as the first room I entered. Either the rooms were empty or it contains a few people sleeping. One of the rooms had a bunch of gold coins that I had no qualms taking.

Looks like I’m done with the second floor huh. Where was Vidya being held? What is the most likely place for a bunch of slave traders to keep slaves captives where no one could find them?

In a dungeon of course. The fact that no one had tried to come up to the second floor after all that time I spent searching around was proof enough that the slaves from the wagons were being transported underground.

I quickly and quietly moved to the stairs in order to reach down to the underground dungeon. My progress was halted by the sight of ruffians still transporting slaves on the ground floor. I couldn’t move without getting myself caught. With no choice (other than to blow my cover) I just stood by the stairs— hidden from view, waiting for the chance to move.

The various slaves were being dragged into an opened cellar. Most of them looked very young. The human ones at least. I couldn’t exactly say how old were the other races without closer inspection. Still, to be able to capture Ten’hims and Ak’hims and even Elves meant that these slave traders must be either a very powerful group or had a very powerful supplier.

It felt like an hour passed before the ruffians finished transporting each and every last one of the slaves to the cellar. The slave traders then locked up the entrance to the dungeon and disperse slowly. Some of them went up the stairs, but I hid myself on the sides, the jet black colour of Armageddon acted as a camouflage for me in this dark building.


Once all of them had dispersed I quickly moved down the stairs onto the ground floor and got to the front of the cellar. A very basic ward lock preventing me from opening it. I took out the set of keys that I got from the second floor and tried to unlock the cellar by fitting in each key into the lock. I wasn’t sure if the correct key was in this set, but it was worth a try anyways. I hate lockpicking in the dark and breaking the lock would just make too much noise.


Looks like lockpicking will not be needed tonight. I slide the lock aside and slowly opened the cellar without making much noise. I then slipped into the dungeon and slowly close the entrance above me. I drew out Kirin and started to pump mana into it. A soft blue glow came out of the sword, illuminating the area.

I could see well in the dark, but not that well. Unlike the floors above which was dimly lit by the occasional candles, the underground tunnels were pitch black. walking through the underground passage, I soon come into view of a wide hall with lots of jail cells. Each one of them filled with people chained against their wills to the walls.

I am outraged by this of course, but I kept calm and just walked through the hallway. The slaves that were still awake saw me and the blue glow coming from Kirin. Some of them just ignored me, some others looked towards me in disgust and anger, some others just did nothing, the willpower in their eyes long gone.

To be honest, I had expected them to make an uproar by now, but strangely enough, all the slaves just kept quiet. They probably thought I’m with the people who imprison them. I can’t blame them after seeing how rough they were treated when they were moved into the dungeon.

“H...elp…” A weak voice called out to me from one of the cells.

I took a quick look at the person in question behind the cell. It wasn’t Vidya. No, it was the sight of a young catgirl reaching out for hope.

My chest tightened as I saw this. I wanted to help her. I really do. I moved on regardless though, ignoring her plea for help. Make no mistake, I’m here to find Vidya— not to be a saint and save everyone. I’ll come back for them later, but finding Korva’s sister takes priority.

One by one I searched the cells and scanned each and every person in them. The conditions in which these people were kept in disgusted me. In these cells, they weren't’ living people but rather objects. Objects that haven’t been kept well and just tossed aside.


Just staying down here irate me to no end. The shaking wavering shapes of Armageddon and Torarias showed that they too were just as angry. I’ll make them pay guys, don’t you worry.

The dungeon was wider than originally thought. It took me quite a while before I managed to find what I was looking for. Yes, behind the bars of this cell was the sight of a young woman in her twenties with short blue hair tied in braids. Countryside features with clothing as if she was a farmer, short pants and a plain shirt. She wasn’t wearing the robe or the pointy wizard hat that the fairy showed to me, but I wouldn’t mistake those features for anyone else. She’s basically what Korva will look like if Korva was a female.


Unless I’m getting tricked by a doppelganger, the girl in front of me was without a doubt Vidya. She’s currently asleep with her hands chained to the wall, her chest swaying up and down showed that she was still breathing. On her neck is a sort of collar. Doesn’t look like a slave collar like the others were wearing. I assumed this collar prevents her from using magic. The chains looked like they were made to prevent magic users from using magic as well.

