《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 14: Dinner before the field trip


“Bunny, open wide!”


I opened my mouth and Riku tossed two red pills into it.

Demon King Blood Protein supplement>

Nom nom… Delicious!

They were some kind of supplement that doctor BIZARRE gave me. I had no idea what they were for, but since they were sweet and delicious, I happily took six pills a day, one pill at a time right before my meals.

And speaking of meals…

“Ilsa! Is the chicken done yet?” Riku called out for Ilsa, who was inside the kitchen at the moment.

“Three minutes!” Ilsa shouted back.

“Okay!” said Riku.

"Hurry hurry!" I also shouted. Even though the kids couldn't understand what I said, I still shouted as I couldn't wait for the chicken to be done.


It was chicken you know?

Steampunk oven roasted chicken with many steam!

Yum yum!

I then helped Riku prepare and decorate the table with wooden utensils and colorful flowers which I found somewhere outside.

And then all what's left to do was waiting for other kids to come over.

Knock knock. They arrived!

Me and Riku quickly ran towards the door.

I would like to open the door right away, but first...

"Speak friend and enter!" Me and Riku shouted in unison. We had to put up security just incase of wolf.

"Watermellon," those outside spoke.


Riku then twisted the knob and opened the door.

I just stood aside to greet them and ... to peak at the things they brought over of course!

Blob_Blob brought milk.

GeorgEy_168 brought berries.

Meetty brought chocolate.

OliseEE brought mushrooms

and Yomundorudo... urghh... inedible green stuffs.

Right after that, sun set. We sat down at the dining table and lighted the candles.

Sniff sniff

Oh boy... Roasted chicken smells so good!

I drooled.

My body couldn't stop shaking.

You know what, friends, we just got our new steampunk oven!

Well, it was not really "new", because it was second hand stuff that we received as a gift from teacher Clickclock_TickTock, but it was much much better than the old one.

Food cooked in it smelled like heaven! And there was so much steam it was awesome!

However, there was one downside of it. It was tripled the size of the old one, and with that, there was now only enough space for one person to stand and cook in the kitchen.

Oh, and speaking of teacher Clickclock_TickTock...

He was a dwarf adventure who invented awesome stuffs, and taught us item crafting lessons. His house was right next to our school. He always called the kids over whenever he made a new fun invention, and the kids loved it! I loved it too, but, I just couldn't stand being inside of his house. The smell of oil made my head dizzy, the floor was greasy and slimy... and not to mention the noises... It was like, tick tick tock tock tock cleng cleng cookkudo doo all the time! Too noisy! How could he even sleep?


Anyways, back to our main event.

That roasted chicken, just one whiff and bam! You're defeated.

But we couldn't dig in just yet!

The kids drew three imaginary Circles in front of their chest with their right hands. I did that too.

And then we all said our prayer.

"Bless us, oh Lord of the Sun, the Moon and the Universe, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through... -oh boy, the prayer was long and boring as hell, so let's skip to the end-... Thank you Berry much."

That's all!

I immediately jumped in and ripped off the chicken leg.

I then took the drumstick...



The skin was so smoky and crispy, and as my teeth sunk deeply into the the muscle, I slurped the hot juice that contained all of the wonderful umami flavor of meat and bone. Fuu fuu fuu~ ... I chewed. And when I was doing that, my mouth was always half full because I needed to inhale cool air to cool down the meat inside.

My ears melted liquid.

"Kukuku" The kid chuckled.

They were not surprised, and they smiled as they watched me made the very first bite.

I then looked at all of them with my eyes half open as my fluffy chubby cheeks bulged. Huh? What are you waiting for? I thought, and then went over the other side of the dish, pulled another leg off.

I placed it on top of Ilsa's plate.

"Thank you for your good work!"

But then,

"Awwwwww!!!!" Ilsa screamed and reached out her hands!

Oh no!

I quickly turned around and tried to run.


Ilsa was fast! She grabbed me with the speed of light and lifted me off the table.


I spat out the meat inside my mouth as Ilsa hugged me really tight.

She was only twelve and a level 16, but that arm strength was very impressive.

"Very well, because you always feed me delicious food, I'll let you touch me for one minute."

And thinking that, I relaxed my muscles and stopped chewing. I also tried my best not to let any chicken or juice spilled on her beautiful indigo dress.

And during that one minute...

Weird... I've never knew that a human also has this kind of warmth...

I enjoyed the embrace.

And then, after ten minutes.

Time out! I'm hungry you know?

