《Jormungandr's calamity》Book 1: Chapter 9 : First Day


I had just woke up and found that my parents were still asleep. So I snuck out of our bed and headed for the cave exit, but just as I was finally about to see the new world I was in, someone grabbed my tail. It was my mother who just woke up.

Pril (eyes half open): "Don't go outside alone, it's still too dangerous for you. If you want to go out, you have to go out with at least one of us.

I nodded.

Pril: It's good that you understand. Let's go out and let your father sleep."

So we're heading for the exit and what I'm experiencing will remain forever etched in my memory. A huge clearing of unimaginable beauty.

We can see huge deciduous trees, a stream running through the middle of this square, and finally a huge stone bridge. (https://fr.lovepik.com/image-400879850/dreamlike-forest.html)

Me: "Is it real?

Pril: Yes, your father and I were also very surprised when we found this place. Follow me and we'll go back to the subject we started dealing with yesterday.

Me: Yippee.

Pril: As you know we are descendants of Jormungandr.

Me: Yes, but how can we be his descendants if he could not have offspring?

Pril: That's where it gets interesting. If you want to become more powerful we must absorb the blood of other living beings. Our ancestors absorbed a piece of flesh from it.

Me: Our ancestors must have been powerful to be able to hurt Jormungandr and run away.

Pril: No you misunderstood, when I say he ate a piece of flesh, it's a piece of flesh that he lost in a fight against a mythological beast and our ancestors took advantage of the fight to run away with that piece.

Me: But if this happened it means that all the beasts that reside here are the descendants of a legendary monster.

Pril: Yes, but your case is unique because you become one instead of being a simple descendant you are a mythological being.

Me: This means that the whole world will chase me just to acquire a fragment of my being if I understood correctly.

Pril: That's right, fortunately, nobody knows that you were born, but it will soon be the main subject of conservation in all Urdu. So you're going to have to become powerful very quickly because we won't be able to protect you from your assailants because we're too weak. I'm sorry, son.


Me: It's nothing mother, I don't intend to put you in danger because it's my problem alone and it's only with a little pressure that we become stronger quickly.

Pril: Now that you know everything back, your dad told me he wants to start your training."

As we passed by a small river, I could finally see my whole appearance. I was a beautiful rocky white snake with irises that turned between red and yellow. I was 0. 90 m tall but this was the strangest height because I felt my body was bigger than yesterday.

But this was surely an illusion, you couldn't directly grow up at night at worst I'll ask Jormi to explain it all to me. In the end, what intrigued me most was not my change in size but the fact that I had what appeared to be gills.

Author As everyone surely knows Jormungandr is a sea snake, so I had the idea to give Bagir gills but they will not only be used to breathe underwater but that will be what he will use to spit out his venom. For that these gills will swell look at a picture of the Dilophosaurus to understand what I'm trying to say.

As I was taking a little too much time in front of the water watching my body my mother hit me on the head with her tail to get me out of my world.

I scratched my head and followed her. Finally, we arrived in front of the cave and I could see my father fighting with the bear, well not really fighting, it would be better to say sparring. Their training was over but as we were heading towards them, the bear as I like to call it headed towards the forest.

I couldn't understand why he left every time my mother was around.

Snar: "So we went on a walk without me.

Pril: Stop being such a child, if you wanted to come with us so badly you could have woken up. Well, we're not here to talk about that, are we? You said you were going to start his training.

Snar: Training is a big word, I would prefer to use the word strengthening because training is not really useful.

Me: What do you mean training is not useful? It's through practice that you get stronger, no.

Snar: It's the training fights that are the problem, it's true that you'll get stronger, but if you fight someone to the death, you're bound to lose because you'll only be training in fights where your life is not in danger. That's why it's better that you train in dangerous places to really progress.


Me: Yes I understand in reality training fights are just theory and it is possible that during a real fight to the death I will have a great chance to lose because I will not fight with the desire to kill my opponent and I may not know what to do in this situation. Is that right?

Snar: Yeah, looks like you inherited your mom's intelligence. So we are only going to strengthen your body and if you want to learn how to fight go to the forest to find opponents. Today we're going to train the venom spray and the dislocation of your spine.

Me: I understand about the jet but what do you mean by the dislocation of the spine?

Snar: I'll show you stand in front of me.

I faced him and waited for his next instructions.

Snar: I'm going to attack you, and you're going to have to dodge, easy as pie. All right, I'm on my way.

His tail went straight to my head, but I avoided it with a movement of my head. As I was about to tell him that he was ridiculous because I had dodged his attack, I felt his tail against the back of my skull. I looked at him in disbelief.

Snar: You're gonna ask me how I did it, right.

Me: Yes, how come you were able to touch me when I dodged your blow?

Snar: Nothing could be simpler, I dislocated my spine at my tail. So I was able to flip her over and then attack you.

Me: Does it mean that you can kill all your enemies with only one strike and never lose a fight.

I was in awe of the power my father possessed.

Snar: Unfortunately it's not that easy. This tactic may work against people who have hardly ever fought, but against veterans, it will be useless.

Me: Why is that?

Snar: After surviving many death battles, you unlock what is equivalent to a sixth sense, which allows you to sense attacks. That's why it's impossible to assassinate a powerful person, he will have already attacked you before you can attack him or he will have dodged your attack.

Me: Is it possible to dodge this kind of attack without having this sense?

Snar: Yes, if you can sense the killing intent of your opponent's move.

Me: Killing intent?

Snar: Every attack with the intention of taking a life will release an aura of death and by sensing it you can dodge attacks that are directed at you without even seeing them.

Me: So you're going to train me to feel that.

Snar: No, you're going to acquire it on your own through the various death fights you're going to participate in.

Me: I think we've talked enough and the training can begin.

Snar: Why are you in such a hurry. I'll just tell you what to do and let you practice. Dislocation is the hardest part, so today I'll put a circle on a tree and you have to hit it while moving and as for the venom spit, you'll have a target to aim at. You got it all figured out.

Me: Yes, but how do we send our venom?

Snar: Just spit and venom will come out of your mouth, so I'll leave you alone." And he walked away.

The training can begin. So I started to aim at the tree with my tail but it was too simple. Indeed, as I was very small, this exercise was too easy because I was not far enough from the tree trunk. So I abandoned it.

Me: "I'll do it when I'm bigger, but the venom spit looks like it'll be fun because I'll be able to get some distance"

So I did as my father told me and just spit it out, but nothing came out of my mouth.

Me: "It's strange why I don't have venom."

I tried and tried but nothing worked. Now it had started to rain while I was still spitting out my venom, drops fell on my gills and soon they began to swell up they had inflated like balloons and I spat out and finally, venom came out of my mouth. But this venom was different from my father's greenish venom, it was purple and after crashing into the tree instead of gnawing it, he rots it.

So I can only use my venom on rainy days except that it is much more powerful than the norm. I wondered what my body had in store for me as a surprise, and I headed for the cave.

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