《Jormungandr's calamity》Book 1: Chapter 30 : The Urn


It had just gotten dark and I had taken refuge at the top of a tree. I began to look around to see if there was anything around me that could attack me while I was sleeping, but no, I found nothing but simple animals.

I looked at the moon and said, "Are you protecting me from here too?"

After having made a little prayer to the Moon, I fell asleep, but like every night, this one did not go normally. Indeed I was in my spiritual world except that there was only the giant urn. As I approached her, I heard a growl coming out of her. So I began to fix it, and little by little the chains that enclosed it began to give way.

"What's going on?"

Finally, a grotesque form was forming at the bottom of the liquid. Suddenly I woke up and I had a crazy urge to go to the bodies of the three humans. After 5 minutes of walking, I was in front of them and suddenly little black holes began to appear on my body and absorb the 3 bodies.

"I haven't lost that strange ability."

A white aura began to emerge from the three bodies and finally, they were absorbed by my body. Intrigued by what had just happened, I went back to my tree and headed into my inner world and saw that these auras were eaten by the urn but as they were going back into the urn I heard a voice.

"Help me!"

I wasn't mistaken, it was the girl's voice means that what was absorbed into the urn was the souls of the three humans who had died.

"So this urn absorbs souls like Satan's box, but what's the point?"

As I was looking for an answer to my question, something began to come out of the urn. Indeed, one could now see an eye floating. I was disgusted,

"What is that thing?"


The urn began to close but before that, the eye began to move and look at me. Suddenly I received like a mental shock, while all the inside of my mind was shaking, I understood that what I was receiving were the language of this world and other information.

Finally, the torture and the shaking stopped. I could now speak the language of this world and I now knew where I was.

I was in the world of Ircile and in the continent Rofaro. The latter was mainly populated by humans but there were also other species. There was also a continent for demons and beasts, but their names were not known because they were hidden.

Indeed they were somewhere in the universe but humans did not know where. I was also able to get some information on their type of cultivation, but I will look into that later. The most important thing for me was to see if the urn had changed. It had really changed, we can now see twelve gems on this one and one of them was lit.

A text was also written. Once the twelve Creigos are activated the perfect being will arrive in this world.

"The perfect being? What the hell is this thing?"

I knew I would not have an answer to this question so I looked at the urn one last time and disappeared from my mind.

My sleep was very eventful, indeed I kept seeing the scene of the death of the two young humans.

Every time before she died, Clea would look at me and say,

"This is all your fault. "

Then she would give up her last breath. The night finally passed and the first thing I did was to bury the bodies of the two lovers. Only by doing this will I stop dreaming about it. As I was burying them I remembered the face of hatred I received in my sleep.

"Will I see the face of each of my victims?"


I took a breath and finished burying them.

After I finish I say these words, "I hope you'll forgive me."

So I started crawling to the bottom of the forest without any real direction. I arrived in a lost place in the middle of the forest and did what I had learned from receiving the memories of the three humans.

Indeed I started to absorb the qi of the surrounding area and then to start cultivating. Indeed the first tattoo I had had have the particularity to make me as powerful as someone at the beginning of the external force realm.

This realm was the one right after the qi condensation but if I did not have access to the powers of my tattoo I only had the power of someone at the late qi condensation so I had to cultivate this type of cultivation except that the technique I was using could only be used by a human being.

Right humans will first have to unlock the twelve paths in their body except that my body was not that of a human. Indeed, by absorbing the qi around me, I could only use it to strengthen my body and organs and in no way gain qi.

Little by little I felt my body being invaded by a strange energy and this energy seemed to purify and strengthen my body. Indeed I could see viscous matter coming out of my scales.

Seeing this I say, "So it's the impurities in my body, little by little they'll be removed and that will make me stronger and I'll be able to handle more air that way. "

As I was doing this I heard a noise next to me, it was a group of 5 humans but they were all weak. The strongest was barely at the middle qi condensation. As I was about to leave I saw the animal they were hunting. It was a little snake, when I saw this I had a sort of a click happen in my head and I rushed towards them to exterminate them. They won't touch my family.

I came out of the forest and started attacking the group of humans. Hardly had he had time to notice what was happening 5 of them were already dead.

After three minutes all the humans were dead but it was strange that I had not absorbed their souls. There must be some kind of condition. So I left this little snake here and went to the bottom of the forest.

3 months after.

We could see a huge snake residing in a cave in the middle of the forest. The latter was white with black tattoos and a green tail. This snake was about 4 meters long and had an aura similar to someone at the great completion of qi condensation. This famous snake was Bagir, his body was strewn with scars that he won in all the fights he took part in during those months. But the most conspicuous was a scar under his eye.

He won this one during a fight with a cultivator at the external force realm. This fight was finally over when the cultivator ran away. Indeed he had gone into the forest with the intention of killing Bagir because too many humans had died in the forest. But it was a failure. From that moment the forest that was normally the forest of wonders was now called the forest of death and was a forbidden place for humans.

I came out of my cave and said, "I must leave this place and find a more dangerous place. Only under great pressure can you become stronger. Only after my fight with the old man did I become as strong as a great completion with my body."

As I began my journey into more dangerous territory, I didn't know that a shadow was following me from afar.

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