《The Uncrowned King(LITRPG)》Ch 06-Tressure hunting!


***Ellie's POV***


"Don't waste your time in the city roaming around, the time you get to spend in Narmae is special, complete some quests in the city and grind contribution points and citizenship points, the faster you can become a citizen the better it will be," Ryan said and then turned away towards the mercenary guild's that Ricktor mentioned.

'Hmm, I thought guys easily fell for the innocent-girl-in-need act.'

Ellie's demeanour changed, her features sharpened as she dropped the act and looked curiously as Ryan entered the mercenary guild.

'Something is off about him, his accent is clearly British and has native looks but he was not featured in the report...Statistically, there should be less than 70,000 people in England who got selected to join this hell-' I looked around at a grey-skinned demon who had a dark purple tail swishing behind him.

'He looks young so that means he should be among the people assigned to me... was he not curious about the alien thingy and didn't search anything and that's why he wasn't flagged... but he looks so sure towards where he is going.. he didn't even get a basic introduction as I did...'

Ellie was a trained MI6 agent, having a pedigree she was recruited when she was just 13, a master in blending in the crowd taking advantage of her naive look, she has been a field operative at a private school for 2 years now. When a strange floating notification suddenly appeared out of nowhere, she immediately informed her superiors and quickly the Google searches of every one were flagged. Every person who searched for alien invasion and other similar sentences was flagged and quickly categorized, they were quickly divided into categories and assigned to respective agents who also received the tutorial notification.

'Maybe he's an enemy spy, that's why he didn't search anything figuring we would find out.'

Ellie mentally marked Ryan as dangerous before turning towards the main gate, She had her primary objective, after all, being a representative just made her work easier.

***Ryan's POV***


'This should do...'

Quest received: A Hunter's wish A retired hunter of Diana lives in the academy of Narmae, due to her exemplary service to the hunt, she was given a position in the academy to teach dagger arts. But due to the ruined emperor's laws, the people of Narmae have stopped taking dangerous missions to hunt the monsters populating the island, thus eliminating the need to learn, help Aristle train, rewards based on minutes lasted when fighting her.


'I can't believe there are no hunting requests, how are the blacksmith's creating equipment?'

I walked out of the mercenary guild after headed towards the academy when a sweet voice interrupted me, "Hey~ Do you have a minute~"

Broke through a Lv-3 Charm

+1 to Charm Resistance

I broke out from the charm thanks to my right eye, she was wearing a revealing outfit, a tight white blouse revealing ample cleavage, that extended just past her ribcage, she was also wearing what could only be described as skin-tight black leather pants, and thigh-high boots. A blacktail was poking from just behind her shoulder which had a heart-shaped end. She had bright red hair that flowed past her waist and her heart-shaped face and bright red eyes had a hint of curiosity as her whole attention was now focused on me.

"Oh~ not bad~" she walked closer and said, "It seems humans are tougher than expected~" she giggled and I felt her become more charming, her bust drawing my attention as her hips shook invitingly.

Broke through a Lv-5 Seduce

+3 to Charm Resistance

I dashed back a step and looked at her with wariness, 'That's a high level seduce, who's she?'

"Who're you?"

"Name's Lexi~ What about you~" she started coming closer and I was seriously tempted to draw out my daggers but doing so inside of Narmae wasn't smart.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

"I'm no one~ you on the other hand are intresting~," she said as she winked and then disappeared for a second before the illusion broke and I saw her walking away.

'Don't tell me it's one of the annoying nobles... considering she used a skill inside the city means she isn't a commoner at least.'

I stood there for a second before walking towards the academy, I noticed the structure was different than last time. Instead of a grand hallway with images painted on the roof, it had drawings of various legends on the walls, the greek culture was once again dominating the scenery.

"Welcome to the Academy, how can I help you?" A shade with an ethereal voice appeared beside me, it was completely transparent and had a vague shape like that of a lady.

"I have a quest, can you tell me where Aristle is?" I said to the shade.


"Of course follow me..." the shade glided towards a crack that melted out of the wall, the academy's structure was also different, instead of a wide hall that had countless wooden doorways leading to various places, now there were no doors and you could only be guided with the help of these shades. I observed her with the All father's eye as we walked past some unknown hallway.

Lv- ??? A whisp of Athena's will

'...so instead of Mimir it's Athena, the Greek goddess, am I safe here it feels like enemy territory.'

Another crack appeared on the wall and the shade disappeared, I looked around at the long hallway before entering the hole which disappeared behind me.

"Who're you?" A tall feminine figure appeared in front of me. She was wearing heavy robes that covered her form but her beautiful facial features attracted all the attention, the elves were famous for their beauty, even though she was probably old, her doll-like face wouldn't look far off on a 20-year-old.

'An Elf?'

"I'm Ryan, I saw the quest you posted-" I felt her eyes flash before she looked at me with contempt.

"Another stupid fool ruined by the king, just because I promised a reward doesn't mean I'll fight trash." She replied harshly as I realized my mistake. To her, I look like an adult who has a pathetic level of 3, and according to what I could deduce the situation is now, there should be a lot of these adventurers because of the ruined emperor's policy.

"You misunderstand me-" I shook my head lightly, "I am new to Narmae, and need to do quests to stay here and learn-" I pulled out my daggers, "I only accepted this quest because I heard you're an old hunter and I wanted to maybe learn to properly wield my daggers."

Seeing a pair of familiar-looking daggers her expression softened before her neutral mask returned, "interesting, so you're one of the initiates, and level three already." she mumbled before saying, "Alright, I'll give you a chance." She removed her robes and pulled out two daggers that were attached to her waist. While I stared at her armour for a bit I quickly got ready and summoned my daggers from the inventory.

"Lesson one, don't put your daggers in the inventory, you'll be dead by the time you summon them," she said and suddenly she was in my face, her right dagger moving to lightly nick my neck.

I let a massive amount of mana enter my left eye and the speed at which the dagger moved slowed down 3 times, leaning backwards I evaded her strike and while her arm was outstretched, I swiped at her elbow. Her other dagger quickly blocked my attack but my left dagger was already moving towards her exposed waist. I could see her expression distort before she swiftly dashed back and evaded my strike.

"Interesting seems like you've been busy," She looked at my glowing left eye before dashing at me with a faster speed.

I skipped on my toes and used a backhanded grip on my right dagger while holding the left one in front as cover.

Ting~ Ting~

The sound of clashing blades filled the room as I kept bouncing on my toes lightly fully utilizing my movement to bail me out of any dangerous situation. The style of fighting I created last time worked perfectly even with the lowered speed as I utilized the eye of Huginn and used the reaction force from my jumps to quickly dodge attacks.

'Shit my mana consumption is through the roof-'

I started slowing down and it seems Aristle noticed as she backed away and stopped. Ignoring her curious gaze I panted before standing up and looked at her, "We going again?" I asked.

"No, pack up, I found what I wanted, come on we're going treasure hunting, and here-" she summoned a pair of sandals and threw them at me, "-you need better grip if you want to utilize your fighting style."

I inspected the equipment and almost whistled...

Sandals of Agility(Hunters of Diana set)(rare) Agi =0.5*strength

'W-Wow- wait these sandals are for females right?'

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