《Dawn of Pangea》Chapter 21 - Discovery
Eagle and I camped out in the woods for two nights, giving the cubs time to fully heal and regain their strength. With the help of their sense of smell, finding and hunting prey was a trivial task. The two days allowed me to continue sparring with Eagle, training our essence and getting a better grasp on our powers without fear of others discovering our weaknesses.
Of which there were plenty. For example, when I coated myself in essence, it acted as armour. Apply enough force and the armour in that spot would break.
Kudos to Eagle for piercing my shoulder after putting too much power into one of his icicles.
If I wanted to stop it, then the part of the essence stopping the icicle would need to become denser, more of it is needed.
Pretty simple on paper, the more essence you put somewhere, the more hits it can take. The problem comes when you ask yourself,
‘Well, where am I going to get hit?’
Moreover, the essence broken through was lost, unrecoverable and had to be regained through sleep or extremely inefficient meditation.
The worst part was when Eagle asked me about my ability to jump off of air. I did by accident on several occasions but never understood how. He guessed that due to the colour of my essence that I could manipulate objects through telekinesis. Using this I was able to solidify the surface tension of the air and kicked off of it.
To both of our disappointments neither of us figured out how. But the biggest problem was our small capacity of essence. Up until this point all of our fights or spars have lasted no longer than half a minute. After that all of our essence became exhausted and we were left defenceless.
Thus we either killed by going all out at the start, or get killed in a drawn out fight. Leaving the thoughts behind I focused on the countless lines of people and caravans, merchants and traders seeking entry into the city of Iyamore.
Having finished our task of finding the cause of local livestock disappearing and spent two days training, it was time for us to receive the artifact.
Heck, we didn't even know what the livestock looked like.
That was all the twins could tell us about them. The best image that came to mind was a small pig covered in white fluff, similar to a sheep.
Several curious glances were casted in our direction. A pair of kids walking with two wolf-looking beasts half their height would seem strange.
“Cato, I still don’t understand how you’re able to solidify the air or the cubs communicate with us. This telekinesis stuff is driving me crazy!”
Eagle roared in anger and practically had little fume trail coming out of his ears as his face was scrunched up in thought. The answer eluded him, I just left the thinking to him - no point in wasting energy on something already being done by someone else. We shuffled forward a few steps as a caravan or two were let inside the city.
The amount of people entering and leaving was staggering. Had it not been for the two twins scaring off other animals and elves alike, we would have less than a handspan in front and behind us.
I patted Eagle’s shoulder and spoke up,
“Hey Eagle, did you see those… adventurers that passed by us? Ignoring the line? Why can’t we just cut ahead like them, none of them were sent back.”
He promptly snapped out of his daze and looked around. It was clear that he was still deep in his thoughts, trying to figure out the whole essence business and find a scientific explanation for it.
“Oh? Right, let’s do that. Getting the artifact sooner would be nice.”
‘God, when something truly gets his attention it’s like Eagle actually becomes dumber, just to think about his interests more - oh wait. Maybe me I’m onto something here...’
I took the lead and led us away from the lines of people and down towards the gates. Eagle remained lost in his world. After a few minutes of walking over the gravel road we were stopped by a pair of guards.
“.ssenisub ruoy etatS”
One of the guards droned in a bored voice. No doubt a line he said more times than the number of days he lived. Yet despite his obvious boredom, he was at the ready to jump into action, defend or attack at a moment’s notice. The bored face was an act to put others at ease.
“?nwo rieht no ereh gniod sdik fo riap a era tahw ,tiaw oN”
The second guard placed a hand in front of the first and stepped forward. A gentle jab got Eagle to step in front of me and speak,
“…ksat a morf nginruter srerutnevda er’ew ,iH”
Eagle reached out with his hand and hissed at me to pass my card.
“.sdrac ruo era ereH”
The second guard scrutinized the cards, examining them from every angle before finally pouring some essence into them.
A brilliant white line lit up the surroundings along with the guards’ shocked faces.
“!?morf eseht laets starb uoy did ohW”
I couldn’t tell what the guard said but the tone was not all too pleasant. A short burst of essence into my legs and I hopped to the side of Eagle and then in front of him in the blink of an eye.
