《Allister Hale's Story Graveyard.》Establishing the Other world's Guild 1/3 Prologue/Truck-Kun Doshite?


Japan: the Holy Land of the modern geek. Akihabara its Jerusalem, its Mecca. Jace, one of her many pilgrims. Not all pilgrims are created equal however, as Jace was only there for the experience, a willing tag-along. Jace had joined a group trip to Japan that one of his friends had organised for her sister, thus Jace was officially a chaperone for a group of teenegers. The teens could be divided into two categories, The weeaboos, people obsessed with ‘anime culture’ who treat it as an accurate guide to Japan, and the otaku, people who have an unhealthy obsession with anime but are able to recognise that it doesn't represent Japan as a whole.

Currently the teens were in a FEDEX store boxing and shipping their relics from the trip, Manga & Light Novels, they couldn't read Anime unsubbed and in Japanese (obviously enough). Character goods they don’t need, would never use and in some cases they didn't even recognise the characters on the goods.

Two of the boys had managed to never learn the meaning of ‘fujoushi’ and walked right into a store called ‘Fujoushi Paradise’ (written in romanji even) and picked out a pair of shirts featuring a well known coupling; Jace figured that made the sales girl’s day.

While Jace was sitting, watching the traffic pass by, a young girl walked up to a nearby crosswalk. A group of middle school boys was playing around, Jace got up to tell them to stop. As he walked up to the crosswalk they accidentally pushed the girl into the street.

The next moment was something of a blur as Jace charged though the boys trying to reach the girl. He quickly checked for oncoming traffic as he bent down to grab the girl. Seeing that the way was clear before stepping out into the street to pick her up and set her on her feet. The middle schoolers started shouting something at Jace but in his subsiding panic he couldn't understand the japanese. The girl had a frightened look on her face so Jace smiled at her. Then Jace heard one of the teens from his group shouting, “Behind you!” Without really understanding why jace through the girl back onto the street as he rose to his feet. Everything went white for a moment before jace found himself lying in the middle of the intersection. “Oh, thats right.” The girl had run out into the street while Jace had lost his bearings and was standing beside him crying. Jace smiled at the girl and said “In america we drive on the other side of the road, so I looked the wrong way.”


The last thing Jace heard before he passed out was one of the weeaboo girls saying “Truck-kun, doshite?”

When Jace woke up he was in a white void with a young girl who was smiling while covering her mouth. She was dressed up like a lolli goddess character from some generic doujinshi, a loose kimono with a sheer scarf that was somehow ignoring gravity, and barefoot in long white knee socks. After a moment the girl spoke “Truck-kun…” before she snorted spraying mucus all over the place. Once she had managed to calm down she wiped the snot off of her face and kicked Jace.

She spoke in clear perfect Japanese saying “Wake-up, it's time for your glorious other world transmigration story to begin.”

Jace gave her a flat stare and spoke “Oh no. Did I die... Who... are you... Why am I here.”

The loli character looked at him. Then she kicked him again. “Be glad I am so kind even though you are a pathetic ‘M’ pervert i'm still willing to touch you with my feet. Now listen to miii...”

Jace picked up the girl and started spanking her.

“Don’t make up stories for your own convenience.“

“Pervert, Ouch, hentai, ow, meanie! I’m not giving you a blessing anymore, ow!”

Jace set the girl down and she glared at him. He stared back and eventually she calmed down before saying “Now, I’m such a generous goddess that if you bow down and beg for forgiveness I will step…”

About an hour later Jace found himself sitting in front of a different goddess. “Don't mind Loli. She is the goddess in charge of protecting the children of Japan. I’m Alice the goddess in charge of foreigners in Japan.” Alice took the appearance of a blond haired woman in a pantsuit.


“Now, I’m sure you are wondering why you are here. Put simply Chinese souls used to never reincarnate. The souls spent their time making new souls so it wasn't an issue but… When Communist china took over the people began to revere their ancestors less and less and suddenly a couple thousand years of ancestors all decided to reincarnate at once.”

Jace winced at the number of Souls that must be. Alice nodded before continuing her explanation. “Thankfully a lot of the souls are so old that they hardly see the difference between a day and a year. We are trying everything we can think of in order to process them quickly, the so called octo-moms are one of the experiments the Americans have tried. In Japan we are trying to use other world reincarnation and transmigrations to relieve the pressure.”

“The otherworld gods just let you?”

“Reincarnating Souls leave behind Mana, so if it is a world that uses magic then yes. Most worlds use magic. Most worlds don't have places like China, with a workforce of people who don't reincarnate and just spend their time making souls, we have experience exporting souls…”

Alice sighed and Looked at Jace, “You were picked for transportation, basically you will wake up in a safe place in the wilderness of the otherworld and enjoy the protection of the local gods until you settle in. Let’s see… You will wake up on a hill overlooking the capital of a small city-state. Your new world has monstrous creatures that attack travelers. The city-states have little contact with each other, you can easily claim to be from the far side of the wilderness. You will wake up at dawn and be safe until dusk. Once you arrive in the city you should find some way to support yourself. Please remember to make a trip to the local temple before your first month in the other world is over. Oh, your file says you are familiar with Japan’s other world literature. There is no status system, and not only is there no adventurer's guild... if you try to talk about it people won't take you seriously.”

Finally Alice gave Jace a bag of coins. “This should be enough money to pay for your entry into the city and to purchase a residency card, good luck in the other world.”

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