《North Owl: Beginning》Chapter 9


Even though it was a victory, it came with a cost. And we now know that they have orbs of their own and plan to use the aggressium Orbs to their advantage.

“Metal Flier or Gabriel, and Licidious’s wife Sabrina will be out for revenge.” announced Ipzitch to general astonishment. He nods to me.

“Our plan is to attack them head on and free one nation at a time starting with the weakest. However the most startling thing is the fact they have complete control over the orbs.” I say.

“What did you say?” says a member of the council.

“While we were there, we saw hundreds of dead owls.” Ipzitch Said. “Some of us here may or may not know how orbs are created.”

“Orbs are powerful objects granting you mystical abilities. They are the heart of a dead owl, and are their best quality. Linton’s orb would be strength, Amelia’s orb would be courage and bravery and Ethan’s would be agility.”

The crowd mutters furiously.

“You are meaning to say that the fireballs that we’ve been hearing about-” began one member.

“Are aggression orbs. Only made by the most evil and despicable ways possible. When an owl dies a death and it is peaceful or in battle their orbs are pure. They shine with a warm, golden light. However, if tortured or killed in cold blood, the orb turns corrupt. It sucks in all light..”

“But what quality could cause fireballs or explosions?”

“That is the problem. If indeed metal flier has returned and Sabrina is prowling around to kill us, then we must be alert. However, chances are, the west would be the easiest to free as the local resistant is very heavy there.” Ipzitch. “I suggest Amelia to lead our mission as her father and herself know the Forest better than our best geographers do.”

I blush. “Ipzitch, I’m not qualified.” I whisper but it somehow echoes around the room.

“I for one agree with this motion.” Idola agrees. “Amelia, do not fret, we will train all of you. After all you did kill Lucidious which is something not many of us could do.”


I nod to my happiness.

“Will the council approve this motion?” Idola asks.

“I agree.” says a wise looking owl.

“You already know my opinion, my lord.” replies Ipzitch.

“I suppose one does have a point,” said another.

“But one has remained so silent during this adventure. Oberon, do you not have an opinion?”

“If I am correct, and I do not want to sound like Eric, are we supposed to believe the words of a 12 year old?”

“Nonsense.” replied Ipzitch.

“I want to hear what he wants to say.” I told Ipzitch.

“Yes of course, I believe that they have the orbs and more; however, I refuse to attack when it costs so many lives.”

“However, if we do not attack, the lives wasted would be more than if we attack. We must free the forest.”

“We don't even know the true extent of their power.”

“Well how do you explain the recent intelligence reports that they have almost more than 2 thousand owls at their hand.”

“Ipzitch, seeing that the leader of intelligence was a spy, we can hardly trust those reports.”

“If we don’t trust anything,” I say, “We lose. We need to learn to depend on each other.”

“Listen to the girl Oberon, see reason. You fought with us, we must not be cowards like Eric was.”

“But we cannot die out!”

“Freeing the other nations is essential to winning the war, our forces are too thin.”

“Then grate the cheese, screw them, we can do anything else.”

“We must take direct action! This is the only way to do this.”

Oberon sits in silence and thinks.

“Then I agree with Amelia and Ipzitch. We will take direct action immediately.”

Idola nods.

“Of course.”

“There is one suggestion,” he adds.

“Which is?” Ipzitch replies menacingly.

“We take War Orbs out of storage. And use them.”

“I beg your pardon Oberon!” screams an owl.

“The chair recognizes Trimeria, Owl of Army Intelligence.”

“Thank you Idola. The orbs have not been used for years, and you're expecting us to learn how to use them like that?”


“My dear Trimeria, if you think we will last a second against those aggressium Orbs, then you are clearly mistaken.”

“We must take time to learn them!” she raises her voice.

“There are some here, who know how to use them.” Ipzitch says.

“Ipzitch of course I’m not forgetting those who fought in the 50 year war, but still…”

“The orbs run on likeness and your heart. Amelia here would probably learn it faster than you would.” he retorts back. “Perhaps some people here forget too easily.”

“Are we warranting a full scale war?” he asks.


And so the meeting ends in agreement on one thing.

War is the only option.

“Now, Amelia,” Ipzitchsays to me as we fly to his place, “Let's tell the others about this splendid news.”

“Amelia!” Linton says.

“You were so long.” agrees Ethan.

“Boys, you and Amelia are going to stay here. I am getting you all orbs.”


“War is about to begin. Training to use orbs begins now.”

He flies off.

“What took you so long.” Linton demands.

“A few arguments here and there.”

“Are there still people who do not want war?” Ethan asks, eyebrows raised.

“Well, they want war but...they don’t know how to face their aggressium orbs. And neither do I.”

“But I do.” Ipzitch says, back from his excursion. “It's getting to day, I suggest you all rest.”

“G’night all.” Ethan says and he goes to sleep.

“Good night.”

The next morning, I woke up to Ethan jumping around.

“Let's go, we are training with the or…”

“Injured owl! Amelia, please come!” a messenger says to us.

“For whatever reason?” Ipzitchasks.

“An owl has been discovered sick. We are unaware of who she is. We think you might get through to her.”

“Ok, sure.” I replied.

I fly out to the mass of animals gathered around the court.

“Please, we must show calm!” beckoned a stressed guard.

“Look, she’s here!” announces a guard.

“Out of the way.” announced the messenger, and he led me inside.

“Remember if you require help, just give us a call.” reminded Ipzitch.

“Alright.” I replied to him.

I go inside the courtroom expecting the worst. However, when I entered, the courtroom was empty except for a table and two chairs and an owl, chained to the chair.

“What is your name?” I say kindly.

“Lucinda.” she replies nervously.

I raise my eyebrows, thinking.

She’s the child of Lucidious. A father. A hero to their eyes. And she’s made the journey here all by herself. Like me.

“Are you?”

“I am the child of Gabriel, second general of the south.” she says sorrowfully. “And I regret it.”

“Why did you come here?” I replied suspiciously.

“I heard my mothers plans. They were nothing like I’d known. I ran away.”

“What about your mothers plan? The General?”

“She plans to plunder the lands of the Forest of any animal to create aggressium Orbs. Then, she mentioned she wanted to do it to me.”

I frown. I knew the south was bad, but to kill her own daughter?

“I’m sure you’ll find it nice here at the tree.”

I fly out into the waiting wings of Linton and immediately tell Ipzitch, “Our concerns are real. They plan to turn to genocide to make the orbs.”

The guard and soldiers that heard this gasped.

“Then we must call an emergency meeting. Look fast…”

“No need.” Idola said. “What is it you need?”

“An emergency meeting.”

“For what reason?”

“The worst.”

She gasped. “Is it true?” She whispered

“A forest for aggressium orbs.”

“Guard!” she yells.

“Yes sir.”

“Summon the War Council.”

“Not the parliament?”

“Those cowards? They'd turn away from battle as soon as they heard it!”

“Yes sir.”

“Amelia, you might want to witness this.” he says to me.

I hesitate.

“Don’t worry, they have more sense than the council.” he mutters.

“Fine, I'll go.”

“There's a fine lass.”

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