The guard’s eyes narrowed, he tried to take a step forward and intimidate us but failed to notice one of my daggers pressed against his stomach. One of the gaps in his armour exposed.
“! -uoy yhW”
The guard jumped back and reached for the sword on his hip. HIs arm was stopped by the previously bored-looking guard. His hair was cut short and a small scar ran along his left cheek.
“.seveiht htiw gnilaed fo syaw nwo rieht sah dliug eht ,sediseB .ecnasiun a eb dluow taht htiw gnilaed ,deeps sih was uoY .og meht tel tsuJ”
He looked at us and then the cubs,
“.uoy ot detcartnoc era yeht tbuod ylhgih I sa ,devaheb llew era sgod esoht taht epoh I”
Some more gibberish came out but the look in his eyes was not one of hostility. While Eagle gave a short response I sheathed my dagger with a swift motion, took our cards and entered the city. Ignoring the countless looks of fear and interest from the people in the poorer district, I thought about the way Barth identified himself.
He used some kind of light on his arm,
‘No need for these pesky cards.’
“What was wrong with those guards anyway, did they not like the twins, cards or both?”
I asked Eagle, hoping to draw his attention away from the artifact if even for a while. What I saw were several shadows, blurs freeze and fall out of sight across the rooftops behind us. I felt a frown take form on my face,
‘We’re being followed. How come I didn’t hear or notice them…
... Fucking essence. Those guys must be muting their footsteps and concealing their presence.’
“Cato, are you even listening?”
Eagle asked me, not looking all that happy with me having ignored whatever he said previously.
“We’re being followed.” I said in a low voice.
Eagle just raised an eyebrow to that,
“Well, with those guys tailing us, it will take longer to get to the artifact. How does that make you feel?”
Once I mentioned the artifact Eagle’s eyes turned into a blue fire, getting in between him and his experiments was suicidal. A curt nod and he split up from me. Not a stranger to these tasks if he had any problems, he’d flee and get my help immediately.
I just didn’t feel like dealing with a bunch of goons sent after us. I can’t even interrogate them afterwards, so sending Eagle was the right choice. Not just laziness.
The two cubs were walking on either side of me and I took the opportunity to scratch them behind the ear - they absolutely loved it. Tails wagged side to side as we strolled towards the second gate protecting the richer, middle section. The guild building was in there.
Eagle joined up with us in the nick of time and we were let through without any issue. Despite handing the cards which gave off an identical light, no issues arose nor questions asked. As we walked down the cobbled streets several servants and merchants tried to buy the twins off of us, some even proposing absurd prices while others asked where we got them.
I had Eagle just tell them that we found them in the forest, gave them some food and they started to follow us around. Yet that was not enough and by the time we approached the guild building we had a small crowd trailing behind us, eager to get their hands on the cubs.
Thankfully the crowd could not follow us inside and we got a little breather. But even more surprising was the lack of reaction from anyone in the guild. The countless adventurers huddled in groups, looking at the jobs or requests plastered across the board didn’t even bat an eye at two kids and the animals entering.
Eagle and I proceeded down the middle of the hall to be met by the same ripped elf that greeted us at the front desk the first time. He gave us our payment for completing the task without even confirming whether we had carried it out.
“!won meht teg emoc nac uoY .ereh era starb owt eht ,nedraS iO”
As we were about to leave the place and gathered our remaining gear from the inn, the elf shouted to someone. I didn’t even notice as he approached us from behind and put a hand on both, mine and Eagle’s shoulder.
The elf’s presence just appeared out of nowhere.
“.ecalap layor eht ot uoy ekat lliw hcihw egairrac ruoy ot uoy trocse ot ereh ma I ,yrrow t’noD”
I looked over at Eagle for an explanation,
“Remember how the artifact was being held lock and key within the royal palace? Well that’s where we’re headed. And the guy here, Sarden, will escort us.”
“Got it. Apparently testing us was part of the deal. Instead of just giving it to us we are being dragged into some political mess.”
Eagle sighed reluctantly,
“Tell him that we want to get our stuff from the inn before leaving.”
