《The Legacy Of The First》Ch-1: Death


Chapter -1

Earth, Year 1788 BC. The first roams on his creation while pondering what to make next. The first higher being of this dimension.

“What should I call this little one? Hmmm”, he thought

“Awaken Gaia, the earth”

The whole earth shook in a violent surge of primordial energy and slowly condensed into a sentient being, she took the form a human lurking nearby.

“Thank you, My Lord. I shall fill this world with your followers and worship you for eternity”

The first smiles and as he is about to speak but then abruptly dissipates into nothingness

“No!” Gaia shouts as she sees the first disappear.


Earth, Year 2000. The humans have already become the dominant species of the planet with technology booming, the world has never been better.

A man heads towards the school of Enki-The Sumerian god of knowledge.

“What can I do for you my Lord?”, Enki asks

“Here, I’m leaving this boy in your care. Make sure he is treated properly and kept safe”, he says while leaving a boy around 6 years old behind

“Your wish is my command”

“What is your name, boy?”, Enki asks the little boy

“I don’t have one”

“Well then you shall be called “Shude” from now. It means the blessed one”


Earth, Year 2021. Humans continue on their self-centered path to damnation. With all the higher beings sealed and no forces to curb their greed, their fall is inevitable. The boy that was in Enki’s school disappears from existence.

Michael awakens from his sleep in a cold sweat.

“WHERE IS HE?! I DON’T SENSE HIM ANYMORE. IS HE FINALLY GONE?”, he thought as he quickly got up and rushed towards the school.

At the School gates:

“Enki! Where is he?”

“Who do you speak of my Lord?”


“What? The boy I entrusted to you. Where is he?”


“He isn’t even present in the memories of the higher beings in his own dimension. Ha-how the mighty have fallen. My only rival in existence has finally perished. Tonight, I will release all the beings who refused to obey me over him because it doesn’t matter anymore, they don’t even remember him now. It’s a pity that none have witnessed my true ascension”, Michael sighed as he left the school


“You are free fallen ones!”

With these words there was a huge earthquake setting free the old gods of mankind that had refused the second and were imprisoned with the first.

“Now that he is gone, I shall continue creating my worlds for eternity”


At Enki’s school

“Our lord is free now, may he rest in peace”, Enki spoke to a middle-aged man with a heavy tone

“He suffered far too long for something far too insignificant like us”

“Wherever he may be now. I hope he doesn’t return, most us don’t even remember him anymore. It would sadden him greatly to see his creations worshiping a false god”

“When you first betrayed us, I thought of killing you right there but later I realized that you were looking out for his well being and stayed put. Thank you, Enki, for looking after our master”

“Dr. Hoffmann or should I say Ra, watching your civilization fall while having to be sealed away for your loyalty is what gave me the sense of purpose even if it meant betraying my kind I would still truly only server my true master”

"It was definitely unpleas-"

A fluctuation in space time distorted their sense of awareness.

“What was that?!”, Ra exclaimed

“Well this is quite the problem, what you felt was an influx of energy from another dimension that distorted the fabric of space-time in our dimension. This should not be possible unless there is a higher being forcing the 2 dimensions into each other, and we know who that being is obviously. Now that our master has perished, we are just an eyesore reminder to him of what our master was”


“That doesnt sound too good for us, or for this entire dimension for that matter”

“Yes, the worst case scenario: Both dimensions will be destroyed but the process should take about 5-10 years to complete”

“Well, it's fitting that we follow soon after our master”

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