《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 8: Interria


After walking for a while, we stopped in front of a rather large barbershop on the left side of the main road. I entered the shop.

"Excuse me, is anyone inside?"

The inside stopped as if there were no guests. The salon looks quite clean with hairdressing equipment that reminds me of popular barbershops in my hometown. But more prominent in the shop is an old man with a giant slender body about 2.5 meters tall wearing an elegant suit. On his face were a friendly smile and a thick beard. He walked gently up to me and said.

"What do you need ?"

"Please help me cut this little girl's hair, sir."

"With pleasure. How do you want to cut this girl?"

"Cut it the way she wants."

I pushed Veene towards him. After looking through Veene's hair, he spoke.

"Do you want us to wash her hair too ?"

"That would be nice. And I want to pay in advance because I have a job to do."

"Cutting and washing hair is a total of 40 iron coins. After about 30 minutes, you can come back and pick her up."

I gave him 40 iron coins and was about to walk away when Veene came over and pulled my cloak.

"Please don't go." The girl said in a trembling voice.

"It's okay, I'll be back soon. Then we'll go buy clothes and eat delicious food." I said in a calm voice.

It seemed that my words helped to ease Veene's worries a bit. As I walked out of the store I looked at my wallet again. Only 5 silver coins and 50 iron coins left. I sighed and started thinking about how to start saving. Suddenly I noticed a human boy struggling as if he was looking for someone in the middle of a hominoid route. Although the street was busy, I didn't see anyone seem to notice the boy. Some of them even seem to ignore him. I went to ask.


"Are you lost ?"

The boy shivered at me and shook his head. All the non-humans also started looking at me strangely. I hold the boy's hand.

"Let's go find the policemen." I took the boy's hand and went to find a policeman.

After walking for a while, I met Tim. When I went to him and finished explaining everything, suddenly a woman in her 30s and 40s ran up to us.

"Here you are, it turns out this hominoid has kidnapped you, I'll make him pay."

While I was bewildered by the response, Tim stood between me and her.

"Are you sure this is your mother?"

The boy nodded.

"Ma'am, you misunderstood. It was he who brought the boy to me."

"Tch. So you want to help the guy who kidnapped my son?"

Then the non-humans around started circling us. An old pleasant farmer with brown fur, Tibetan mastiff ears, and nose stepped out.

"That's right because this guy helped that boy find a policeman. Even though I am old, my eyes are still very sharp."

The crowd started to riot. When she saw this, she came and took the boy's hand.

"Tch. I'm sorry. Now go back to our place, son."

The boy wave his hand as his mother dragged him away. After a while, the crowd dispersed, and it was me, Tim, and the old man who remained. He came to pat me on the shoulder.

"Young man, if she wanted to dig deeper, you might be in big trouble, you can thank Morlock for not letting that happen. Everyone wants to be a hero at least once in their life, but next time be a little more careful."

"Thank you for helping me back then."

"I'm grateful to you for reporting the lost boy to the police."


"No problem, I usually leave these human affairs to the police. Besides, as hominoids, it's natural that we should stick together like a family."

"Why was that wife acting so hostile towards me just now?"

Both the uncle and Tim shrugged, giggling.

"{It's just a normal day in Interria.}"

I said goodbye to those two and continued to go to the village library. When I went in, I only saw a few people reading books. The library here is not too big, only a few large bookshelves interwoven. I went to the little lady who is organizing books on the shelves, about 1 meter 2, her ears and nose like a mouse.

"Are you a librarian?"

"Yes, what do you need?"

"I need two pamphlets that summarize the history and race in Interria."

I also want to buy another book on magic but I don't think it's necessary right now.

"Yes. Please wait a while."

She went inside one of the large bookshelves. After a while, she came out and gave me two leather books, each about 20 pages in size.

"Here are two of your books."

I skimmed through each book and it seemed to be exactly what I needed.

"Thank you, how much do these two books cost?"

"Sir, 2 books cost 30 iron coins."

I handed over the money, took 2 books, and quickly walked over to Veene. I think it's been 30 minutes.

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