Unlike the other slaves, I could see that Vidya was well fed and kept in good shape. Recently at the very least. Who knows what the girl has been through these past few weeks. The ruffians probably wanted to get that one platinum coin reward and tried to keep her at her best, but couldn’t decide if they wanted to turn her in or not.

Opening the locks to her cell with the set of keys that I stole, I moved closer to her to wake her up. Softly, I put my free hand on her shoulders and shook her body. A groggy noise came out of her mouth as her eyelids slowly opened. It soon widened in shock as she sees me. She tried to let out a scream but I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. Her body convulsed as I did this and her legs started to fling around wildly.

“Shhh, keep quiet,” I whispered to her gently. “I’m here to help you, but I need you to stay calm alright.”

Vidya calmed down and nodded to me slowly, signalling that she understood. I slowly let go of my hands from her mouth and proceeded to unlock the chains that tied her to the wall. Vidya massaged her hands once it was free. As I was unlocking the collar on her neck she whispered to me softly.

“Wh-who are you?”

“Name’s Effinshia. I’ll explain everything to you later, can you walk?”

Vidya looked to her bare feet and slowly got up. No shoes huh. Too bad then, she’ll have to endure it for the moment.

“Follow behind me closely and keep quiet. We are still in enemy territory. I’m getting you out of here.”

“....Okay.” She nodded gently.

Having her cooperation, I moved out of the cell and slowly went towards the cellar where I came from. Vidya just followed behind me without saying anything. Her body was trembling as she walked right behind. Her movements were stiff and she was looking all over the place.

“Umm…” She muttered.


“What about the others? Aren’t you going to save them as well?” She asked in a shrill voice

“I’m here for you. I can’t save everyone, not at this moment at least. I’ll come back for the others when the time is right." I replied.

“But! You can’t jus—” Vidya argued back but I quickly cut her off.

“Look here, girl. It’s been a long week for me. I’m not in the mood right now so I’m just gonna say it to you. I can’t protect everyone nor can I get all of them out of here without a plan. I need you to understand that. I’m here to get you out of here and that’s it.”

I could tell she was not pleased with my answer but she just kept quiet and nodded.

“Why me..? What’s so special about me?”

“Cause I promised your brother that I would find you,” I said to her.

“My brother? Korva?! How is he right now?!” Her fear went away and she suddenly grabbed me by the arms.

“Shhh! What did I tell you about being quiet?” I scolded her.

“Ah! Forgive me. I got too excited. Is… is he alright?” She asked me meekly, her tone full of worry for her brother.

I only shook my head towards the question and moved onwards. I don’t feel like telling her the truth, she’s about to see Korva for herself anyways.

“Come on, the faster we get out of here, the faster you get to see him.”

“Understood,” she replied with renewed vigour.

I wouldn’t put your hopes up too high If I were you girl.

We reached the bottom of the cellar without too many problems after that. Vidya just stayed quiet after our talk. Just as I was about to push the cellar opened, I heard a muffled sound coming from beyond.

“This amount is not as you promised.” A cold mature voice could be heard. It sounded like it belonged to a woman.

Looks like someone is out there.

With the palm of my hands, I slowly pushed the cellar open. Not fully, but just enough for me to sneak a look on what’s outside. A scene of two people standing face to face with each other under a dim candle.

“It’s either you take it or leave it gal," the voice of a rough man replied to her question.

I took a look at the two people talking. A man, sleazily wearing a worn coat, my first impression of him is that he looks like a high-class mobster. Then, there was the other person. A woman with horns two small horns on her head. She wore thick leather armour akin to what eastern warriors would wear. Two eastern style swords on her waist. I couldn’t see clearly, but her skin colour was definitely not normal either.

Is that an Oni? What’s one doing out here all the way in Rydark?

“Hmph. You are lucky that my lord sees value in your organization, lest you fall prey to my blade.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just give me the stuff. The boss wants it.” The man demanded, clearly not afraid of the oni.

“Hmph.” The oni swordsman took something out from beyond my range of vision before handing it to the mobster. Some sort of object wrapped in cloth.

The man slowly took off the cloth that covers it and what appeared was something I was very familiar with. A statue of an Arachne holding a tainted bauble. It was dark but I could see traces of dark shrouds surrounding said bauble. The source of the purple skin curse.

What does this mean? That there is a group of people spreading around the purple skin?

“Be wary.” The oni spoke out.


