《Forgoing Hope》Letter To Adonis (B.H day 7)


I like you.

I like you in a way that I've never liked another person before, and I know you won't believe me because of what everyone thinks of me. You won't believe me because you think I've been around with just about everyone at our school.

You aren't exactly wrong to think that, but you are wrong to not believe me. I'm usually very good with words, but when I think of you... I get this ache in my chest and in my head and it makes it so hard to put words into sentences.

It's like you make me sick, but in the best way imaginable, and that makes it hard to stay away when I know I should. That's probably why I did what I did that night, why we did what we did.

Do you know that I noticed you even before that night. I noticed you noticing me, and I know that's weird... and kind of creepy, but I did. I would watch you in the theater while I practiced. I would glance at you in the cafe with your mix'n'matched group of friends.

You always looked so-almost unnaturally- happy.

I almost hated you for a time, and I know you might find that hard to imagine as well.

But then you walked up to me and tried to get me to talk. That's why I'm starting to write these to you. I want you to have something from me for when I'm gone because I know we will grow close, and I know what you'll feel when I'm gone.

Bye for now Adonis

-signed your hope

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