《The Legacy Of The First》Ch-4: Ruin


Chapter -4

At Hermathera’s domain of the gods. A council was called upon when the looming threat of the anomaly was beyond the tipping point

“Ha-ha. Being forced to acknowledge a mortal as a peer. How your standards have fallen. If I were you, I would have just killed that little twat with a flick of my finger”, Obscurian sneered at Lumia right after she was finished giving her oracle to the high priest

“His divinity reaches beyond mine and needless to say yours too. Incurring the wrath of a being as strong as the creator would not only spell catastrophe for all in this world but also for us. During a time as hard as this with anomaly pressing down on us, you still have the mood to jest regarding such matters!”, Lumia scoffs aside the taunt that Obscurian felt proud of

“He is indeed a special existence that is linked to our master! His divinity is proof of that but that is not why we are gathered here today. The anomaly is picking up pace. We should prepare ourselves”, Vygil said as he looked towards the horizon

“I was given this book by a celestial of the other world called 'Athena' as a gesture of good will. It details a formidable barrier that was once created by the celestials of that world to ward off a strike from a higher being. This should be sufficient for our Hermathera to weather the storm that is coming with some slight modifications”, Vygil said looking at the others, as he passed the book along

“This! How can such a barrier even exist in that world?! What were they fighting that even with such a powerful technique they could only bear a single strike”, Obscurian was shocked to see the details in the book


“This is indeed formidable. To have suffered defeat even while using this, the other world seems to have had its fair share of problems earlier”, Lumia said with a calm look

“I believe what they were fighting was an existence similar to our master and that this being had spared them even after forcing their submission. If we are to use this barrier, we would need the 3 of us along with all the supreme gods to form a 72-point net around Hermathera to prevent the dimensional waves from destroying it completely”

“Alright then, what are we sitting around here for let’s get to it!”, Obscurian said as he was getting impatient from all the talking

Back on Earth, in the private villa of Michael. A man lay on the bed with a sickly appurtenance and sitting beside him was Gilgamesh

“It has progressed to this extent in just a few months?!”, Gilgamesh was shocked to the state of Michael who was lying on the bed

“I do not know how this is happening or why although I have come to a few conclusions of which the most likely one is: ‘I being the second was linked to the first and shared a common source like a river splitting into two, but when I sealed the first, I blocked the other river thus gaining the whole might of the river for myself but now that the first is dead, the connection between me and the source is also broken. This has led to Hermathera consuming my energy for sustaining itself and unknowingly I have reached a point in my weakness that now even if I wanted to destroy Hermathera to get back my vitality, I’m not strong enough and this accelerated consumption I think is accounted for by the collapsing of this dimension with Hermathera, that is, the council in Hermathera are overexerting their power to protect the dimension from the effects of the collapse and thereby sapping more power for me’, what do you think?”


“It seems you have really thought about it. This might actually be the case but I doubt that it is exactly how you described it. The first may well be alive right this moment if your conjecture is right! The reason why I say this is that, if the first was truly dead, the source would immediately return all of its essence that the first has spent back to itself and destroyed everything. Since this has not happened, I think that he is still alive”, Gilgamesh said as he sat there watching Michael’s terrible appearance

“I hope you are right, now that I see the end of my existence, I have realized how foolish my actions were and why he let me seal him in the first place. My ruin is my own. If I could get a chance to make amends, I surely would change it all”, Michael sighed as he resigned to his fate

“It might not be too late for you either”, Gilgamesh thought as he smirked while leaving Michael’s villa

At Enki’s school later that day

“We have finally established contact. The other side refers to themself as ‘Vygil’ who is the god of watchers in that dimension and also the representative of the other side. As a gesture of good will I have given him the barrier technique that the master left to us which we used against the usurper. The second’s unfathomable might in that fight still remains a mystery to me but, the barriers should be able to lessen the impact if they use it around their home system”, Athena spoke in the board room which had a large round-table surrounded by 36 others

“Good, now that we have managed to establish contact and determine that they are non-hostile we can also being our countermeasures. We will also be using the same barrier around our solar system to dampen the impact of the collision”, Enki spoke with a commanding voice

“We have not yet established whether the other side is non-hostile, so that matter is left open for discussion”, a man with red hair, wearing camo T-shirt and having 2 Glocks holstered at his waist said in a displeased tone

“Yes, that is indeed true. Ares, would you be so kind as to offer your thoughts on how we should proceed”, Athena said in a condescending tone

“Don’t get smart with me! When war does break out for whatever that is left after this anomaly, don’t expect me to tell you ‘I told you so’”

“I wouldn’t need your help even if it came to that either way!”

“Alright, the both of you need to calm down. We will proceed with the barrier formation in 2 hours. Everyone make the necessary preparations”, Enki said as he sighed seeing at how much friction was still there between the siblings despite having lost so many of their comrades to a common enemy-the second

The collapse is imminent

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