《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 10: Moonlight


After we parked our cart in an empty lot, we continued to the inn. The inn is called "Fire in the moonlit night".

"The two of you remember not to do some things that are too stupid," Sophia said as we come closer to the inn

I find it difficult to understand.

"Why ?"

"Because the landlady is quite a hothead."

"What do you…"

Suddenly a bunch of people was knocked out of the inn. Their faces were covered with light burns.

"Tch. We wanted some quiet time."

"If you mean card game time then please walk out of my inn and come back when you don't want to play cards. If you keep playing that stupid game in my inn, you know what's going to happen."

Those who were beaten quickly left the inn.

"Is that what you mean?"


We approached the person who beat the other guys earlier. It was a muscular woman about 40 years old. Her special feature was the burning flames on her head like her hair and bright smile.

"Oh, you're the one Tim mentioned. Welcome to my inn. My name is Amae. Please forgive me for what happened earlier." She giggled while walking toward me.

"It's okay, everyone has their own rules."

"Come on, what are we doing standing out here?"

We entered the inn. The furniture inside is all made of clear wood which is quite normal. Inside there were also quite a few guests and waiters. From humans to hominoids are all here.

"So, what do you guys want?" Amae entered what looked like a bartender's winery in the middle of the main room.

"I am Hades. I want to book a room for one person to stay for 5 days."


"Miss Sophia wants to stay here too, doesn't she?"


"There are two rooms available for one person upstairs, rooms A12 and A3. Would you like to eat at our place?"

Veene's stomach suddenly growled. Veene was embarrassed and held my hand firmly while the other two were giggling.

"Then a meal for this little girl." Amae laughed after saying that.

"…Yes, thank..you…" Veene replied timidly.

"Veene this inn has delicious food, Sister Sophia promises to treat your property today." Sophia laughed while patting Veene's head.

"Do Mr. Hades want a meal ?" Amae asked me.

"No, I'm not hungry right now. What's the total amount?"

"Your amount to pay for a room at the inn for 5 nights will be 50 iron coins, Miss Sophia's 90 iron coins will be the room fee for 5 nights and 2 meals. And every meal after that will be charged 20 iron." Ms. Amae wrote it on a payment slip and brought out two keys with A12 and A3 engraved on the table.

"My dear Amae, can you give us a little discount?" Sophia spoke confidently while moving toward Amae.

"Hmmm. The fee for two people will be deducted by 10 iron coins if you will help my advertising."

"Of course," Sophia replied.

I gave her 1 silver coin and she exchanged 60 iron coins. Only 4 silver coins and 80 iron coins left. I told myself.

"Then I go to the room first. Veene, stay down here and eat with Sophia." I walked up the stairs to the upper floor with my backpack and a few items.

"Yes, Mr. Hades," Veena replied.

I went upstairs and entered room A12. The room is quite clean, equipped with a bed, a lamp emitting a strange light, and wooden furniture. There is also a bathroom, which has a window looking out onto the outdoors. I put my backpack and some items like daggers, money bags and the clothes I bought on the table. I collapsing and thinking about what happened today.


"Calm down, calm down." I gasped while talking to myself.

Things that happened today. I calmed myself down and systematized what happened today. I walked into the bathroom. There are only a sink, a toilet, and a head shower inside. I wash my face in the sink and then look outside the window.

"Today is a long day and the days to come will be longer." I thought to myself while looking towards the two moons that slowly appear in the horizon sky, one dyed in bloody red, the other dyed in dark blue.

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