《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 15: Discovery


I walked out of the room and locked the door slowly so as not to wake Veene while was holding the plate of food and the pile of clothes. I walked down to the inn. That's when I saw Amae receiving guests, at that time only 5-6 customers were drinking and eating below. I waited for a while in order not to disturb her and her customer. Then I asked.

"Miss Amae, where do I keep this dish, and do you know the nearest large trash can?"

"Give me the dish, Mr. Hades. And if you want to take out the trash, go to the back of the inn." She said while reaching for the dish.

"Thank you, Miss Amae."

"You're welcome." She replies.

I went to the back of the inn. There was a fairly large backyard with stables on the right and a few small fields on the left. Next to the stable was a large trash can. I put the stuff in the trash and then go back to the inn.

"Have you heard of the Legions? I heard the group was moving from the base to the Southeast. I don't know if they're trying to fight the Outrider or something." The drunk man whispered to the person sitting at the table.

Legion? Could it be them?

"Tch. Don't say anything about those barbarians, those barbarians know only to plunder and murder." The man sitting at the same table slammed his wine glass down on the table.

Yup, that must be them. I continued up the room. I opened the door and walked in. I took the book on the creatures in Interria and entered the bathroom. I opened the book and sat on the toilet.

*There are two great races with high intelligence in Interria. It's humanity and hominoids.*


I turned to the hominoid outline.

*Hominoid is a special organism derived from the Great Tree of Life. Usually divided into 5 main categories including:

- Mystic: elf, dwarf,...

- Demonic: vampire, succubus,...

- Beastic consists of beast-like creatures.

- Elementalic: fairy, eltal,...

- Unholy: zombie, death knight,...*

I turned to the page about Dragon.

*Dragon of the beastic group is a race that became extinct somewhere between 200 and 300 years ago. Although they have not appeared for a long time, their descendants, the Dragonborn, continue to exist in the world of Interria. A dragon can create hard armor and transform into a dragon from the race's special skill. Even though Dragonborn is a descendant of dragons, they cannot create thick scales like Dragons.*

"Hmmm. Thick scales huh." I thought to myself.

Can I do that? Well, there is only one way to find out.

"[Dragon Transformation 15% Right Arm]"

Suddenly a series of black spheres appeared around my right hand. They quickly caught and transformed my hand.

"It's like a thousand needles stuck in my hand," I told myself.

Then it was as if my muscle fibers started to swell. A series of diamond-shaped black scales began to form on my arms that seamlessly flowed to my shoulders. The tips of the fingers are covered with conical white claws. As I was staring at my dragon hand, I started to move my fingers. When they collided, it sounded like swords clashing against each other.

"I wonder how hard it is?" I thought to myself.

I pulled out the dagger that I kept in my belt. I slashed hard at my arm. The knife couldn't withstand the impact, its tip broke, and the shard flew and made a slight scratch on my face.

"Huh. Not bad." I thought to myself and bent down to pick up the shard.


Hmmm. What is this bloodstain? I used my left finger to scrape the corner of the wall. There are still some blood stains here, some of them seem to have been washed away lightly with water. But this wasn't here before? Unless Veene...I'm startled at the thought. I ran out of the bathroom.

"Veene, are you okay?" I woke Veene up.

"Mr. Hades, your arm…" Veene looked at my hand in surprise and confusion.

The right arm, I haven't... Now, what should I do?

*To cancel a skill, say Skill Cancellation.*

"[Skill Cancellation]"

The flakes fell from my hand and fell to the ground, the muscle fibers of my arm had returned to their original state, now how should I explain it to Veene.

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