《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 13: History [1]


Now to another matter.

This world, I need to know more about it. I sat on the chair, using a fork and knife to cut the meat and eat it. The sweetness of the honey and the deliciousness of the meat are enough to satisfy me. I opened the book on the history of the world of Interria. It seemed the words on the book had changed the moment I looked at it. "Language Comprehension" has saved me time in learning how to write and read the languages ​​of this world. Now let's see what this world will give you.

*Since the dawn of time, there have been 3 entities that made up the continent of Interria. Those entities are known as "The Foundatores". Those entities include The one who knows (Knous), The one who keeps the circle (Circlus), and The one who guild time and space (Cronus).*

*Those powerful entities later created 8 new gods to be able to take over the land of Interria.*

*Those are God of order (Ordenius), god of revolution (Rebelius), god of development (Developius), god of decay (Decaius), god of life (Lifeius), god of eternal sleep (Foreverius), god of honor and dignity (Honourius), god of wisdom (Politicius). All 8 gods play a role in maintaining and developing Interria.*

*An unspecified period before the birth of the empire of Men Glorian:

-In an indefinite period, the new gods have begun the work of creating the first lives. Humans and animals were created by the hands of the gods of stone and clay. While hominoids and plant forms were created from the materials on the Great Tree of Life. The gods created dungeons to test humans and non-humans.

-It was around this time that many ancient countries appeared and were destroyed. Untrained relic hunters entered the dungeon with dreams of changing their lives. This period is called the Age of Enlightenment.


*400 years before the birth of Glorian:

This period was a time of turmoil and reclamation throughout Interria. Both humans and non-humans have begun to interact with each other through which both have begun to learn more about each other. Humans separate into many different kingdoms and independent cities. While hominoids are nearing a step towards unification.

-However, a large number of high-ranking dragon-shaped monsters (wryren) have escaped from the dungeons in the land of humanity and ushered in 50 years of relentless destruction on the human land. The flame that started the hatred between humanity and non-humanity began to ignite after refusing to help humans from this event and only focused on saving their fellow citizens from the non-human faction. Although that event was ended, the great damage to people and property has created fear and anger towards individuals coming out of dungeons in general and dragons (one of the most similar races like wryren but in meager numbers) in particular. The above event is called Dragon Crisis. Since this event, humanity has had a large number of precious materials from wryren that are used purely for military purposes and dungeon exploration. The non-human faction is slowly coming to a unification thanks to the expeditions of the Arania kingdom by the hands of Morlock The First Demon Lord. This period is called the non-human era.

300-200 years before the birth of Glorian:

-The conflict between humans and non-humans is increasing. At the climax, the kingdom of Arania discovered that a few individuals in the dungeon began to appear sentient. A year later, Arania began to issue orders to test sentient beings to grant them citizenship. This for the Allied Forces of Humanity(a collection of many kingdoms affected by the Dragon Crisis event) became an excuse for humanity to start a war. Thus began the first world war between Arania and the Allied Forces of Humanity. It's called the Holy War.


-The war took place for 10 years with the advantage in favor of humanity. Non-humans suffered the most damage due to human destruction of the Great Tree of Life (reproduction accounts for 40% of non-humans at that time.)

-Faced with that situation, the dragon race (who lived in seclusion after the Dragon Crisis event) appeared to reconcile the two factions (because when they were created, they were assigned by the gods to become messengers of peace under the earth for the gods). Although humanity has withdrawn, it does not mean that they have given up. On the day of the signing of the peace treaty, with the appearance of many dragons as well as representatives of the two factions, the allied forces turned to kill many dragons. Although prepared in advance as well as with the help of the non-human faction, before the overwhelming military superiority of the allies, a large number of dragon people fell and became raw materials.

-After that event, the dragon emperor Manecis asked the help of some gods to break the chains called "peace messengers" for revenge.

-Then those gods agreed, the allied forces' dragon vein weapons were neutralized, and the dragons were no longer bound. After that, the Manecis faction entered the allied territory and began to wreak havoc. The dragons' attack was so terrifying that the other gods had to personally put an end to the war by destroying the Manecis faction.*

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