《THE FORGOTTEN PRINCE》Chapter 7: The Power Of One's Will


A week passed since the day that the training started, and Jin was showing signs of progression. In the training room, Reizo began to test Jin to see how far he has come.

"Jin, let's begin the test. First, I need you to destroy that boulder over there."

"Alright, Reizo."

Jin began focusing his power and then with a right fist he destroyed the boulder.

"Good job Jin."

"Now I want you to try to avoid all the rocks that will come to you with 200 kilometers per hour speed."

"Where will they come from?"

"From all directions."

"Now! Three, two, one start!"

Five rocks came from behind him, and Jin with incredible speed avoided them all. Another six rocks came from the front but at the same time, three rocks came from right and three from left. Jin closed his eyes and he could sense the rocks moving towards him but a lot slower. In an instant, he avoided all of them.

"See Reizo? I did it! It is so easy now!

"Are you sure?"

Another rock came from behind him and hit him in the shoulder.

"Aaahhhh! That stings!"

"Don't be overconfident Jin. I see your Yoroi (Yoroi is the technique that allows the user to strengthen his skin) has developed good, you do not bleed, and you barely have a scratch. And your Sokudo (Sokudo is a technique that allows the user to move with incredible speed) is surprisingly developed as well. You have come far in a brief time. And I think the time has come to teach you the second and final stage you need to learn to master Seishin."

"So, what is it Reizo?"

"To complete this stage, you need to go deep into your subconscious, you will learn everything you need to know there."


"How do I do that?"

"Computer! Bring the X-11!"

"What is the X-11?"

"It is a serum that will allow you to communicate with your inner self. Once you drink it you will pass out. The only way to wake up again is to find the answer."

"What answer?"

"You will learn about the specifics soon, now drink this."

"I guess there is no point to ask you more, I will do as you say. But one last question. What happens if I don't find the answer?"

"You will not wake up again."

"I thought as much. Well, I don't have much of a choice do I. Let's do this."

Jin drinks the X-11. In a few moments, Jin passes out.

"Now Jin you will face the things you avoided for so long. I believe in you Jin I know you will wake up again. I will be beside you till you wake up my son."

At the same time deep in Jin's subconscious.

"Where am I? What is this place? I don't see anything, it's total darkness."

"Jin I was waiting for you to come."

"Who are you? I can't see you."

"Then let's turn on some lights."

Jin couldn't believe his eyes, he was in the middle of a graveyard, the moon was high in the sky and you could feel the freezing air touching your skin. While Jin is looking around a dark figure is coming towards him. The person wears a black cloak with a hood that covers their head. Jin sees that mysterious person that is walking towards him. Finally, the person is face to face with Jin.

"Who are you?" asked Jin.

"Me? I am you. I am your subconscious. Your deeper thoughts and fears manifested in a single being."


"Why are we in a graveyard?"

"Because this is where your deepest fear lies. Look at the graves."

Jin saw the graves. He was shocked the graves belonged to his family and friends.

"These are the graves of the people closest to me."

"Yes, Jin your deepest fear is that you will be unable to protect your loved ones and they will all die because of you."

"You are right. That is what I fear the most. I fear that everyone will die because I wasn't strong enough, I fear that I will not be able to protect anyone."

"Now Jin, to give you the power to protect everyone you must answer one question. When does someone surpass his fears?"

"How am I supposed to know the answer to this question when I haven't even surpassed my fears."

"I am sorry Jin but you won't leave this place until you find the answer."

Jin thought, I have to find the answer if I don't find it my fears will come true and everyone I know will die. I can't allow myself to get stuck in here for the rest of my life. Everyone counts on me. Wait that's it.

"I found the answer."

"You should know you have only one chance at this are you sure?"


"Ok, tell me your answer."

"Someone surpasses his fears when he makes them his power. When you asked me this question I started thinking about my family and friends and that I must protect them. That is when I realized that my fear of losing them made me stronger, gave me the courage to keep moving on and the will to never give up."

"Your answer is... correct. Now Jin I will bestow upon you the power to manipulate lightning. You will be able to do things you never thought possible. I must warn you. This power is as strong as your will is. The stronger your will and determination are the stronger you will get but when you are uncertain when you doubt yourself your power will weaken. So, beware as you use this power. Now Jin it's time for you to leave this place but you should know this... When the time comes, we will meet again. Goodbye Jin."

Finally, Jin wakes up.

"It took you long enough," said Reizo.

"Well, better late than never. So, what time is it?"

"It's 6:00 am."

"So, I have been asleep for 3 hours I remember it was 3:00 am when I took the serum."

"Jin you have been asleep for 1 day and 3 hours."

"What?!" asked Jin surprised, "How is that possible?"

"Time passes faster when you are in your subconscious."

"I understand, but it doesn't make it easier. Oh, I just remembered, my family, they will be worried, they haven't heard from me for a day. I should go home."

"Jin wait, what happened in your subconscious? What powers do you have?"

"I will tell you later, I have to go now, bye."

"Ah, that kid."

Finally, Jin has obtained the power to protect his loved ones from the upcoming threat. The time to face Sano Ryouji is getting closer.

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