With that, Eagle said a few more words and we were led outside.
“Your Majesty, you must reconsider. Giving out an artifact as precious as this is a loss of endless knowledge. Knowledge that can give our country an advantage over everyone else. Not to mention that a pair of kids will be receiving it!”
One of my court mages expressed their concern for the fiftieth time. I just ignored his remark once more and glanced over the royal throne room. A wide, open space, with the floor and columns made up of marble carefully entwined with orichalcum. It turned a wonderful combination of green, black and white that glistened any time of the day.
Ridiculously expensive, but necessary. With the countless challenges, duels and fights that break out to prove one’s right such a powerful material is needed to avoid countless repairs.
I stared straight at the man who spoke against me.
“You have voiced your concern countless times the past days and I have heard enough of it. I will tell you one, last, time that nothing is being handed over unless the kids, as you put it, prove themselves knowledgeable and possessing potential. For a week you have tinkered with it and produced no results.”
The robed man looked down with fake remorse.
‘If not for his genius and previous discoveries he’d be stripped of his title long ago for going against me.’
Despite the little outbreak the other five court mages stood still without looking in my direction. There were six of them in total, three to my left and three to my right. Two lines of knights stood from the door to my throne creating a passage wide enough for two people to stand abreast. The captain that just returned from gate duty was a few meters directly before me.
‘Such a sight fills me with excitement. To show off the immeasurable might and power lined up, listening to every command and word I give… for a bunch of kids.
What a waste of time.’
The large doors on the other side of the room parted just enough to let a man through, it was the messenger.
“Your Majesty, the guests are here.”
‘Finally. Now we can just embarrass the kids for life and get on with our lives.’
‘Just what was she thinking? Setting up an audience with me like that…’
The double-wooden doors parted and the kids stepped through. As on cue all of the knights withdrew their swords and slammed the tip of their blades into the floor, both hands resting on the hilt. The two kids kept walking and paid little attention to the display of power.
What’s more, they were completely unphased and showed no signs of fear or worry.
‘Do they not sense the dense aura radiating off each of the knights? Should it not be enough make them cower in fear, or was this really just a joke?’
The kid with white hair was looking around as if he was in a candy shop, even going so far as to inspect the equipment on the knights, who were required to stand still no matter what. But the other kid…
He was staring straight into my eyes while walking forward with confident strides. Not faltering even once. Arrogance fused with confidence came off of him in waves. They stopped before the knight captain and nodded.
“Thank you for earlier today. Would have been a pain to get in otherwise!”
‘He dares to ignore me and converse to someone else!?’
Several of the court mages shuffled uncomfortably,
‘Well, skipping the introductions is perfectly fine.’
Just as I was about to give out the order, the same boy looked at me and spoke with an unwavering voice,
“Your Majesty, we thank you for granting an audience to mere kids and on top of that giving away a priceless artifact. We are beyond humbled.”
‘At least they have a shred of respect.’
“Please, do not think so highly of this meeting. To see and encourage our nation’s future talents is worth more than any artifact ever will. On that note, in order for me to provide you with it, you must demonstrate sufficient ability not only in combat but knowledge as well.”
I gave a respectful smile and waited their response.
“That is understandable, is there anything your Majesty wishes for us to do in particular?”
‘How come only the white haired boy is talking?’
“If you can demonstrate sufficient talent while fighting the man in front of you, it will be more than enough.”
The boy nodded and turned towards his friend,
“.em ot eno taht evael nac uoY .ecnegilletni ruo evorp neht ,su no nwod gnikool yug eht thgif attog tsuj eW .thgir erew sesseug suoiverp ruo ekil smees ,thgirlA”
The boy spoke to the other boy in a language unknown to me, and then questioned the captain,
“Is it acceptable for us to fight you at the same time?”
Several snickers came from the guards lined up at that question,
‘Did they think we would not let one of the most powerful fight two kids at once?’
“Yes, you may come at me when you feel ready.”
The captain replied and sheathed his sword. The two lines of guards took a few steps backwards to provide space, more out of habit than fear of getting in the way of such a small scale… fight.
