《Dawn of Pangea》Chapter 10 - Introductions
What started out as a calm walk towards our next destination turned out to be a big, fat lie. After only several steps the pace was increased, in mere minutes the knight and mage began jogging. Having no other option, we followed suit.
It wasn't so bad at the start, my heart rate didn't change much but that was my greatest concern. Despite our pace, my heart rate felt normal. Only once we were jogging at a pace that turned the side scenery, shrubs and trees, into one long, green coloured blur did I become aware of my heart's pounding.
Apparently not satisfied, the knight pushed us even further,
‘Just how much longer is their test going to last?’
As I had subconsciously predicted, not until both of us were gasping for air, sweat-covered and unable to perceive anything around us would we get a break.
“C-Cato, hol-hold on.”
I heard Eagle wheezed behind me. For the first time, I mustered the strength to look behind me and came to a halt. Eagle, who was behind me only a second ago, was now nearly eight meters behind me! Yet, when I scanned for the village, I noticed that it was gone.
‘This is just absurd’.
“Eagle, look behind you.”
I pointed towards the distant speck that the village had become. Although begrudgingly at first, Eagle got up and looked behind him and too, froze.
“Wow. What a beautiful sight. To think we would have covered this much distance, we should give the Olympic Games a shot when we return!”
Eagle chuckled to himself only to run out of breath and started gasping again. The view from the mountain was quite impressive, but it did not explain how we covered nearly ten kilometers within twenty minutes!
What’s more, the duo haven’t even broken a sweat.
‘There must be something that’s allowing them to burn through so much energy, but what?’
Exhausted, I leaned on my knees to take a breather and smile.
‘It’s been too long since the last time I was pushed this far.’
It took a minute for me to regain my breathing. I stretched my legs and walked towards the tormentors.
Barth took out one of his knives and brought it over his shoulder. His head slowly turned as if following something,
‘What is he looking at?’
The knife turned into a blur as it flew through the air and disappeared. Yet instead of relaxing his arm the knight started reeling in an invisible rope. I caught a glimpse of a thread reflecting the Sun.
Within minutes I could hear the distant noise of a heavy body being dragged across, and only seconds later I saw that the knife pierced through two rabbit looking creatures.
‘Well, there’s lunch.’
Just as I started walking towards the food, Marden placed one palm on each creature and caused them to burst ablaze.
‘They don’t even need a fire or logs, just a bit of magic...such a cheat’.
The mage, noticing our approach, pointed at our feet and turned around. The two started digging into their meal completely ignoring us. Suspicious of Marden’s previous action, I reached forward with my hand and found an invisible wall once more.
‘No charity here either, huh?’.
I dropped all my gear, except for the pistol, dagger and a single canned chicken.
“Cato? What’s going on?”
Eagle asked me through heaves of breath.
“We’re going hunting, and not for the measly rabbits they got for themselves. Leave anything unnecessary here and follow me.”
I turned to my left and began walking into the forest.
‘We’ll show them.’
“Then what’s on the menu?”
Eagle rested enough to catch up with me and spoke without panting.
“If there are small animals, then there are bigger ones as well. Anything higher up the food chain will do.”
We walked for a good ten minutes before stopping. I took the can out of my pocket and opened it. Thankfully a special chemical was released into the food once the seal was broken, instantly cooking the food. It definitely isn’t enough for a meal, but enough to draw in a predator or two.
I beckoned Eagle to hide behind a tree directly opposite of me, with the bait being in between us.
‘Now we wai - fast!’
There was a distant breathing and rustling noise as a creature walked through a bush. It resembled a starved wolf with a deep blue coat.
‘Is it a loner? In that case luck is finally on our side!’
I observed as it approached the can and leaned down to sniff it. Not wasting the opportunity I aimed down my sight and fired straight at its skull. A soft pop was heard as the bullet made contact but there was no effect.
Angered, the wolf dove straight towards me, saliva dripping from its jaw. With our cover blown, I jumped straight up with all my strength, while sailing upwards I grasped a tree branch and with the remaining momentum whipped around. At the apex of the spin I brought myself in and kicked off the branch. The power of the kick sent my flying down towards the wolf like an arrow. I took out my knife and brought it in front of me.
There was a brief shock in the wolf’s eyes but despite being unprepared for such a maneuver, but it quickly recovered and leapt to the side avoiding the blow. Having missed my target, I broke into a roll and looked in the wolf’s direction. Eagle was able to reach me in time and covered by taking stabs at the wolf while avoiding lethal swipes.
As soon I recovered I sprinted behind the wolf to try and attack from its blindspots. However, it was able to anticipate the incoming attacks and narrowly dodge every time. After a minute, a perfect opening finally showed and I rushed in, aiming at its hind paw. Yet I was only able to pierce several centimeters into its skin, just enough to draw blood but not cause significant damage.
