《I'm In Charge of SCP》Chapter 53 “An Unexpected Guest”


"Say, what's his name anyway?" In the dark cabin, Yang Xue was tied to a chair. Her arms were taped with a belt as if she was a mentally ill patient. A man with a black hood held a leather whip in his hand and stood in front of her.

"Dr. Yang. How about you tell me the name of that person, then I will let you go?" The interrogator asked her.

"Keep dreaming!" Yang Xue said, "I won't tell you anything even if it costs my life!"

"What a boring line. Stop watching those useless dramas. I can't just let you die easily." The interrogator sneered and pressed the remote control switch in his hand. An electric current passed through Yang Xue's body.

Yang Xue's body was shaking uncontrollably, so painful that she was about to die. She gripped the armrests of the chair, her fingertips began to turn white, her sweat had soaked her hair, but she did not make a sound from the beginning to the end.

"Heh, I'm surprised you can still talk." The interrogator increased the voltage, "But I don't think you can recover from this."


Yang Xue made a painful sound in her throat, the interrogator laughed wildly, "Have you changed your mind? Come on, just say it. As long as you say the name of that person, I will let you go immediately."

"I… won't…say..." The shock increased time by time. Yang Xue's was at her limit, but she never gave up.

After another half a minute, her eyes rolled back, and she passed out. The interrogator hurriedly pressed the stop button and removed the electrode pieces attached to Yang Xue's body one by one. If it continues like this, she will really die.

He put Yang Xue on his back and looked like he wanted to take her out for medical treatment. Just at that moment. She pulled out a knife from her hand and placed it on his neck. The interrogator was shocked.

Yang Xue's weak voice can be heard faintly, "I...won..."

Seeing that Yang Xue was still conscious, the interrogator was surprised, shook his head, and put Yang Xue back on the chair. Then he took the hood off, and surprisingly, It was Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue looked at Yang Xue, who was already very weak, and sighed, "Why didn't you just give up?"


Yang Xue was catching her breath. The attack she had just done had taken all of her strength.

She said word by word, "I, I said. I wanted to become... strong... I don't want... to become a burden to you..."

What a stubborn person. Zhang Jue no longer knew what to say about her.

In order to train her willpower, she had taken the initiative to ask Zhang Jue to interrogate her in the same way he treated prisoners. In the past few days, she had survived waterboarding, starvation, and this time, electrocution. Zhang Jue had tried everything he could to get her to surrender.

Zhang Jue did not doubt that even if he had to burn her alive, Yang Xue would have been able to endure it. It had to be said that in terms of enduring pain, at some point, men might not be as good as women - especially persistent women.

After a while, Yang Xue regained some of her strength. Zhang Jue still helped her go to the medical ward in the site for a checkup, confirming that there were no after-effects left, and only then did he feel relieved.

Because they had come to the medical ward so often in the past few days, the doctors in the infirmary looked at the two of them a little differently.

Zhang Jue even heard the doctor and nurse were muttering words like "domestic violence". If not because of Yang Xue, he would have punched that doctor.

It must be because I'm handsome! He's just jealous!


Yang Xue did not do this on purpose. She had learned it from Zhang Jue. Ever since she had fainted from using her powers too much at the last university festival, Zhang Jue had learned from his mistakes and decided to train his mental strength.

And the way he trained it was unique. He didn't sleep at all.

Without the help of others, He relied entirely on his willpower and achieved the feat of not sleeping for three days.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have been sent to the hospital because of brain damage. But for Zhang Jue, relying on his ability to heal himself made his training infinitely more effective. Bragging that he could last a year without sleep.

Until one day, Xiao Liu from the lab smiled and said, "Advisor Zhang, your hairline seems to have shifted back a little." Zhang Jue let out a scream and immediately ran back to his room. Looking in front of a mirror for most of the day and let out a long sigh of relief after confirming that he was joking.


But in the end, the joke made him give up his childish approach. Nothing was more important than his hair.


In the past few months, besides practicing martial arts and training his spiritual power, Zhang Jue had also done something very important. He had studied that Reality Anchor carefully.

During the Site-14 infiltration, this thing had saved his life and indirectly the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around Jiangzhou City.

After many attempts, he already knows the general use of this thing. As long as he concentrates his mind and imagines what he wants or visualizes, this detonator-like thing can help him to materialize something to an extent.

For example, he can materialize a burger out of thin air or make a table disappear. But his experiments with all living things have failed. As for now, the largest thing he could do was to change the size of a room into nothing. On top of that, he noticed that the Reality Anchor had a cooldown. When activated, it takes nearly 20 hours before he can continue using it for the second time.

Although the Reality Anchor had many utilities and also drawbacks. Zhang Jue still carried it around with him as an emergency clutch device.

Especially now that he had SCP-106's (The Old Man) Pocket Dimension ability, he usually kept the Reality Anchor in the Pocket Dimension and summoned it when he had to use it, definitely giving his enemies a big surprise.

He also remembered that the kind SCP-106 seemed wanted him to give a bouquet of flowers to someone. If only he had the chance to let Lei Shan do it for him, he would have some opportunity to slack off.

In a way, Zhang Jue thought his life would be peaceful for a while, but things did not go as planned. On this day, Site-14 had an unexpected guest. After being personally welcomed by Site Director Huang, he called Zhang Jue to the lounge.

Zhang Jue pushed the door and saw a white, slim European man.

When he saw Zhang Jue, he smiled and extended his hand, "Hello, Advisor Zhang. My name is Hael, and I'm from Site-17."

Good Chinese. Zhang Jue shrugged his shoulders and extended his hand to shake his. A bad feeling lingered in his heart.

A few people took their seats. Hael continued the conversation he had just had with Huang Xingwen.

"Site Director Huang, the purpose of my coming to the CN Branch this time is to ask Advisor Zhang to come with me to Site-17. We need his help, and I don't know if it's convenient."

"Well..." Huang Xingwen paused and did not answer directly, but looked at Zhang Jue and asked what he meant.

Zhang Jue was a Special Advisor, only a level lower than the O5 Council, and even if Huang Xingwen wanted to do him a favor, he couldn't command him.

"I don't want to go." Zhang Jue refused without even thinking about it.

He always felt that there was a trap waiting for him. Hael was slightly stunned, not expecting Zhang Jue to refuse it simply.

"Advisor Zhang, as a member of the SCP Foundation. It is only right that we help each other."

Zhang Jue spread his hands, "It's not that I don't want to help you guys or anything. It's just that I'm very busy right now, eating, sleeping, and playing cards every day. Comforting the young hearts of the injured women at this site, I don't have time to travel around. "

Hael argued, "Advisor Zhang, how can you be so-"

"Stop!" Zhang Jue cut his sentence, "How I work is my business, and it's none of your business how should I work. Now, you have five seconds to convince me why I should help you. Otherwise, I'm going to the toilet. Five, four-"

Zhang Jue began to count. Hael froze on the spot, completely unable to adapt to Zhang Jue's style.

"Three, two-"

Just as Zhang Jue was about to count to one, Hael hurriedly shouted, "SCP-053 says she wants to see you!"

"What did you say?" Zhang Jue frowned. His face turned serious.

Seeing that he was finally not counting down, Hael took a deep breath and said, "SCP-053, The Young Girl. She wanted to see you."

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