“Someone out there is causing trouble. Someone of considerable power. The recent instability of the city has riled up some attention. My lord no longer feels that this place is conducive to our plans. We will not be meeting again.” The oni said before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

“Heh, bailing out just like that? Whimps,” The mobster said before leaving the area; carrying the bauble with him.

I made sure to memorise the man’s face before fully opening the cellar. Guiding Vidya out of the cellar and making sure it was locked, I then moved towards the stairs—to the room with the two unconscious men. Vidya followed behind me quietly.

The front entrance was probably guarded just like the other entrances to the building. I didn’t want to take any chances. Making sure that the two men were in fact still sleeping, I guided Vidya to the opened window of the room.

“Wear this,” I gave Vidya my coat, the shapeshifting shield Armageddon before sheathing Kirin to free up my arms.


“Come on, it’s cold out there,” I said while looking outside the window for patrols.

Vidya just nodded and proceeded to wear the coat.

“Watch out for your tongue. Ready?”

“Ready? Ready for whaaaa!” I grabbed her before she could finish her sentence and picked her up in a bridal carry. Then I leapt out of the window with Vidya in my hands. A soft thump was heard as I landed on the ground below before releasing her.

I got to say, her skin was pretty smooth for a person who worked in the fields. Not to mention all those days stuck in a dungeon.

Vidya clutched her chest as she gasped for air. “Le-le-le-LET ME KNOW BEFORE YOU DO THAT!” She whispered loudly at me.

“Shhhh! Keep quiet.” I held my finger in front of my lips and stared right at her.

Vidya who realised what she did quickly covered her mouth with both her hands.


“Come on” I prompted her.

We moved from bush to bush, avoiding any bad guys. We kept creeping in the darkness of the night without moon and soon reached before an alleyway—our means of escape. We were about to exit the area when suddenly I heard a loud noise behind us.


A loud dog was barking as it made its way towards us. It barked a few more times before leaping towards Vidya, it’s fangs bared at her.

“EEEEK,” Vidya screamed in response, a high pitch voice escaped from her lips.

I pulled Vidya out of the way and proceeded to give the dog a swift kick. The dog reeled from the pain before scampering away.

“What was that!? Someone check it out!” A voice rang out in the distance. Probably from one of the patrols.


I quickly grab the still shocked Vidya by her hands and made a run for it. Through the gaps of the buildings.

“Two girls over there!” A bright light filled the immediate area around us, probably from one of the windows of the building we just escaped from.

We kept running and entered the large alley. Ignoring the light and the screams of panic.

“Stop right there!” A bunch of punks appeared and cut me off at the exit of the alley. Seeing this, I moved forward, letting go of Vidya’s hand.

Bare-handed fighting is not really my style, but it was enough to deal with these ruffians. One of the men charged right at me like an idiot. So I just pump mana into my legs and gave him a swift kick right at the abdomen. He was sent flying from the strength of the kick, hitting the rest of the men as his body acted as a projectile and landed on them.

Get out of the way, I got no time for this!

“Wake the boys! This one a toughy!” One of the men who wasn’t hit by the body projectile called out.

“Got it!” A distant sound replied to the man.

*Ring * Ring *Ring

Bell sounds rang out all over the area a few seconds later.


Ignoring it for now, I charged forward to beat the crap out of the remaining men in the front.

*Boosh *Boosh *Crack

A swift punch to each of men’s face was enough to knock them out cold. I think I heard a crack from the last punch too.

“Oh hear me the spirits of fire, block the path of darkness with your flames! Firewall!” Vidya’s voice was heard behind me.

So she can use magic huh? The grade four spell, firewall.

Soon after, a bunch of fireballs came from behind me. Some of them were very close to hitting me too, but I dodged them with ease. The fireballs then landed at the end of the alley and created a wall of fire. Blocking more ruffians from coming in. I didn’t expect Vidya to cast that spell. In a way, it was smart as it prevented the enemies from coming towards us, but it was stupid at the same time as the firewall blocked our escape path.

“Over here!” A whole bunch of men came in from the other end of the alley.

Not only that, as I sensed a presence from above as well. I looked upwards to see a bunch of robed guys on the rooftops. Rogues? They then jumped down into the alley in order to attack us. What a dumb move. Unless you have wings or telekinetic powers, movement in the air is limited. I simply pumped mana into my legs and kicked one of the falling men. Just like the other guy, his body flung away and hit the other guys that were dropping near me.