After that little stunt the wolf became warier of us, acting on the defence far more than offence. As we circled around, it became a continuous battle of attrition with us jumping in, taking a slash, dodging a swipe and jumping out.
Slowly nicks and grazes built on top one another and the wolf’s movements slowed, but our own stamina began to wane. The battle turned into a stalemate with both parties treading on a blade’s edge, a single injury on either side signalling imminent defeat.
A completely new feeling began to build up inside of me. However, I dismissed it as it had nothing to do with our fight. Each time I drew blood, each time I saw Eagle get harmed or sustained a cut myself that feeling continued to grow inside my stomach.
After several more exchanges Eagle’s movements became exceptionally sluggish, the wolf must of sensed the weakness and charged straight at him. Not even thinking twice, I rushed forward to tackle Eagle out of the way but the wolf suddenly stopped. It placed its entire weight on its front paws and kicked at me with its hind feet.
With the power of the kick and my own charge I was able to pierce through one of its paws, but had to block the other with my hand which sent me flying backwards.
The wolf limped at the motionless, exhausted Eagle, once more.
‘Why isn’t he moving?’
‘Run dammit!’
Mere inches separated the two. I watched as the wolf opened its jaw, and bit into Eagle’s neck.
A deep, burning sensation erupted from deep within me. Like a dam that burst, like a volcano erupting, I attempted to stem the flow and convert it into power that would flow through my veins. The result was my body being racked with excruciating torment reminiscent of the electricity torture training. I bit my inner cheek and focused on the metallic taste of blood, kicking my mind into overdrive. The world slowed down, the wolf became still and the blood streaking down Eagle’s neck stopped.
‘I need to find a way to stop myself from going backwards...if only there was something I could jump off of…’
If only for a split second, I imagined the air becoming solid enough for me use as a platform and…
‘It worked! I felt resistance!’
Somehow I could kick of off nothing but air and was now homing in on the wolf. He was still biting into Eagle’s neck, but otherwise, had not even budged.
‘Good, perhaps I can make it in time.’
I smiled despite slowly losing my consciousness to the pain as I cut through the wolf’s neck with a single downward slash, and flew past.
‘I just hope whatever I just did doesn’t cost me my life.’
Through my rapidly fading vision, I could see a tree approaching and the pain of a collision.
“Looks like your friend is finally here.”
An ancient and unknown voice rang through my ears.
‘For all the training I went through, I couldn’t even handle a wolf with someone else’s aid.’
“Oh it’s pathetic alright. Brat or not, no man should be on their knees!”
A different voice shouted, this time in a commanding manner. I dejectedly raised myself, the world still a blur as my eyes strained to focus.
“Cato, you’re here as well?”
I heard Eagle speak from right behind me. I turned around to see the same weirdly dressed boy standing, without any holes in his neck.
“Eagle, your neck, you’re alright?”
I asked, not sure of what is going on.
“My neck? Dude, what are you talking about? We were just taking a break from our long exercise.”
“Wait a second, you mean after jogging?”
I stared dumbfounded at Eagle as he scratched the back of his head.
“Well yea, what else would be taking a break from? It’s me who should be asking if you’re oka-”
A third voice rang across my ears and I finally scanned the room. Eagle and I were in the middle of grandiose medieval hall suitable for kings. There were columns and arches made of pure stone, granite and marble.
As I continued to look around I realised we were standing in the middle of a triangular room that followed the same theme but had three completely different sections. Each corner had a single throne upon which an entity sat, giving off a distinct colour. Green. Blue. Red. These colours seeped through their territory colliding with the other two, making distinct borders of where one land starts and the other finishes.
Inside the red were all sorts of medieval armours, axes, hammers, shields, helmets, swords, lances, spears, etc. The list just kept going on and on. They were hanging on the walls, scattered over the floor and dangling in the air. All emanating a red aura that reeked of blood and adrenaline. I looked at the end to see a ripped woman in her mid-twenties on a skull throne with a smug smile on her face.
I looked to the left where the red met blue and found the complete opposite aura. It was cold but attentive, wary but curious. It evoked an extreme curiosity within me, a hunger to read every single scroll, text and book that hung all over the walls within. In the centre of the heap of knowledge sat an old man, looking at us with all-knowing and encompassing eyes.
Lastly there was the green territory. All the objects within seemed to defy the natural force of gravity as they floated mid air, suspended by nothing. Basking in the green glow I felt all my worries washed away, replaced with the determination to overcome any obstacle in my path.
“Welcome Cato and Eagle. I am the king of the unbroken, Azen.”
A voice came from above. I looked up to see another man clad in robes floating upside down in a cross-legged position.
I began to ask but got immediately cut off.
“I am the queen of the battle-hardened, Baudonia.”
“I am the king of the curious, Ercel.”
“Where are we?” I curiously asked the beings surrounding us.
“Between your realm and ours, a fake reality constructed by our minds. But that matters little. More importantly, are you ready to form the link?” Asked Azen.
