《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 2: The Contract


"What...are..you?" I asked it nervously.

[I am THE entity Z. But you can call me Z for short.] That thing, or Z, said it to me while it flying around and paying a close eye, if it even have eyes, at me.

"So what do you want, Z?"

[No, no, no...It's more like what YOU will have.] Z said it proudly as he widen his arms.

"What do you mean by that ?"

Z gave me a ghastly smile, it would have numbed my whole body as if I was in my body.

[Congratulations to my candidate. You have been chosen from among the humans that I have observed over the years.]

"Choose to do what ?" I responded in confusion.

[You will be transported to the continent of Interria in a world parallel to Earth. I have prepared almost everything for you, now just need to choose the location.]

Transported. Interria. Z, what the hell is he talking about.

[When watching a movie, things will be more interesting if you don't listen to the spoilers first.] His smile widens.

He can read my mind.

"So what if I disagree?"

Z's smile suddenly disappeared. He put an invisible pressure on my soul as if hundreds of tons were pressing on me.

[Death is probably something too easy on you human. Trust me, I'll do something a hundred, thousand times worse. Then you will beg me to let you go.]

"So..I..can..only..choose..to...go, right? But...still.." I tried to talk calmly as the pressure keep increase.

My father, even though I still blamed him for the appearance of my stepmother, in the end, both he and I were victims. I always cherish the memories of the good old days before the accident. Those memories and the career my parents built are precious to me and should not be tainted by her hands. Even thinking about it makes my blood boil.


[Oh so you are worried about those things. I can deal with that if you agree.] Z was surprised and deleted the pressure.

"What...do...you..mean ?" Although the pressure was gone, it still affect me to the core.

[You can still keep those precious memories of yours. Plus that stinky stepmother won't be free from her sins after you leave this world. Your parent career will also be taken care of by good hands and flourish like never before.]

"Are you telling the truth ?"

[A promise from a god.]

To be honest, Z's offers are quite appealing. Even if Z doesn't punish me, the injuries from this accident will stay with me for the rest of my life. And one thing is for sure, I won't be talented enough to inherit that property.

"So are I still having these injuries when I transported?"

[No, you don't.]

"How can I adapt to this new world ?"

[I have built something like a game system for you, plus a few extra things.] Z said that as his head spun back and forth, up and down like some kind of demonic ritual just to mess with me.

"What is your plan here, Z ?"

[That information isn't available yet.]

"What will I do in this new world ?"

[Just wait for further guidance.]

"But what about father..."

[Time is very precious, It's a yes or no.]

He raised his right hand, which was burning in a blue and black flame as if he wanted me to shake his hand. Sorry Dad, but I've been pushed to a dead end.


And then something from deep down in my mind awoke, it was like a desire. A desire to help those in need. Those who needed ME.



[With pleasure.]

I took the flaming hand. Flames spread from Z's hand to my soul. My whole spirit was burning, but it wasn't hot at all. This time instead of smiling, Z laughed so maniacally that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as if I were in my body.

The noises from the machine next to my body pounded rapidly. Not long after, the doctor rushed into my room. I can't hear their words. Who is it, my father, he ran in with tears streaming down his face. It seemed for a moment he saw my burning soul.

"No wait, I need to say to him, please Z." My tear began to drip from my eyes as my father stared at me and Z in confusion.

[I will help him to feel better.] Z talks more calmly and collectively than ever before.

I don't like Z but this time I thank him.

"I'm sorry and thank you for all the old memories."

My soul gradually disappeared into the void. Everything fades and the last I hear is a long, raspy high-pitch noise. Everything feels so comfortable.

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