《Forgoing Hope》Revelation 2 (A.H Week 3)


you pushed pretty little lies out through your gritted teeth and formed pretty little smiles to follow after them

i was enchanted and who wouldn't be, a beautiful girl like you only came around once in a lifetime, and i don't just mean beauty as in face

i mean beauty as in soul

as in body

as in heart

but those were words i never expressed because deep down, i knew you were keeping something from me, so i kept this from you

now i regret it everyday

no one knows now

no one knows where you are, no one knows who you were, and i can't figure out why

it's driving me insane that no one remembers like me, why don't they remember

why can no one but me see you, why are you doing this to me, Hope

i want to talk about the way you danced in the mud on rainy days, i want to talk about the pictures you painted that hung in the halls at school, i want to talk about that picture of you that sat in the glass case from that art show that you won

but no one saw the footprints you trailed back into the dance hall, no one sees the lightest parts of the walls where your framed pieces used to hang, no one remembers the face of the girl that smiled at everyone in the main hall

and i can't understand why

please help me understand why

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