《Web of Worlds: Empire. GUARD. Book 1. litRPG series》Note from the author


The book is on pre-order on Amazon and goes live on the 29th of January

GUARD [Web of Worlds: Empire] A LitRPG Series

Pre-order is available: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B083DZZGM2

My first glimpse of D&D started from Baldur’s Gate more than 20 years ago. Very rare people knew about these games in Russia in 1990s. The first official D&D publication appeared only in 2006, 30 years after it came out in America. By the way, now I look forward to the new Forgotten Realms.

Honestly, the first game I played was a poorly translated pirated copy. It was constantly keeping crashing on my outdated computer, but I was too fascinated to stop playing it.

After Baldur’s Gate 2 released, I’d managed to meet several like-minded people on the Internet. We made cards on the black-and-white printer and spent many exciting evenings playing the game. There were no more than 30 people in our entire city who were fond of D&D, but all my teenage memories of that period were good memories.

In August 2006, D&D 3.5 rules were first officially published in Russian. We got a chance to play Neverwinters Night, Baal and received official collectibles. The fan community became huge. I played on the forums, in the icq and irc chats (does anyone still remember about them?).

Around the same time, I was drafted into the army and was forced to abandon my passion for games. Having returned home and written a small series of books in the post-apocalypse genre, I resumed to my teenage hobby for board games. I devoted them all my time.

While facing an important event in the text, I threw a d4 dice for luck, and described the result, taking into account all the characteristics. Later I found out that this approach wasn’t very popular with those readers who weren’t very much interested in D&D games. However, if you are as big fan of the board role-playing games as me, then I’m sure you’ll like the book. You will success in revealing all the secrets of this seemingly simple but multi-layered world.

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