《Allister Hale's Story Graveyard.》Dungeon Story 2/3


Arise Dots the Seventh, just kidding. This Dots is only the third one.






Slime Boss

Class Level

10 (Max)

BP 0/5

EF 0/10

Size Rating 10.00

Command Slime 4/4



Divide [0]

Absorb (Mind) [O]

Pinocchio the second managed to help me figure out the proper way to summon a frog. Then I played with Slimes for a while until I got bored. By my best estimate I've been in this place for about a year now, however long that actually is. I’m sure I could remember if I felt like it but I also think I wouldn’t like the answer if I found out…

Pinocchio the Third was less successful. I hate to admit it but it took me until I filled the room with air drowned sharks before I gave up. Dots the third happily ate all of the sharkies until the room was empty. I ended up absorbing several slimes before the room was clean. By the way Absorbing all the slimes has helped me grow.

Name v


Race v

Dungeon Mind

Class v


Class Level






Skills [O]

Spells [X]

Summons [X]

Construction [O]

I wasn’t paying close attention but it seems like for every one hundred size worth of slimes I absorb my Energy Field value raises by one. I have decided that it is time to see what lies outside of this empty room. For this purpose I have decided to confirm my companions. In addition to Dots I have, Nanashi (whose name means nameless or something,) Jello, Mune, and Gonz. I ended up thinking up some elaborate backstory while trying to think up a name for Gonz. Then all of a sudden the words ‘Meatbun Delivery’ popped into my head and somehow that became Gonz. I don’t get my own private joke and it makes me feel lonely. This loneliness is the reason I have decided to leave the room.

You have placed a Dungeon Portal. The portal will teleport you to a safe place. When you wish to return you may place the other end of the portal wherever you wish. Be aware that this placement will be permanent.

A magic formation appears on the ground in front of my pillar. Right then. I take my Human form and pick up my slimes. I then stand in the Portal and will it to activate.

After a flash of light I find myself in a forest. The ground is rock and kind of hilly. I wonder if there is some kind of mountain nearby… It could be some kind of rocky glacial deposit though. It feels like the second but I don't think I really know what I’m talking about. I think my first task should be to find a cave. A cave should be the perfect place to hide the entrance to my dungeon room place. I place Dots and his spherical posse on the ground.

“Listen up troops.”

The group of slimes jiggle in the breeze and begin rolling down hill.

“Our mission is to find a large cave to hide in.”

After the slimes roll a few feet away they begin hopping back toward me.

“We will be splitting into pairs, Gonz will go with me. Mune and Nanashi. Jello and dots.”

One of the slimes jumps onto my head while the others pair off and resume rolling down the hill. I conclude that these slimes can be adorable.


After about an hour of searching I come to a cliff. The cliff isn’t tall, only about twenty feet but the cliff and the surrounding vegetation shroud me from a group of ugly green children. Well I don't think they are actually children. For one thing if this were a story these children could only be one thing. Granted the fact that they are in the middle of killing a giant ant bear thing (I say giant but it’s only bear sized.) I shall dub these goblins. The bear creature has some kind of natural Chitinous armor covering its abdomen and its head. There is also a kilt like collection of plates that give the impression of an insectoid thorax.

The goblins take a few minutes but in the end they kill the ant armored bear thing and begin carrying it away. After they leave I climb down the cliff and see what I was looking for. Right by where the goblins fought the bear creature was a cave entrance. I stare at the entrance for a while before realising I don’t know how to call back the rest of the slimes. I then turn around just in time to see four slimes falling to the ground from the cliff above.

Slime (Mune) has died. Mune fell to it’s death.

Rest in peace Mune. Gonz rolled off of the top of my head with a plop noise and a new slime flew toward where Mune landed. Long live Mune.

“All right troops.” My slimes form into a tower shape as I address them. “We have located a cave recently cleared by creatures I have decided to call goblins. It is time for us to inspect the cave.”

I lead my slimes into the entrance of the cave and through a tunnel. As we moved through the tunnel the area got darker and darker until the slimes began glowing. Shortly after the slimes revealed their luminous nature we entered a large cavern. In the back of the cavern was a short tunnel leading into a smaller chamber. On one end was an underground hot spring. The water came out of a hole in the wall which splashed down into a pool below. The pool at its deepest point was three feet below the surface of the water and from there the pool took the shape of a perfect hemisphere with the exception of a channel on one side which drained excess water through a hole. The water itself was a little too warm for bathing but had a clean limestone flavor to it.

If I were to divide the cavern into two parts by drawing a line from one tunnel to the other then I would say the side with the hot spring was about the size of a basketball court with the height of the ceiling ranging from nine feet to about twenty at its highest point. The other end of the cavern was roughly half a football field in size and the ceiling went from twenty feet to about thirty feet at its highest point before dropping down to meet the wall at twenty five feet. In short the outer cavern was huge.

The smaller inner cavern which had served as the bearthings den was much smaller. It took on a dome shape with a five foot radius. The inner cavern felt like the perfect place to put my dungeon portal. Which means the next step is to begin gathering materials for the dungeon. I send Gonz and Jello to search for things I can eat. I have Mune and Nanashi look for fallen branches and I have Dots ride my head while I wander around trying to improve my Aura stat.


