《Unexpected Friendship》Chapter 2


"It is extinct." Gabriel said pointing at the staff, "But that wasn't the volcano."

Hazel was shocked to see cracks spreading from the tip to the volcano's ground before the side of the volcano crumbled and a stone staircase appeared.

"Let's go." Matthew said leading the two down the stairs.

"Hazel Abernathy." A cold voice said.

Stopping Hazel looked around.

"Claws? is something wrong?" Matthew asked glancing at the brown-haired girl.

"Shush!" Hazel snapped, "Who's there!?"

"Alert I see." The cold voice said as a man appeared from the shadows.

"Chancellor Nevermore." Matthew said as both he and Gabriel turned to them.

"Matthew, Gabriel nice seeing the two of you." Chancellor Nevermore said nodding to them before turning back to Hazel, "So this is the new Monster Hunter I've been hearing so much about?"

"Pretty much." Gabriel said shrugging.

"Follow me then." Chancellor Nevermore said leading them down the stairs.

"Who is he exactly?" Hazel asked whispering.

"Chancellor Joseph Nevermore." Gabriel whispered back, "A level 30 Monster Hunter and one of the greatest Monster Hunters in The Hideout."

They walked for a bit before stopping at a white door.

"Stand back." Chancellor Nevermore said as he unlocked the door with a black key.

Once the doors were open Hazel could see dozens of people young and old. The walls were lined with weapon parts from top to bottom.

Josh who had been perching on Gabriel's shoulder most of the trip flew to join the other birds on the ceiling. Hazel could see Eagles, Hawks, Owls, Falcons, Vultures, and a handful of Ravens.

"This place is amazing." Hazel said as they walked to the center of the room.

"And this is only the Great Hall." Gabriel said smiling.

"Hazel Abernathy we would like you to join us." Chancellor Nevermore said facing the brown-haired girl.

"Pardon?" Hazel asked.

"He's asking you to be an official Monster Hunter." Gabriel explained.

"What's the catch?" Hazel asked folding her arms.

"You must only use your skills when necessary and draw your weapon for peace, never in anger or blood lust." Chancellor Nevermore replied.

"Alright, I'm in." Hazel said.

"Hazel Abernathy daughter of John and Rose Abernathy I hereby declare you a part of The Monster Hunters." Chancellor Nevermore said opening a white box and revealing a stone dagger with a silver handle encrusted with purple and blue gems.

"Cool." Hazel said lifting the dagger before fastening the sheath and itself on her belt, "Who made it?"


"That would be me." A girl with brown hair, tan skin and crystal blue eyes said.

"Hazel this is Abbey Gunn a level 18 Monster Hunter." Gabriel said introducing the two.

"Nice to meet you." Hazel said smiling.

"Well now that that's settled Hazel, Gabriel come with me please." Chancellor Nevermore said.

Hazel and Gabriel glanced at each other before turning to Matthew uneasiness on both their faces.

"It's alright you two." Matthew said smiling, "Go with Chancellor Nevermore."

They nodded before following Chancellor Nevermore out of the Great Hall into another chamber.

"Where are we?" Gabriel asked looking around.

"This is my office." Chancellor Nevermore said sitting down behind the desk, "Take a seat."

"So, what's wrong?" Hazel asked as she and Gabriel sat on the seats in front of the desk.

"This morning just before you arrived, we received this from your aunt, Hazel." Chancellor Nevermore said before showing them a letter.

Dear Chancellor Nevermore

If you've seen Hazel please send her home and I beg you to not make her into a Monster Hunter.

- Molly Abernathy

Hazel's eyes widened as she finished reading it.

"Seems like you disobeyed her." Gabriel said, "But why am I here?"

"There's more." Chancellor Nevermore said revealing more of Molly's handwriting.

P.S. Please if you see Gabriel send him along with Hazel. I understand that they killed the Corpsataur that killed their parents but they are too inexperienced to be Monster Hunters. I do hope you understand.

"So, what are you planning to do?" Hazel asked folding her arms.

"If the two of you are up for it, we have been hearing some rumors about Monster Hunters disappearing around those parts." Chancellor Nevermore explained, "I need the two of you to find out what's going on."

"Fine by me." Gabriel said nodding before turning to Hazel, "You in?"

"I'm in." Hazel smiled before looking back to the older man, "But what did she mean by 'the Corpsataur that killed their parents'?"

"I believe we informed her before I sent Matthew to tell you." Chancellor Nevermore said looking at the brown-haired girl.

