《I'm In Charge of SCP》Chapter 47 “Double Jade Foundation”


Noticing Zhang Jue's nod, President Bai was relieved, and everyone began to cheer. Zhang Jue agreed to donate. So, the main problem is halfway there, but it wasn't over yet. Donations can be made, but the amount was also a problem.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lei Shan again. He smiled faintly and said to Miss Cheng, "Excuse me, can you help me tally up how much those colleagues just donated in total?"

Miss Cheng froze and only after President Bai coughed lightly put her back to her senses "Just a moment, I'll count it right away."

The scene's atmosphere was again tense, and everyone was guessing how much Lei Shan wanted to donate.

Three minutes later, Miss Cheng returned and said, "Well, just now, the alumni just donated a total of 2.335 million yuan."

"Okay, thank you." Lei Shan said politely, and then he wrote down 233.5 units in the fundraising book. The unit was valued at ten thousand yuan.


After Lei Shan finished writing it, the room resounded with loud applause. In the absence of a disaster or epidemic, the Sirui Group donated more than two million yuan to Jiangzhou University at once, which was already quite a good result.

President Bai breathed a sigh of relief to finally give an account with the whole university's teachers and students.

"Wait a minute!" Just at this moment, Zhang Jue's voice rang out.

The entire audience's attention was once again drawn to him. Yang Xue wanted to pull his hand, but she was too late. He took a big step towards Miss Cheng and took the fundraising book that Lei Shan had just handed over to her - to be precise, he snatched it.

He looked at Lei Shan and pointed his finger to the column of the donation amount.

"Mr. Lei, don't you think you made a mistake?"

No one knew what he wanted to do, and no one dared to interrupt him either. But judging from his reaction, it didn't seem to be good news. Did he think he had donated too much and wanted to retract the donation?

Among the scene, only Lei Shan probably guessed what Zhang Jue was thinking.


"Oh, it's not a mistake." Zhang Jue took his finger away, "So I was the one who misread it. I mistakenly thought it was a fly on the book, shame shame shame."

Zhang Jue gave the fundraising book back to Miss Cheng again. Then he quickly walked off the stage, took Yang Xue's hand, and headed out. He was so fast that he left the hotel lobby in three steps and disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

That hasty look, as if he had eaten an expensive dinner without paying. The people there were all stunned, completely confused about what he was up to. When everyone was surprised about Zhang Jue's odd behavior, Miss Cheng was suddenly called by President Bai.

President Bai frowned, thinking that the hotel was too unreliable. But when he turned back around, he was equally stunned by sight before him.

"President Bai, what happened?" Vice President Zhang followed his gaze and turned into the same state.

When each guest's presents discovered the discrepancy, they dropped their jaws in shock. It turned out that after the fundraising book had passed through Zhang Jue's hands, a point had been erased - yes, a decimal point.

The original donation amount was 2.335 million, which instantly turned into 23.35 million. A whole tenfold increase. The fundraising book is not just a number, it's real money, and it can't be filled in carelessly.

The hilarity was too big for them to hold. No wonder he had to run away.

President Bai laughed a few times awkwardly and said to Lei Shan, "Advisor Zhang is really good at jokes."

"No." Lei Shan shook his head, maintaining his gentlemanly demeanor from the beginning to the end.

"Since the amount was changed by Mr. Zhang Jue, it is considered that I agreed to it, and it will remain so." Hearing Lei Shan say this, all the people present boiled over.

A donation of twenty million dollars, what kind of notion is that Zhang Jue had changed it just like that?

And did Lei Shan really agree to it?

Don't they think that this is too much?

Several representatives of the poor students cried tears of joy and hugged each other.


When the crowd finished cheering, Lei Shan continued, "I can donate some of my money, but I have a small condition. I hope President Bai can agree."

When he heard that Lei Shan agreed to donate, President Bai's eyes shone. Let alone a small condition, even if he were asked to do strip dance, he would be obliged to do so.

However, after all. Lei Shan was not Zhang Jue and could not think of such a damaging trick.

He slowly said, "The total donation is 23.35 million yuan. The Sirui Group still only counted 2.335 million. The remaining 21.015 million yuan was in the name of Mr. Zhang Jue's personal donations to Jiangzhou University, and set up a special foundation to help those poor students with good character."

What Lei Shan proposed was not a request at all, and President Bai immediately nodded, "This is no problem at all. So, Mr. Lei, what is the name of this foundation? What should we call it?"

Lei Shan thought about it, "Let's call it the 'Double Jade Foundation.'"

After a simple conversation, the matter was completely settled. In a short time, it was believed that Zhang Jue's name would leave a strong and colorful mark in the history of Jiangzhou University.


The Founder of the Double Jade Foundation, Zhang Jue, was pulling Yang Xue's hand wildly. During this time, he turned back several times to make sure no one was coming after them before stopping at a milk tea store entrance.

Yang Xue could not catch her breath, "What are you running for?"

Zhang Jue's stamina was much better than Yang Xue's, and he was still looking behind him, afraid that someone would come after him.

"If I don't run, I'm going to be haunted by a debt of ten million, and when people hold me back, you won't even have time to cry." Yang Xue was unsure, and Zhang Jue confirmed that it was safe before he said what he had just done.

Yang Xue shook her head, "You're the one who fooled around with so much money. I want to see how'd you end up."

"What do you know." Zhang Jue laughed, "That Lei Shan person will admit to the debt. A gentleman like him is the best to make a deal with."

"Yes, and you are the hardest to deal with." Yang Xue said helplessly.

"Good to know." Zhang Jue nodded smugly, then pointed to the milk tea store next to him, "I ate too quickly just now and almost choked myself. Could you buy me a cup of milk tea?"

Yang Xue said, "Normally, shouldn't a boy treat a girl for a drink?"

"I don't have any money." Zhang Jue justified.

Just when the two of them were getting pretentious about who was buying the milk tea, the cafe across the street, two indiscernible people were looking down at them from the window.

The young man in the white suit took a sip of his coffee naturally.

"Is he Zhang Jue?"

His servant answered, "Yes, according to the information returned by Viper, he was the one who ruined our plan."

"Quite an interesting man." The young man smiled.

"Shall I inform Lark?"

"No need." The young man interrupted. "Since he was able to survive Mr. Samuel's self-destruction, it proves that ordinary anti-personnel weapons are useless against him and if you ask Lark to snipe him. Not only will it be just a waste of bullets, but you will also cause them to be alerted."

The servant frowned and said, "Then what are we going to do? Let him go?"

"Of course not." The man in the white suit let out a creepy cold laugh, and the air around him seemed to freeze.

"People who go against us shouldn't be forgiven, and we must not also let him die in a good death. But against this kind of difficult people, the first task is to figure out what their ability is, and then... put the bullet on their head!"

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