《Allister Hale's Story Graveyard.》Accidental Iron Age Chapter 1/2


If you had asked Alex what would happen if he were to be struck by lightning he would have given you a funny look before ignoring you. If you had asked his best friend Sam then you would have gotten a sarcastic remark about it being an electrifying experience. Their answers changed after they experienced a lightning strike for themselves.

“Hey Alex, you realize we aren’t in Kansas anymore Don’tya?” Sam said this while waving his arm around at the landscape which was a markedly un-Kansas like winter mountain they had awoken to after they shook off the shock they received from a recent flash of lightning.

Alex, for his part, glared at his friend as he took a deep breath of the frosty air trying not to shiver him in his favored summer outfit, a pair of cargo pants complimented with a bare chest and his muscular build earned from his time spent helping his uncle at the forge.

If Alex weren't so cursedly cold then he would have smiled smugly at his ability to ignore extreme temperatures. The chilled air was manageable enough alone, up the fact that he didn't have a warm house to look forward to within the next hour put a dampener on his mood.

Sam was better dressed for the strange circumstance they had found themselves in. He wore a similar pair of cargo pants to his friend and he had even bothered to wear a t-shirt, though there was nothing strange about that for Sam. Sam’s big advantage came with the stupid blanket he brought with him anytime he might spend the night away from home.

Alex glared at his friend directing more of his bad mood toward the heavy winter blanket with each passing breeze. Sam would share the blanket with him…. eventually. Alex just had to convince him that he had learned his lesson.


Sam watched the horizon trying to judge how much longer it would take them to reach the plume of smoke that he had decided represented civilization.

Sam had always insisted that his friend should wear a shirt. He had never considered that a magical crack of thunder would transport them into a winter mountainside. Still if he couldn’t convince Alex that going shirtless made him look like an arse then a paranoia of supernatural lightning would do the job.

After staring at the smoke for awhile he decided once again that he had no clue how far it was. Without anything to distract himself from the cold he turned his mind to the flash of light that had brought them there.

The pair had pulled over to the side of the road to stretch and have a quick lunch shortly after they passed the Missouri state line going into Kansas. When they were getting back to the car Sam had to refold his blanket to shove their cooler back into the vehicle. There were a few quick lightning strikes followed by a burning sensation and a blinding flash of light.

After a few more minutes of walking Sam decided that it was too cold with just a t-shirt and a heavy blanket so he opened his arms so that Alex could share the blanket with him. As if by cue a pair of blond haired sisters in heavy looking furs stepped into view.

Alex cringed thinking what these two girls must have been thinking seeing Sam with his blanket opened up like he was some kind of streaker and Alex wearing no shirt like some kind of arrogant arse.

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