“Ah!” Vidya, however, wasn’t as adept at fighting and got caught off guard by the robed men. They apprehended her quickly.

“You can stop right there missus. Don’t want anything bad happening to her now would we?” The man grabbed Vidya tightly, groping her breast and licking her face. Vidya only winced at his actions.


I had hoped it didn't have to come to this. Taking the lives of people was not something I like to do lightly. Though, I know when it must be done. Taking a deep breath, I made my next move.

“Armageddon!” I shouted to the jet black coat that Vidya was wearing at the moment before moving my hand to the hilt of my partner, Kirin, charging it with mana. I’m going to use a sword skill.

Armageddon burst into multiple tendrils which skewered the people surrounding Vidya. Shouts of pain could be heard as the man who was holding Vidya got blown back to the wall. Armageddon then transformed into its true form, a huge black turtle shell which covered Vidya's entire body. A shell that can survive even armageddon.

Unleashing my wrath, I drew Kirin out of her sheath and swung forward in a single flowing strike.

“Cyclone Blade! EX!” I shouted out the name of the skill and a large blue tornado appeared at the edge of my strike. It moved forward, growing larger and larger till it was twice the height of the buildings around. It engulfed everything in front of me. Everything except Vidya who was being protected by Armageddon in its true form. Men swirled around in the cyclone as it moved further away, piles of rocks and pieces of the housing that broke off mixed within as well.

The tornado died down within a minute and the bodies of unconscious men fell to the ground alongside the debris from the damage. Most of them looked fine, but some of them had their limbs in the wrong way.

Armageddon noticed the end of the skill and transformed back into a coat. A perplexed Vidya could be seen just standing there. She turned around, curious about what just happened. Seeing the destruction, she let out a small shrill voice before backing away in quick jerky steps. I couldn't see her face from this angle, but I’m pretty sure she’s scared.

Behind me, the wall of fire fizzled out. Turning around, I saw a group of ruffians just standing in terror. They immediately screamed and ran away when they noticed that I was looking right at them.


“Wh-what happened?” Vidya croaked.

“Come on,” I proceeded to grab Vidya by the hand and ran further away from the place. It wasn't pretty, but we managed to escape successfully.

In the park where I spent my first night in Luth E’ll sat both me and Vidya on a bench. Vidya still a little bit traumatised from what she saw first hand. Despite the cold environment, she was no longer wearing Armageddon. She immediately took it off after realising the true nature of the coat she was wearing. Now Armageddon was just resting upon her laps, after being folded neatly.

I let out a sigh.

“Once again, name is Effinshia. I know you must be confused right now, but I need to you trust me”

“No…no, I trust you. It’s just that… It’s too sudden” Vidya answered me. “I’m Vidya by the way”

“I know”


“I told you didn’t I? Your brother asked me to find you,” I explained to her.

Her body jerked upwards when I spoke his name.

“Korva! How’s his condition right now? Is he alright?” She asked in worry.

After a short silence, I muttered ."He's alive."

She was clearly elated by the news. Up until what I told her next.

"For now…"

Her state of happiness immediately replaced with the look of despair. Her voice cracks as she asked- "What do you mean… for now?"

“Let’s just say he’s not in the best of conditions. It’s best if you see him for yourself. He’s in Cezza right now. He wanted to see you.”


Vidya croaked as she figured out the meaning behind my words. Tears dropped out of her eyes as she covered her face and sobbed softly. I let her cry for a while, waiting for her to calm down.

When she finally stopped, I got up from the bench and told her- “Come on, let’s get going to Cezza. The faster we depart the better. If we go now, we may make it before dawn”

“But… Cezza is a week’s trav- huh? Dawn??”

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Vidya’s hysterical high pitched screams resounded only to be muffled by the wind as we travelled through the skies. On the top of a large white bird with tiger stripes.

“You alright there?” I asked Vidya after when we landed in the garden of a well too familiar cottage house.

Vidya only held her stomach as she rested on the wall. “Yeah… I’m fine… just give me a moment,”

Giving her the time she needs, I rested on the wall of the house. The skies were no longer black. Instead, the sight of orange greeted me, signifying that dawn was approaching. It has been a long seven days but I managed to keep my promise to Korva. All that’s left was to witness the results of my failure. And to also witness Vidya’s failure as well.

