《Apex Legend in Another World [Litrpg/Dungeons]》Chapter 6: Where's my EXP?


With their massive body, I can easily attack any inch of this slab of meat to inflict damage. Suddenly, the injured orc with a bleeding nose charged at me from behind.

I suddenly jumped and did a roundhouse flying kick; it caught the orc off-guard as the kick landed in its face. It was a very ugly rigid kick with weak forms but albeit, a kick is a kick, which still activated the hidden passive. The orcs face caved in, and he died as his brain was crushed by his own skull.

Defeat all Enemies! (5/12)

[It's dead already?]

I was so confused, but I think it was because I hit the centre of the orcs forehead which could be a weak point?

The other orc was dumbfounded. He was in a state of shock. Usually, they were the one who easily killed humans, but now they were being killed off one by one by two weak looking ones.

Defeat all Enemies! (6/12)

Leon defeated another, under the watchful eyes of the mage, which angered it deeply. The last remaining orc on my side decided to bang his chest like a drum.


The orc then rushed towards me in a fit of rage.

[Oh Shit!]

It jumped up into the air a couple of meters high with the intention of falling on top of me with a smash. Even if I punch or kicked upwards, this momentous smash would be stronger than my attacks and I would be crushed into a meat paste.

I quickly jumped sideways and rolled to safety while the orc arrived at my original spot.


The earth caved in to form a small crater, hundreds of grass fly unfettered and free, and specks of dirt fogged the area while almost getting into my eyes.



Should I pull out the thermite grenade or not? It seems this orc has adapted and changed its usually fighting style.

Suddenly, I found something odd.

The orcs arm was stuck inside the ground and he was desperately trying to pull out. I didn't waste any more time of this God-given opportunity by rushing up to the kneeling orc and did another roundhouse flying kick.

Defeat all Enemies! (7/12)

My bare feet were covered in blood and flesh. I couldn't help but complain internally about getting my feet completely dirty. The blood of the orcs smelt like iron, I couldn't bear to stick around the corpses or else I would vomit out of disgust so I quickly gathered my composure and stood firmly while reviewing the fight that just happened.

The head is the weak point which is very obvious at this stage. The last orc must have used too much strength and it backfired on him, which is what I should take note of. Control is very important. I think my kicks are stronger than punches? I would have to find out with a test if I make it out alive.

Lastly, the most important thing is...

[Where is my damn EXP!]

Hey hey hey, calm down...

[Why should I calm down? I just killed two orcs just to survive, but the least I should get is something in return like experience points!]

You're a psychopath; don't tell me your one of those people that kills monsters and creatures for exp, wealth or materials!

[Don't patronise me, you’re the one who gave me this mission and teleported me here to kill the orcs! I'm doing this for survival and not for the reward. But I'm just confused as to why I didn't get any exp]

That's because your Level system is merely a cosmetic function, didn't I already explain this before?


[What does that even mean?]

Don't you play video games? Don't you know what cosmetics are? Cosmetics are always bought or unlocked, so you must pay apex coins to level up!

1 apex coin = 1 exp.

[Shameless! Why would I even want to level up if you have to pay to do so?]

This is because it would be suspicious if you were to remain level one but still have amazing strength, So you must pay to clear that suspicion. Also, whenever you level up, you are given a golden loot box which guarantees one epic or legendary loot.

The rate of the normal loot boxes is very poor and you would always get trash, if you want the good stuff, you must level up. Also, you can't unlock golden loot boxes any other way.

[Huumpft...Then why do I only get a measly 150 apex coins if I complete this mission? That's only enough for 150 exp which is still only one level up]

You dare complain? Of course you would get fewer apex coins due to the other reward that grants you a random ability from Apex Legend. Each ability are very powerful, rare and never before seen even in this world. So even one of the weakest abilities cost 10000 apex coins, and some stronger ones cost much much more! Be grateful that you have the opportunity of a lottery chance for abilities which you clearly couldn't afford in your entire lifetime.


Why do I bother arguing against this damn system, furthermore, shouldn't I be helping Leon by now?

I looked towards his direction, but all I could see is him standing out in the open on guard, but there were no orcs to be seen.

There weren’t any more announcements for additional orc kills, so where did they go?

[They must have shrunk!]

I ran carefully towards Leon in order to assist him. But the tall grass made it hard for me to spot any orcs, so I had to proceed with extra caution.

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