《Reverie》Chapter 10


For a single instant, Natalin could only stare, her eyes going wide and her mouth sliding open. The world seemed to move in slow motion as the fire-haired girl lunged for her god.

Was this some sort of attack? Why? Should she be leaping to Efren’s defense, readying to protect the temple against the rest of the Narai?

Even as the thought slipped through her mind, she hesitated. Efren didn’t look worried. In fact, he was beaming, his smile shining white against the sandy brown of his hair. She took a step back, suddenly unsure.

The goddess sailed into his arms, crashing into one of the glass orbs hanging from the ceiling in the process. He lifted her clear of the table, one ocean-blue eye fixed on his bottle all the while. “Dearest sister,” he said, setting her safely on the ground. He was grinning from ear to ear as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Brother! It has been too long!” she cried, her expression a mirror of his.

Natalin resisted the urge to say that, to the contrary, it had been just a few brief weeks since the four gods had held their meeting in the Sanctuary. Neither of the Divines seemed to care.

“Your journey was easy enough, then?” Efren said, his hold on her slackening fractionally.

The woman - Shiina, Natalin knew from the many times Efren had spoken of his Divine sister - sighed, rolling her eyes dramatically. “Yes, yes, they managed just fine, brother. It was all quite ordinary.”

The smell of smoke increased. The grey-haired teenager had sidled closer, inching back towards his goddess. He had orange eyes, Natalin realized. It stood out, painfully different from the good, ordinary blues and browns of most Ondrians. He was standing tall, like he was trying to look confident, but his gaze turned this way and that as he took in the chaos of the Sanctuary around him.

Efren’s arm landed about his shoulders a heartbeat later. He jumped, as did Natalin. She hadn’t even seen the big god move.


“And what about you, eh? Trying to be quiet?” Efren said, reaching up with his other hand to ruffle his unruly grey hair.

She could see it in his expression, the way his eyes tightened. His shoulders stiffened, like an instinctive reaction to being grabbed. Just for an instant, it looked like he was going to try and throw the Waterbinder off. Natalin could feel the blood drain from her face, even as a wry smile tugged at her lips. That wouldn’t be a good idea, but it would be interesting to watch.

“H-Hello,” Shiina’s Ascended said, trying to pull away as carefully as he could. “I mean. Greetings. I’m-”

“Oh! This is Takio,” Shiina said, rejoining the conversation in a whirl as she laid an hand on the teenager’s arm. “My Charred, of course.” Her smile shone with pure satisfaction, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

“A pleasure to meet you,” Takio said, eyeing the Everdeep. Natalin watched with fascination. He’d seemed off-put, just a few moments before, but little by little he was settling back into himself. He wasn’t particularly tall - not compared to Efren, who towered over him - but he was powerfully built. He put every inch of his frame to use as he stood before the water god, drawing himself up straighter.

“Well, well.” Efren said, releasing the Charred and falling back half a step. “Good to see you, lad. Always a fine day when the family grows. She hasn’t been working you too hard, has she?”

Shiina spun to glare at her brother, her nose wrinkling, but Takio only chuckled. “Nothing I can’t handle.” The words were level and easy, filled with assurance. He was smiling, his confidence returning more and more with every word he spoke. Natalin wasn’t sure if she should take him at his word - the light in the Sanctuary was muted and elegant, but there were tiny, silvered lines across his face and hands that could only be scars. He couldn’t be that good.


His eyes flicked to hers, and she flushed, jumping. His smile turned to a smirk instantly. He’d caught her staring, she knew. But there was only smug amusement in the expression, nothing else. It faded fast, leaving cold disinterest in its wake. His eyes swept her up and down once. She finally looked away, feeling his gaze piercing into her. When she glanced back surreptitiously, he’d resumed staring at Efren.

Natalin caught a single glimpse of red hair and tanned skin flying towards her before a weight landed around her shoulders.

“Oh, but this one,” Shiina said. Her arms were wrapped around Natalin’s shoulders protectively, pulling her closer. The goddess’s hand cradled the back of the Tideborn’s head, completing the embrace. Her hold was like steel, secure and completely unbreakable. And hot. Natalin froze, even her breath falling away as she gazed into the golden eyes that filled her vision.

“She’s adorable,” the Flameweaver said, drawing her closer still. Her nails played across the back of Natalin’s neck. “Oh, I’ve forgotten how lovely they can be. Your taste, as always, is impeccable, brother.”

She was too close. Her eyes bored into Natalin’s, peering down into her soul. She couldn’t move, couldn’t think. Her fingers began to tremble.

“Now, now. She’s not used to dealing with you, Shiina. Give her space.” Efren’s voice was as easy as ever, rippling with amusement.

“Really, though. I am simply getting a proper look. She will ascend fully soon, will she not?” Those gold eyes leaned closer still. “How old are you now, girl?” A lazy smile spread across the goddess’s lips, her hair aglow.

“Introduce yourself properly.” Gerd’s voice was a whipcrack across her senses, pulling her out of her thoughts in a single, ominous sentence. She could hear the irritated thread in his tone, the implicit warning for her to pull herself together.

She tried. She really did. Swallowing hard, she tried to pretend like there wasn’t a goddess wrapped around her, fixing her with that horrible look and grinning like a demon. “I-I’m Natalin. The Tideborn. I’m thirteen,” she whispered at last, finally finding her voice.

“Oh? A mere two years left, then. Exciting. Very exciting indeed,” Shiina said. She leaned away, glancing back towards Efren. “She is quite old enough to handle herself, brother. No need to continue hiding her behind your apron strings.”

“Yes, yes,” the Waterbinder said, rolling his eyes. “Now, sit down. Your entourage looks ready to fall from their feet with hunger.

There were no fancy words, then, no speeches or ceremonies. Not in Efren’s temple. Looking at the fire goddess, Natalin couldn’t believe it was something she’d enjoy, either. That was all the introduction they would get.

Already, servers were starting to file into the room, each laden with food and drink. Something clacked down onto the table in front of Natalin. She glanced down, finding a ceramic cup waiting in front of her - and Efren grinning beside her. The smell of liquor wafted up from it. Her face flushing again, she opened her mouth, but he was turning before she could say a single word. His arm slung about his sister’s shoulders, the two took seats at the end of the table.

Takio stepped past her without another word, following his goddess. His cadre was circling, settling down at the table nearest. They watched their Charred from the corners of their eyes, unwilling to completely relax even in the presence of allies.

Too late, Natalin realized what was happening - with Efren and Shiina sitting at the end of the table, and Takio sitting next to his goddess, that would leave her sitting on the end as well, trapped by herself.

With a sigh, Natalin braced herself for what was sure to be a long night.

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