《Uprising: The Fight for Clydonia》Chapter 6


“I’m going for a jog,” I announced to no one in particular, standing in the dining room. The kitchen door was slid open, allowing Steve to traipse in and out carrying our breakfast with ease. We agreed the night before it was best to dismiss the chef and helper for the rest of the trip as to not add a layer of unnecessary explanation outside our core group. And Steve jumped at the chance to cook for us all. No one argued his superior place in the kitchen, so he cooked us a brilliant meal of five courses in the evening. We enjoyed it, mostly in silence, since the awkwardness of the events superseded any opportunity for normal conversations. The guards stayed stationed around the house and refused my many offers of food. Einar informed me they eventually ate after I had fallen asleep rather fitfully. He chose to stand watch in my room, so he surely saw how my nightmares found me again. When I woke, his arms were the arms wrapped around my waist, presumably to help limit the tossing and turning inevitably leading to my fall off the bed. At home, I slept on a mattress on the floor after several painful instances of waking up due to a banging of my head against my nightstand or the floor. But no matter how hard I tried, no matter what pills the doctors subscribed, nothing stopped the terrors from finding me in my sleep.

“I’ll go with you,” Einar said, the only guard who removed his head and face covering and deigned to sit with us at the dining room table. His offering pulled me from my thoughts, and I narrowed my eyes at him, “I did not request nor do I desire company.”

He raised his brows, “Pardon me, Your Majesty, but I will not allow you to wander the streets without company.”

I snorted, lifting the mug in my hand to my lips, taking a sip of the hot tea, “You will not allow me? Einar, please, you realize I’ve lived here long enough to handle myself, right? Besides, there’s no threat of alerting you all to my presence, so if I need to use my powers to protect myself, I will.”


He slid back his chair and stood, “Your Majesty fails to understand how detrimental it would be to use her powers and further risk our presence on this planet.”

The cup in my hand shattered under the strength in my grip, and rematerialized, but not before several heads at the table whipped in my direction, concern flooding their faces. I cleared my throat, “I fail to understand?” Taking a deep breath, remembering the power I inherited, I settled myself, “You’re right, Einar. That was shortsighted of me. While I appreciate the offer of company, I would prefer a few moments alone.”

He cocked his head and smirked, “No problem, I know how to keep a safe distance.” Swallowing down the scream building in my throat, I smiled tightly at him, set my cup down gently on the table, and stormed out of the room. I stomped rather unnecessarily up the stairs then gently nicked the door to my room shut before grabbing the pillow from the bed, holding it to my face, and screaming, the muffled sound barely audible. A quick rapt at the door broke my rage, and I prepared an apology for my outburst as I walked over and opened the door. I was momentarily taken aback at one of my guard’s presence instead of the anticipated Einar.

He bowed, “Your Majesty.” My heart sped up, and heat crept into my face. His voice, knowing who it belonged to now sent a shiver down my spine. “I heard screaming,” he stated, simply.

I brushed my long wild hair over my shoulder and willed the flush of my cheeks to dissipate, “I’m really sorry, Rune. I thought the pillow muffled any sound. I’m fine,” I shrugged my shoulder. Clearly, I failed to convince him as he hesitated in the doorframe. Feeling raw and vulnerable in front of him, I added, “Listen, I know it’s your duty to guarantee my safety, but I’m alright. Don’t check on me because your job requires it, ok?”

“Would Your Majesty prefer I resign my position?”

Flustered by the suggestion and angry at myself for my emotions besting me, I stammered, “No–I–No…that’s not. You should still be my guard…if you want to be my guard.”


“Very well, Your Majesty. Will that be all?” I gave him a curt nod, and he bowed, walking away to resume his position.

Shutting the door, I placed my forehead against the wall and murmured, “I just wish you checked on me because you cared. I wish we could go back to how we were before.”

Another knock at the door startled me, and I swung it open, half-expecting Rune to be standing there again. My face fell as Einar filled the space instead. “I’m here to change,” he said to my unasked question. I stood to the side, welcoming him into the room. He waited by the dresser as I waded in my bag, pulling out my running clothes. I started pulling off my top until Einar interrupted with an incessant tapping of his foot.

“What?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“Bird,” he motioned to his guard’s uniform, “a little help?”

I smacked my hand onto my forehead, cursing in our native tongue. Holding out my hands, I closed my eyes, envisioning clothes of Einar’s size and appropriate running shoes. They materialized in my outstretched arms a few moments later.

“Nice,” he commented, “where’d you snag those from?”

“Some warehouse. They won’t be missed.” We turned away from one another as we changed into our clothes. In our younger, more wild days, Einar and I had a number of romantic entanglements, but we always realized we were much better off as best friends, regardless of the many times we slipped back into warming each other’s beds. Our sexual endeavours provided comfort more than anything. It took every ounce of self-restraint to keep my back turned to him, and once I was finished changing, I called out, “All done?”

He mumbled yes, and I turned around, finding him huddled in the corner on the opposite side of the room. I furrowed my brows at the discomfort etched in his face, “What’s wrong?”

“I did not turn around,” he murmured, his gaze roving my body. I inhaled deeply, “Oh. Umm.” I bit my lip, unsure of how to proceed. He bowed his head reluctantly, “Your Majesty wishes to run, so a running we shall go.”

I moved to close the space between us, but he held out an arm, “Bird, if you want to go for a run, I insist you keep distance between us. Come any closer, and I very much doubt we’ll leave this room.”

As incredibly tempting as the offer sounded, especially as I desired some type of release to reduce the nerves overwhelming my body, I stayed put and offered a change of subject while he collected himself, “Kiki, Alexi, and Penelope are catching a flight out tonight. They’ll be here in the morning.”

“Mmhmm,” he murmured.

“Yes, so Kiki found a place across the street, and they’ll post up there. I’ll ask half the guards to stay here, and then you and I, and a few others, will join them.”

“Oh?” he asked, presumably feigning interest.

“My friends are trustworthy, don’t get me wrong, and the blood pact all but ensured their compliance. Still, I’d appreciate a watchful eye while we stay in the area.”

“Wise decision, Your Majesty.”

“I’ve been thinking,” I added, carefully broaching a subject on my mind since the events of the previous day, “a woman could use someone wise, thoughtful, and caring as her right-hand. Know anyone fitting the description? Someone in this house?”

His eyes widened in shock, all traces of lingering arousal gone, “Birdie. Absolutely not.

“Why?” I nearly whined.

He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, “You know exactly why. They would have a fit!”

I closed the space between us, my arousal be damned, and shoved a finger in his chest, “They are not the rule of Clydonia. They do not have a say in how things operate. They do not have the people’s best interest at heart. You do,” I jabbed one final time and dropped my hand to the side. He sighed, “They have gained more power since you were gone. A lot has changed, Birdie. And I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

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