《Fate of The Godwin》Chapter 7 - The Capital


In the morning.

Robert woke up from his sleep. He felt a piercing pain coming from his left eye.

"Uugh. What a nice way to start a day. It hurts a lot." Robert said.

He stood up and went to the first floor and met the two bodyguards. Richard was still sleeping. They sat down and wait for him.

"Young Lord, Should we go back to the County to heal your wound?" the bodyguard said.

"No, you heard what the doctor said yesterday. My left eye can't be healed anymore. It was too late already. We should continue the journey to the academy." Robert said.

Richard finally came out of his room. He joined the other three right after.

"Richard, do you have any idea who sent the assassins yesterday?" Robert said.

Richard flinched. He didn't expect him to ask this question right from the start.

"I don't know, Brother. Maybe they want to rob us?" Richard said.

"There is no way they want to rob us. Why would they knock on the door if they want to rob us."

"R-right, that makes sense. Maybe Father has an enemy that wants us dead."

"I also think that is the most plausible guess. Anyway, let's order something to eat. I'm so hungry."

Before they departed to continue the journey. They had a simple breakfast at the inn. It was stale bread with a fried egg.

They continued the journey to the academy with more alertness. Fortunately, there was no more assassin attack this time. The journey was so smooth that Robert could sleep soundly in the carriage.


After some days of traveling, they arrived at the Empire's capital, Krista. The city was built between two river splits. To enter the city, they crossed a dam that acted as a bridge. Robert could hear the sound of water falling when they crossed the dam.

"This city looks a lot better than the cities in our county," Robert said.

"Yeah, look at those walls. They are so high." Richard said.

Richard's eyes were sparkling when he saw the walls.

"I wonder why those walls are so white," Richard said.

"They use anti-magic stone. Any magic that hit it will disappear without a trace." Robert.


"Anti-magic stone? If there is that kind of material, why I never see it used as armor or shield?" Richard said.

"There are two problems. First, it is so expensive. Normally anti-magic stone is used to protect an important object from magic damage. But, looks like the Empire has so much money that they can build walls from it. The second problem, it is so heavy that it will affect your movement speed. Yes, you will be immune to magic. But, what about physical attacks? Because you're too slow, you can't block or dodge the attacks." Richard said.

"No wonder the Empire used it to build walls. Otherwise, they will create an anti-magic army with that amount of stones."

When they arrived in front of the city gate. A guard stopped them.

"Show your identification!" the guard said.

"Here is our identification." the bodyguard said while showing an emblem.

The guard identified the emblem and nodded.

"You can pass."

The identification process ran smoothly because of the Godwin emblem. Such is the privilege of nobility. They entered the city and had a rest at an inn.

"The entrance exam is one week away. We can rest for a bit to refresh our energy." Robert said.

"Right, we can even enjoy some of the capital's establishment with the time we have," Richard said.

"Alright, I'll rest in my room for now. We can explore the city tomorrow."

Robert went to his room with haste. His face looked like someone impatient. Richard misunderstood, he thought his brother was too tired that he was so eager to go to his room.

Inside Robert's room. Robert checked his system and looked at his [Transformation] skill. When he pressed it. It showed a panel and there was a [human] category on it. He pressed it again and it showed a name [Julian].

"Is this the name of the assassin I killed last time?" Robert said.

He proceeded to transform into [Julian]. Robert's body started transforming and his clothes were changed. He turned into someone lean wearing a black robe and a mask. He went in front of a mirror and opened the mask.

"So this is your face huh?" Robert said.

He performed some fighting moves to test his transformed body.


"So, my body becomes the exact copy of that Julian huh. Even my strength and speed get changed. This skill is very convenient for infiltration and assassination even if the drawback is a bit annoying."

When Robert opened his system again to transform his body into his original body, he saw something interesting. [Predator's Potential] and his other combat skills were gone and there were several other skills in the system. They were [Poison Hand], [Shadow Steps], and [Basic Dagger Skill].

"What? I can copy their skills too? Not only that, he got a poison skill. Good thing he died first at that time. Anyway, this experiment is good enough."

Robert transformed back into his original body then lay on his bed.

There was a lot of time left for the day. But Robert was too lazy to go outside today. So he just stayed in his room and relax.


The next day, Robert and Richard were taking a stroll trying to find interesting things in the city. They entered each establishment they found.

Starting with restaurants, they tried the new foods they never had back in Vrila. It was a dish similar to pizza and the other dish similar to lasagna.

'I can't believe I found a pizza and a lasagna in this world.' Robert thought.

He was eager to try the taste of this world's pizza and lasagna.

"Brother, this round bread and this layered meat cake are so delicious!" Richard said.

"Didn't you read the menu? They are called Praza and Orrongo."

'They taste exactly the same as Pizza and Lasagna too. The only difference is the taste of the meat.'

After enjoying the food, they went to another establishment, now it was a bakery.

'They also have Tiramisu here. Why there are many Italian foods here? Was there an Italian who transmigrated here before me? Anyway, let's order it.'

"Brother, why does every food that you choose taste so delicious?"

"I just choose them based on their looks."

'It also tastes the same as Tiramisu. But the cocoa powder is a lot grainier than the Tiramisu on Earth.'

After they enjoyed eating until they couldn't anymore. They went to a tourist spot where you could see the beautiful view of the river. They took a rest there until sunset.

When they went back to the inn. They chose a different route this time. They walked slowly to enjoy the night city view. That is until someone called Robert.

"Hey, handsome. Wanna spend a night with me?"

Robert turned his head and saw a beautiful woman was blowing him a kiss. At that time, something was rising and it was not the sh*eld hero. Robert went to the woman without realizing it. His mind was blank. He entered an establishment that shone a bright red light coming from the magic stones.

"Hey, brother! what are you doing?" Richard said.

"You can go back first, Richard. I'll go back after this."

He tried to call him again but he got no response.

"Umm, Young Lord. How about we go back first. Jimmy will wait for Young Lord Robert here."

"But, what about brother?"

"Uhh, he definitely needs some privacy."

"Brother, I never thought you would go to a brothel. I should've told Father to arrange an engagement for Brother too if I know he will do this. He can't hold it anymore because he is single for so long." Richard said.


Meanwhile, Robert was frustrated.

'F*ck, my body moved on its own.' Robert thought.

"Don't worry, just lay down on the bed. I will make your night feel like a dream."

'Aagh, I don't care anymore. She is beautiful, nice curly hair with big jugs and perky butts. I'm a fool if I back off now.'

The prostitute pulled down his pants and the rest was omitted...

In the end, Robert did it until she passed out.

"That was amazing. So, that is sex, huh?" Robert muttered to himself.

He was still on the bed while hugging the woman on his side and occasionally groping her jugs. She was sleeping soundly.

"Maybe that's why I couldn't hold it when I saw her. This [Lustful] trait is dangerous, I need to do it routinely so this kind of incident won't happen again."

He closed his eyes and slept with a beautiful woman on his arm.

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