Gabriel's eyes widened before looking at Hazel. Just before Gabriel could say anything Hazel sighed.

"The two of you should get some sleep." Chancellor Nevermore said before standing up, "Hazel you can sleep in Gabriel's room."

"Sure." Hazel said quietly before she and Gabriel stood up.



"Well, that seems reasonable." Matthew said.

Once Gabriel, and Hazel got out they immediately went to find Matthew. The two of them filled the older man in on what Chancellor Nevermore told them as they walked to Gabriel's room which they were currently in.

"Do tell, what's reasonable in not telling me that my own parents were dead?" Hazel asked looking away from the two males.

"People do things without explanation for a reason." Matthew said softly as he placed a calm hand on Hazel's shoulder.

"It’s just not fair." Hazel said tears penetrating her eyes.

Gabriel hesitated for a bit before standing up.

"You know how to play Chess?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"Me and my dad used to play it all the time, when he and mom were home." Hazel said wiping away a stray tear.

"You wanna play?" Matthew asked.

"Sure." Hazel said smiling.

"I call white!" Gabriel exclaimed getting a Chess set from one of his shelves.

"Then I'll go for black." Hazel said smiling.

And so, the nest 45 minutes were spent by the two Monster Hunters battling each other’s mind.

"And the winner is Gabriel Pasi!" Matthew announced while Gabriel knocked down Hazel's king with his rook.

"Nice job out there Gabriel." Hazel said smiling as they picked up the pieces of the Chess set.

"Thanks." Gabriel said as they high fived.

'And so, the bond of friendship begins.' Matthew thought smiling at the two.

"You know Hazel your pretty good." Gabriel said shelving his Chess set, "The only person who gave me that much trouble was my mom."

Hazel smiled at the brunette before saying, "You can call me Claws if you like."

"Nah, feels weird but your always free to call me Gab."

"Sounds like a plan, Gab."


"Rise and shine sleepyhead." Hazel sang as Gabriel started to wake up.

"Morning." Gabriel said rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Hurry up." Hazel smiled, "You’re getting your bow back today."

Gabriel returned her smile with his own, glad that the brunette remembered what they talked about last night.

"Come on. Knowing Matthew, he already has my bow and is waiting at the door." Gabriel said getting out his bed and grabbing his bag.

Hazel gave a faint giggle as she grabbed her bag from the ground and followed her friend out of his bedroom.

The two talked about small things and debated on wither it would be easier to kill a monster using a mace or a sword.

"Morning you two." Matthew said as the two arrived, "Gabriel I believe this is yours."

"Thanks Matthew." Gabriel said gratefully taking his bow.

"Let's go." Matthew said before they stopped at the white door from yesterday.

"Where do you get one of those?" Hazel asked as Matthew pulled out his own pitch-black key from one of his pockets.

"They only give those to level 10 Monster Hunters." Gabriel explained as they entered the stone stair case.

The three of them talked for a bit before they reached the end of the stair case.

"Alright Hazel I think it’s time for you to learn how to open the outer entrance to The Hideout." Gabriel said turning to the girl.

"Are you sure she can do this?" Matthew asked.

"Positive." Gabriel replied.

"So how do you do this?" Hazel asked pulling out her dagger from its scabbard.

"Do you see that crack?" Matthew asked pointing to it.

"Yep." Hazel replied.

"Put the tip of your dagger in it and say 'Mahan jvalamukhi main tumase poochata hoon mere liye apne rahasyon ko kholane kay liye.'" Matthew explained.

"Okay." Hazel said putting the tip of her dagger in the crack, "Mahan jvalamukhi main tumase poochata hoon mere liye apne rahasyon ko kholane kay liye."

Looking at the crack Hazel saw more cracks sprouting from it. Then like yesterday the wall suddenly opened, revealing the outside world.

"I did it!" Hazel exclaimed happily as the three walked outside.

The two males smiled at her before the three started walking.

"So how are we going to sneak in a bow and dagger into my house without my aunt knowing?" Hazel asked.

"We could use Josh." Gabriel replied.

"How?" Hazel asked curious, "He's still at The Hideout."

Gabriel was about to reply before Hazel heard something from behind one of the trees that surrounded them.

"You alright Hazel?" Gabriel asked.

"Matthew, Gab don't say or do anything that could give us away." Hazel whispered resting her hand on her dagger's handle.

"Why?" Matthew asked.

Hazel was about to reply before a monster appeared right in front of them.

"Trancemirage!" Hazel exclaimed before unsheathing her dagger and running to the monster.

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