“Link, fake reality? Please tell me I’m dreaming.” I asked looking at Eagle.
“Cato, please, you have to listen to them.” Eagle responded, attempting to convince me otherwise.
“Very well, what is this link you speak of?” I asked.
“It is the exchange of energies to gain power. When you sleep, the dormant energy produced by your body will be taken by your link holder, in exchange, an equal amount of their own energy shall be transferred to you.”
“And why should I give you my energy?”
“For one it is useless to you and your body, it cannot be accumulated and serves no purpose. However, different beings can use the others energy to empower themselves – the exchange does not cause harm for either party.” Answered Azen.
‘If this is real, doesn’t seem like I have a choice, and if it’s a dream, then it doesn’t really matter.’
“How do I choose who to make a link with?” I asked Azen, seeing as how he speaks the most.
“You don’t. That choice is up to us. However, due to special circumstances, Cato, you are an exception. Eagle I believe Ercel wanted you.”
Azen continued talking as he approached me. I turned and watched as Eagle walked towards the blue man. The wind picked up as he approached him, turning into a violent hurricane by the time he was within a metre before they both disappeared.
Now the room was split between Azen’s and Baudonia’s territories. Both of which, are now standing on either side of me.
“Normally, a creature can have only one link, but due to your unbreakable will-” Azen started speaking but was interrupted by Baudonia,
“And the thousands of dead following your wake.”
“You shall receive both of our connections, which you develop is up to you.”
They both spoke at the same time and flooded me with their energy, similar to the feeling when I empowered myself to save Eagle, only less volatile.
[Barth’s Perspective]
‘Those kids are something else, their sheer stamina is decades ahead of children their age’.
I pondered about the training I was going to provide the brats in order improve them even more while reeling in the two gray rabbits.
‘Seeing as how we’re in the woods, seeing their hunting skills would also be good…’.
As I brought the rabbits to Marden,
“Put up a quick barrier, I want to see how the kids hunt on their own.”
With only a raised eyebrow I watched as Marden cut an imaginary line in front of the leader…
‘Cato, I think his name was’
and began eating.
I waited for the kids to disappeared from sight before stuffing my face and following them just in case they came upon a prey too high up the food chain.
“Just make sure to bring them back in one piece, I have used up more essence in the past two day than in the last year, and would hate to have to heal someone once more.” Marden called out to me as I followed the kids.
To my surprise they did not even head that far into the forest, walking only several minutes before a mouth watering aroma entered my nostrils. Whispering the sweet promise of perfectly baked chicken of the highest quality.
‘But how?’
‘To get a fire started and catch something without magic would be almost impossible…’.
I released some of my essence to pinpoint the location of the two brats and find a safe location to observe them from.
I had just enough time to mask my essence from any creatures as a sole night wolf stalked out from a bush.
‘Attracting the bigger fish with bait, huh?’
At this point I had the urge to intervene but having seen the monstrous stamina of those kids, letting them handle it seemed like a better idea.
And it was.
Opening the fight Cato performed an acrobatic maneuver displaying great flexibility but also overall body strength, followed by quick thinking as he turned his dodge into a form of attack.
The other kid wasn’t bad either as he attacked at the perfect intervals to throw off the wolves dodging, preventing it from evading both attacks at the same time.
From there on out was the most beautiful fight I had ever seen. Like a masterfully choreographed dance, the kids took turns initiating an attack and covering each other’s retreat with an attack of their own. Their footwork, teamwork and sheer display of skill baffled a battle-hardened warrior like myself.
It seemed like every action taken was calculated to perfection. However, their lack of links gave the wolf an upper hand as it repeatedly hardened its hide to withstand their attacks, and would soon be able to overpower them.
No sooner did I think of the links than a steady stream of essence started pouring out of Eagle. Subtle at first, it quickly turned into an ocean blue torch flame surrounding him.
‘No way in… he’s forming a link?’
It was general knowledge that upon forming a link the person becomes completely immobile, their soul wisped away to the spirit realm. I took a quick glance at Cato to make sure he was alright before I intervened the battle. Instead spotting him sailing backwards as Eagle’s sudden lack of movement left Cato exposed and forced him back.
I dashed forward to stop the wolf but he had already bit into Eagle’s neck. It knew it would take me at least a second to get there. I raised my sword and saw a blur flash by.
Instantly, the wolf's neck was cleanly sliced through and a nearby tree toppled from the impact. Looking over to my left, I spotted Cato lying sprawled on the ground. Several of his bones have been clearly smashed from the impact but that was by far the most trivial matter.
Not only was I unable to follow his movement but he too, was forming a link. His essence was a blinding golden colour that was pouring out of him like a waterfall, covering his entire body and anything within a meter. Until today I have only heard of a green, blue or red link representing the three core essences, but a gold colour was just absurd!
I carefully picked up the two brats and walked to Marden, the shock plastered over his face just might be worth putting the kids in such danger.
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