The two boys spread apart, the mute one took out a dagger while the other one took a few paces backwards. The boy in the front started to not only cover himself in essence but focus most of it in his dagger wielding arm and legs.
‘How can he use essence at such a young age? Why is it a golden colour? Not to mention he is able to control it to such a degree?!’
No, despite their outwards appearance these weren’t normal kids. The kid charged forward with absurd speed. No sooner had he disappeared than a metallic clank came from across the room and he was back where he started. The boy was disarmed.
Not to be caught off guard I enhanced my own sight with essence and continued to observe, ignoring the countless whispers coming from the guards and court mages. The boy took out another dagger and charged in the same manner at the captain,
‘What is he planning to do this time?’
He took a few stabs and slashes which were difficult to pull off given the height difference. Yet, that didn’t stop him from doing final lunge at the captain who stopped the blade by grabbing the kids hand,
‘It’s over, but even that short demonstration was more than-’
The boy flashed a quick smile and retracted the essence from his right hand and transferred it to his left, the golden aura increasing in size even further. He placed a foot in front of the captain and with a motion he must have practised countless times swung him overhead.
‘The kid knows martial arts as well? No, we must have this kid under our control!’
Despite the captain being caught unaware,
‘Such a little toss would do no damage.’
The kids surprised me once more when a square the length of captain’s height froze and became covered in countless icicles. It was placed directly where he would fall.
‘Now, that, might hurt a bit.’
I resisted the urge to blink to see how it all plays out and was not even surprised to see countless spikes taking form around the white haired kid and started spinning faster than I could follow.
‘To be able to spin them fast enough to produce an audible noise… incredible.’
Having no other choice the captain drew his sword and struck at all of the incoming projectiles, did a flip mid air and landed with his feet on two of the icicles all while the other kid managed to place the captain’s dominant arm in a lock behind his back.
Not a small amount of essence was used to coat his feet in order to prevent them from being pierced and even more to protect his arm from being injured by the kid on his back. The fight lasted no more than a few seconds but the amount of co-ordination and skill displayed was top tier.
Not even I could hold back and clap at the magnificent performance the kids demonstrated. If they had anymore essence, the battle would sure be nothing less than legendary. But both of them were now seated on the ground, regaining their breath.
The guards started tapping their swords on the ground in recognition of dagger kid’s ability as a warrior and the court mages clapped for the other kid’s ability as a mage. Both had boundless potential.
The captain pivoted on the icicles and performed a magnificent bow that I have seen countless of times,
“Your majesty, was that performance satisfactory?”
Not even I could deny the splendid fight that just took place, it’s a real shame the kids’ essence capacity is so low or we could have truly witnessed an unprecedented battle.
“More than just satisfactory, it was perfect. Bring the artifact. While we wait, could I know the names of such talented pair of individuals?”
I motioned at the messenger who announced the kids’ arrival in the beginning and he scurried outside.
“My name is Eagle, and my friend is Cato.”
I raised myself as Eagle said what sounded like an introduction. No sooner had he finished than the messenger came inside carrying a metallic object. Eagle immediately raced forward and wrenched out of the elf’s arms. He pulled a small knife from his pouch and started tinkering with...what looked like a small rover robot?
While he was messing around with it I approached him, careful to keep up the confident appearence.
‘Appear strong when you are weak and weak when you are strong.’
A saying that saved my life more than once. Several compartments were twisted or pried open and a single beeping noise rewarded his efforts a short while later.
“So, how far away are we?”
Eagle didn’t even turn around while he answered,
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
He nodded his head and continued to mess with the rover for a short while longer. The two of us were the sole focus of everyone’s attention.
Eagle took a deep breath before relaying the information unto my ears,
“...are on Mars.”
I slouched a bit and did my best to not mirror the look of shock on Eagle’s face.
“Are You kidding me? ‘Cause I may not be the most knowledgeable, but I have yet to see a speck of red dust.”
Not that I didn’t believe him, it’s just everything I have seen so far is in complete opposition of what Eagle just told me. He remained motionless.
“Fuck, you’re serious aren’t you?”
Eagle turned to face me and gave a sinister smile.
“This rover, it’s not made by any of the official government space agencies I am aware of.”
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