《Allister Hale's Story Graveyard.》Expanding into Yesterday 1/13


Aaron stared in a vague state of shock at the scene in front of him. He had entered the classroom with the sole intention of returning the book he had borrowed from Jacob. If he had known what he would find he wouldn’t have bothered.

A scene from a B-list gore-or film covered the classroom. Aaron might have lost his nerve and screamed if it were butchery or his classmate had been less… anything; less cruel, less bloody, less complete, less… no, if it had been more sensible it would have taken less time for him to come to terms with the fact that…

Before this day Aaron had never understood the idea that an experience could feel like it wasn't him; like he was viewing it through the eyes of a stranger. Later Aaron would reflect on this moment and feel disturbed by his internal reaction to a strange pain in his ear. He swatted at his ear and feeling nothing he turned toward the sensation. As he did this the pain in the one ear softened as a similar pain found its way into his other ear.

The only possible cause that Aaron could identify was a short girl who seemed to be half his height. Despite her 4 foot frame she had a very mature silhouette and attractive brown hair pulled into a flattering ponytail. He mouth was wide open as if she were yawning. Aaron found this an odd reaction to what she must be looking at, the wholesale slaughter of the people her age who mattered to her most. Aaron had turned her around and pushed her out the door before covering her mouth before he understood why his ears were hurting. Alice was yelling her lungs out.

The last irrational thought Aaron as he felt his emotions shutting down; was that Alice smelled nice, even if she was only two feet shorter than him, and not literally half his height. Her screaming did accomplish the first critical task he needed to complete; he needed to the school's security officers know that his classmates with the exception of Alice, himself and anyone else not in the room had likely been turned into a close approximation of ground human. The next step on his internal first aid checklist was to triage the situation. Considering the only current victims who were still person shaped were Alice and himself, and considering he was functioning, even if he was likely in a state of shock, Alice warranted immediate attention.


Seeing as Alice was nervous around guys even if not outright androphobic; Aaron was pleased that Officer Naver arrived first. As the only Female security officer on the school’s duty roster she was the officer most able to help. Aaron was less pleased when she stared dumbly at the scene in the classroom; any people who might be in there were very clearly dead, while Alice had started yelling again.

Officer Jim was not far behind Naver. Jim, more properly Officer Herald, was the brunt of many jokes in the school and on the job in his home precinct. Thankfully this meant a little black humor was all that was needed to rouse him from his own state of utter disbelief.

“They're dead Jim.”


“Dead, you're an off duty police officer, not a literal miracle worker.”

“Ohh… right.”

Aaron scowled before shouting at him, “See this screaming girl, get Naver to try to calm her down.”

Alice was beginning to draw a crowd. There were two kinds of people in the crowd; people who were shocked to hear a notorious delinquent and truant like Aaron commanding a police officer, and people who were truly shocked at the scene in the classroom. Aaron pulled the blanket out of his messenger bag and dropped it on Alice’s head before slumping to the ground opposite he in the hall was before draping his jacket over his shoulders. Officer Jim had things under control, and if he didn’t who would blame Aaron for not being able to handle what he had just seen.

Aaron decided that if he had known what he would encounter that day he would have never come to the school. Aaron was vaguely aware that he was being taken home before he fell asleep.

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