My first idea as to how I can improve my Aura stat is related to the soul fragments required by the better summons I have available to me. Therefore I have decided I need to kill something. The first thing I do is gather up some branches and use my construction ability to change the branches into a weapon. First I make a pile of wooden pegs which I dump into the hot spring to soak. Then I try to make a knife. The result is a blunt letter opener. The blade is the length of my middle finger and the knife from the point to the end of the handle is the length of my hand from finger tip to heel. After several attempts I manage to make a usable knife. I then move on to making a pole about my height. Once again it takes several attempts to get something that satisfies me. My next creation is another pole the only difference is that this one has hole in it that I can push my wooden pegs though. Once I have something that will work I quickly make a knob to cover one end of the pole which can be secured by the wooden pegs. Finally I begin work on a blade the size of my forearm that can be attached to the pole. Once I have a serviceable piece I place all of the parts into the pool of water and lean against the wall to take a break.

Mune and Nanashi have begun piling branches in one corner of the larger cavern ‘half’ most of the branches have been dissolved partly away where the slimes have grabbed onto them. The food situation is similar. Gonz and Jello have only brought back larger fruits which have been partially dissolved away. I eat a quick meal of fruits and wait for the wood to finish soaking.

Slime (Mune) has died. Mune was killed by a goblin using a wooden club.

I watch as Nanashi hops into the cavern with a lone goblin trailing behind. I pick up my wooden knife and charge at it. What’s that? Shouldn’t I be scared? I am. Haven’t you ever heard of the fight in fight or flight? I reach the goblin right as it hit its club against the ground missing Nanashi by about an inch. I stop and kick the things head before dropping to the ground to stab at the its throat. Luckily things went smoothly and before long the goblin stopped struggling.

You have slain a goblin. You have absorbed 16 soul fragments and gained 20 Experience Value. You receive a bonus 2% EV due to skills. Your Fractional EV is applied to your wounds and fatigue. You have gained 1 Level In Commoner.

That was not pleasant. Mune the third approaches the goblin corpse and begins consuming it. I take the goblins club and the rags that passed for its clothes and then sit down to watch Mune dissolve the goblin away.

Name v


Race v

Dungeon (Human)

Class v


Class Level





Soul Fragments:16





Skills [O]

Spells [X]

Summons [X]

Construction [O]

Oh, I seem to have evolved or something. I bet regular humans can’t collect Soul Fragments. Strangely I am still hungry not that I feel hungry mind you. I guess I will worry about that later. Right then.

Soul Fragments are the most basic components of a Soul. Soul Fragments can be broken down for the experience they contain. Soul Fragments used in this fashion are converted to EV. Soul Fragments are also used in Summoning to create creatures with minds. You can use Soul Fragments to cultivate your Dungeon Aura. Currently you require 5 Soul Fragment per Step. This will increase to 10 per step at Aura Rating 10.

Your Aura Rating has improved. Your Aura is now 1 / 4. Your command is now 1 / 2.

You have unlocked Construction(Expand Room)

To expand a dungeon room you must expend the appropriate Aura as per the Generate room Ability Skill and have sufficient Aura to keep the room at its current Mana Level.

Growth! The question now is whether to establish the dungeon entrance now or to continue collecting soul fragments. I think for now I should focus on growth. Therefore I take my wooden weapon parts and construct my glaive. I take the wooden knob piece and attach it to one end of my second staff. I use a rock to gently hammer in the pegs then do the same to the other end for the blade piece. Once I have the weapon assembled I set it aside to dry. Once dried the wood should expand and hold the pieces in place.

Unlocked Construct (Basic Weapon) and (Basic Part)

I take my wooden staff to use as my primary weapon while the glaive dries and head out to hunt things. The first thing I do is find an insect to kill the result a failure. I suppose when I kill something I don’t absorb all of the Soul Fragments In the case of this insect I didn’t absorb any. During this trip I killed more than 200 Insects that I am aware of and I received no EV or Soul Fragments. As such I have decided that Regular everyday insects yield me no profit. I killed a few small animals by using my slimes as throwing weapons. If I let the slimes kill the animals I received no EV but a small number of soul fragments. If I killed the animals myself I gained one of two EV and roughly the same number of soul fragments. I gained 326 Soul fragments in this way. This was mostly from birds and small predators like snakes. After returning to the cave and improving my Aura to ten my status panel looked like this.

Name v


Race v

Dungeon (Human) Rank 2

Class v


Class Level





Soul Fragments:282





Skills [O]

Spells [X]

Summons [X]

Construction [O]

Skill Set [19/19]

Chose from all learned skills to enable use as Commoner

Increased EXP[18]

[Student 3/10] Increases Earned EXP [Base Cost 3SP]

Calculation [1]

[Student 1/20] Accelerates Calculation of figures [Base cost 1SP]

You can now alter the light level of your Dungeon and summon Luminous Moss

Your Dungeon Rank has increased to 2

To maintain your Dungeon Rank you must maintain an Aura rating of 10

Rank 2 creatures can now be commanded

You cannot Command creatures with a higher rank than your Dungeon Rank.

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