Taking deep breaths to calm this raging anger within me, I turned my eyes upon the row of plants that I help planted a few weeks back. The past few weeks had not been kind to the plants. With nobody to take care of it, the plants withered and fell prey to pests. The only thing left in this garden that was worth anything was the walls that I raised to replace the shoddy wooden fences on the first day I met Korva.

The garden represent what the boy has become. Withered and awaiting death.

I just sat there for a good few minutes before noticing that Vidya was no longer groaning about her flight sickness. Looking towards her, one could see her shaking hands as she held onto the handle of the door to her house.

“Getting cold feet?” I asked her.

“I.... I don’t know what to say to him”



“Nothing is going to change if you just stand there. You are wasting precious time,” I said to her. My voice cold. “Say you love him, say your goodbyes, something. It is all that you can do now anyways”

“There’s got to be some way we could still save him! I don’t… I don’t want him to die! I don’t want to say my goodbyes! ” She shouted back at me in anger. I did not know what was her aim in telling me that. What else do you want me to do?

“Do you think I do?” I glared at her. Her unchecked anger, her grief immediately blown away as she shrunk back in fear. “Or do you think he will be saved if you don’t say your goodbyes? That a miracle will fall down from the skies and save your brother? Because let me tell you, the miracle came and failed to save him already.”

"I - I… but-" I didn't wait for her excuses. I had enough of this.

I went and opened the door myself, before forcefully dragging her to Korva's room.

“Wait, what are you doing? Let go of me!”

She struggled and wailed on the way there, but she was powerless against me. I held a firm grip on her hand.

"Stop!" She screamed repeatedly in fear which I simply ignored.

Her pleas grew bolder the closer we were to Korva's room. Once we arrived and when I was about to reach for the handle to his room, she shouted in pain one more time.

"STOP! Please…" Tears then dropped out of her eyes as she mumbled incoherently.

Why do kids have to be so hard to deal with? You are making me feel like the bad guy here.

Without waiting for her to calm down, I opened the door and forcefully guided her into the room. I then blocked the entrance with my body, preventing her only means of escape. In front of me, lies the sleeping husk of a dying boy and a young girl too afraid to face the death of her loved one.

Tears kept coming out of Vidya's eyes and she just stayed put, just looking at what had become of her brother.

"Sis?" Korva spoke out weakly. He turned his head to face the direction of Vidya's cries.

The noise must have awoken him from his slumber.

"I'm… here…. Korva. It's alright now." Vidya moved slowly to the bed before kneeling down next to it.

With her hands she caressed his face and tidied up his hair. Tears fell like a waterfall down her cheeks, yet on her face was a smile. A smile that was mixed with happiness and sadness.

"I'm so...rry. For breakin..g our promise… I really… Wanted to.. Explore the world with you." Korva said. His voice breaking up.

The boy had one of the calmest face and smile I've seen from a dying person. It a face that just simply says, “I'm satisfied”. Sharp pain assailed my heart, as if being poked by a thousand needles. Yet, I did not look away. And so did Vidya.

"Don't be. It's all my fault. I'm the one who should be saying sorry." The sobbing mess of a sister held his hands tightly. "Everything is going to be alright, so just rest okay?"

"Al...right. I love you sis..." the boy said with a big smile on his face.

"I love you too,"

Korva then closed his eyes once more. Though, I don't think he's ever opening it again. His chest stopped moving and his hands went limp. He lived just long enough to say those last few words.

What occurred after is the unbearable cry of a sister who just lost everything. I thought of comforting her but it looks like she had another thought in her mind. She quickly came up to me and grabbed me by the legs, her bloodshot eyes staring right into my own.

"You! You got to do something!" She pleaded to me.

"..." I only kept silent and stared at her.

"You found me in the city without trouble. That skill! That coat, that bird! Those are relics! Powerful artefacts! You got to have something for this right? Right?!"


"Please! I'll do anything. You must know a way to bring him back!"

I would be lying if I said that I didn't know of the few ways to bring someone back to life. But to tell her that is to toss her into the pits of despair.

I've seen the atrocities people do, the lengths one will go to bring back the dead. It's all bollocks anyways. The dead should remain dead. Once you're gone. That's it. No second chances.

"I'm not a god," I said to her. The whole room could freeze based on how cold my voice was. "I can't do miracles. Your brother is dead. You have to accept that."

We all have to accept that.

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