I wiggled my belly and forced my way to freedom.

I took a chick thigh this time.



Well, it was obvious that one chicken was not enough, so Ilsa cooked another one.


Ah, those mushrooms and berries were delicious too!

But chicken was best!

We also had our conversation.

“Meetty, Riku, I keep wondering about this, but does the bunny have a name?” Ilsa suddenly asked.

What? I raised my ears while munching on chicken thigh. A name?

It's Thunder_xXx_Thunder! But I can't tell you because you can't understand me!

“Ilsa, we took him to the Guild a few days ago to get him a name and to register him as my pet, but it didn’t work,” said Riku. “I don’t know why though...”

“Eh? What happened?” Ilsa asked.

“It was all going well until we had him sign the contract. None of the contract worked!”

Heh? Contract?

What contract?

What are you saying?

A few days ago, they took me to the big building at the center of the village. And then many pretty girls came looking for me and they all wanted my signature!

But I don’t remember no contract!

I also took another chicken thigh.

“Really?” OliseEE joined in. “And what did the staffs say?”

“They had no idea. But it might be because he wasn’t tamed.”

What!? I dropped my chicken. Tame me!?

Hup. I then jumped off the chair. Can’t waste food!

“Heh? That can’t be! How can he not be tamed? He followed us everywhere and even went to school with us!” OliseEE said.

Well, I have my own free will you know?

But tame me?


Very funny.

I then climbed back up.

Nom nom…

“Ooooo!!! I know!!!” GeorgEy_168 suddenly said with a mouth full of poison greens. “Maybe he is actually a Demon Lord who was so unhappy about his ugly appearance in his past life and thus decided to reincarnate as a bunny?”


I dropped my chicken again.

Urrghhh! My precious…

But how could you come up with that nonsense idea?

And can you please make this chair shorter or should we eat on the floor next time?

“Georgy! That’s nonsense! Your weird imagination scared the shit out of me sometimes you know?” Meetty said to GeorgEy_168.

Yes! I also nodded. This human boy is just too crazy!

Can you believe it?

Last time he said that there is a wizard inside my stomach!

That gave me nightmares!

“Haha, that’s our Georgy!” Blob_Blob grinned and place his hand on GeorgEy_168’s shoulder.

But right after that...

“Blob!” Meetty stared at Blob_Blob. “What is that on your plate?”

Oh no!

She found out!

“Heh?” Blob_Blob didn’t know what was going on.

But then he looked down and saw some chicken, “What!? WHAAATT? H-how can it get here?”


The truth is, I put them there.

The boys were not allowed to eat meat for three days as a punishment for that previous incident.

And all they could eat was poison greens…

But that was just too cruel!

I couldn’t stand it!

Too cruel!!!


I had to save them!

“Georgy and Yoyo too!” Meetty then said the names. “I now increase the punishment to seven days!”

“Noooooo!!!!” The three boys screamed.

"Come onnnn!!!" I also screamed with them.

My heart cried.

“Sorry brothers…” I said while putting a mushroom on each of their plate, even though they couldn’t understand what I was saying.

“Please accept my deepest condolences.

“And respect.”

Well, in the end, my mushrooms were wasted as Meetty forgave the boys and let them have the meat.

And following that, the kids also talked about many more stupid stuffs.

Something about yawning is actually chewing and eating air… mind blown!

And something about this new emerging hero named Tracksuitt_Manypacks.

… A very familiar name...

And then before we knew it, Dong... dong... dong... the midnight bell tolls put an end to that eventful day.

None of us could sleep, as we all lost in our own thoughts and imaginations.


Finally, a new day had arrived.

That day, the kids had their first field trip.

Kawaii_Story_Bot’s Note:


They are creatures with wide range of level that can be found all over Online. They used to be called “Homo sapiens” in the old times, but then changed because of racism. However, creatures of the dark, such as demons, still called them “Homo”, as a way of mocking.

As the human race populated and their technology advanced, they explored and conquered many new lands, and also waged war with many other races.

They think they are the smartest and the most successful race.

But is it true? As many monsters, especially demons, think of them as stupid and pathetic creatures, with many flaws and existed just to serve the purpose of an unlimited food source.

Stat gain average: 3 STR, 2 AGI, 5 INT, 2 VIT, 1 LUK and 15 free points per level.

Race skills:

Level 1: Stats boost low. Level 20: Stats boost medium. (Replaces Stats boost low) Level 50: Stats boost high. (Replaces Stats boost medium) Level 100: Enlightenment.



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