《True Identity》Chapter 8 - It Broke...


Author’s Note:

Hey everyone, Thank you everyone who answered my last poll about the book cover. I’m glad that most of you liked it. But for those of you who didn’t and especially those who even picked the choice “Looks like shit” lol. Don’t worry, I’ll try my best in making a better book cover next time. :)

Also I got rid of the gear sets. It honestly got too confusing even for me. So I’ll just call the equipment whatever and say what it is (plate, leather, cloth) in the type. I already changed chapter 5 in order to get rid of the gear sets. Thank you for understanding

Tell me if I made any mistakes, I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible. I decided to try to put more things like thoughts and action keys in this chapter, tell me what you think. I hope you like the chapter!


Italics = thoughts/feels Examples: what he thinks about after someone tells him something, what he feels after getting hit in a fight, what he thinks about after he sees something)

‘Apostrophes’= Actions that JAMES does (This will not always be there when he performs an action. It’ll only be there when it will make my story flow better like when there’s a fighting scene)

{Braces} = Actions/sounds of things that happen around James, NOT James himself (Again this will not always be there, just when it will help the story flow better like during fighting scenes)

[Brackets] = System Notifications in game. Also when the MC attacks the enemy, Example: [10!]

|Pipes| = When the enemy attacks the MC, Example: |10!|

True Identity

Chapter 8 – It Broke…


[You have entered Wildehedge Mine, Beware!]

[You are the first adventurer to enter Wildehedge Mine! Your experience and monster drops will increased for a week. Fame: + 10 Luck: + 10 ]

Sweet, I gained some fame and luck. Also, the experience I get and the drop chances will be increased! I’ll be able to level up fast and rise to the top of the AA leaderboards.

The inside of the mine was dark and kind of spooky. You could barely see because it was extremely dusty and the mine was only lit by a few torches. ‘I walked further into the mine.’

Getting over my fears, I took out the quill and paper I bought. I want to draw a map of the mine. A map of this place and other places would definitely make me some decent coin if I make copies of it and sell the copies. As I walked through the mine I drew what I saw, although the drawing was very rough, I think the people can still make it out.

I drew for about 3 minutes until I saw the first enemy I had to fight.

Greedy Dwarf [Rank: 1]Level:10Health:250 / 250Attack:45Defense:86Abilities:[Mighty Blow]

‘I tried to understand the enemy in order to level up my new skill.’ The dwarf was definitely not as muscular as Ferron but it was wearing plate armor and wielding a massive 2-handed axe. The attack on the dwarf is relatively low, even lower than the foxes' attack in comparison to levels. But it has high defense and I have know idea what [Mighty Blow] is, it actually sounds like something else but it’s most probably not….

After gathering as much information as I could get, I charged at the dwarf. I rapidly attacked the dwarf taking advantage of having the first strike. The dwarf couldn’t stop my attacks because it was caught by surprise and was too slow. But on the other hand I wasn’t doing much damage either.





God this fight is going to take forever, I do almost no damage. {The dwarf started to attack back at me.}



HA, this must be a joke. The dwarf isn’t fast enough to block my attacks and it basically does no damage to me, this will be an easy fight.

|18!| |Critical Hit!|

|17!| |Critical Hit!|

Never mind! The dwarf has a high chance of landing critical strikes! It’s probably the axe, maybe it gives the wielder a higher chance to do critical strikes. If I keep getting hit by those I’ll be dead in no time. ‘I kept attacking the dwarf trying to end the fight quickly.’





|15!| |Critical Hit!|

God, fuck these critical hits. I’m going to die soon, I only have 68 health left and the dwarf still has 179 health left. ‘I kept attacking the dwarf in desperation of surviving.’



Suddenly the dwarf’s axe started to glow a golden tint but I was too late to react. The dwarf swung his axe at my chest.


I was knocked back 10 feet in the air and landed on the ground stunned.

[You are stunned for 3 seconds]

The dwarf came charging at me ready to strike. Fuck, I only have 15 health left, if thats a critical hit I done for. The dwarf swung it’s axe at me when I was still stunned for 1 more second.

|18!| |Critical Hit|


I respawned at the entrance of the mine in spirit form. I saw my body lying on the ground near the dwarf that killed me but I still have to wait 5 mins in order to respawn.

‘While waiting for the 5 minutes, I analyzed my situation and came up with a plan.’ Once I respawn the dwarf will automatically be aggroed to me so I’ll have to be careful and dodge the first attack. Then I’ll have to focus on defense rather than offense while I attack the dwarf so I don’t get hit by those critical hits and by [Mighty Blow]. If the dwarf uses [Mighty Blow] I’ll have to somehow dodge the attack or counter it in order to defeat the dwarf. But I still don’t know the cooldown on the ability.

After the 5 minutes were up I respawned and the dwarf immediately aggroed to me. ‘I dove to my right in order to dodge the dwarfs first attack.’


‘Still on the ground, I kicked at the dwarf’s legs making him fall to the ground.’ I quickly got up and started to attack the dwarf while it was trying to get up.



[27!] [Critical Hit!]

HA, I can hit my own critical hits you damn dwarf! {The dwarf started to swing its axe at me after it got up.} Just as planned, I concentrated mainly on my defense. I tried to dodge the dwarf’s attacks but if I couldn’t dodge them, I tried to block them so they would do less damage. Whenever I saw an opening in the dwarf’s defense I would strike the dwarf while retreating afterwards again concentrating on my defense.





|Block!| |2!|

I kept doing this technique repetitively until the dwarf only had 86 health left. But I still had to be careful, I only have 65 health left because apparently after you respawn you only have a portion of your full health. This is precious information that Emperor Studios didn’t tell us so we could learn it ourselves…. God, why couldn’t Emperor Studios at least tell us that you don’t respawn with with full health. I didn’t factor this into my plan so it makes my situation so much harder.


Then just as I feared, the dwarf’s axe started to glowed a golden tint. Fuck, I have to dodge this attack or else…. ‘I instantly used a move I learn from my books.’ I ducked just enough in order to dodge the dwarf’s horizontal swing and used my sword to stab the dwarfs stomach.


[29!] [Critical Hit!]

HAHA, I dodged the dwarfs attack and even did a critical hit. There’s no way I’ll get killed by the same thing twice. After the dwarf used it’s ability, I continually used the same tactic as before. Focusing on defense while attacking when there was an opening. This tactic is definitely what you’re suppose to use when facing a better opponent.

Eventually after another 16 seconds the dwarf’s health dwindled down to 15 hp and it felt like I’ve been fighting the dwarf forever. Ecspecially with my stamina running low, I was getting extremely fatigued. Beads of sweat were forming all over my body and my legs were getting sore from the fight. I just want to end the fight quickly. Seeing that I still had 40 health left and the dwarf only had 15 health left, I charged at the dwarf thinking that I could just end the fight then and there.

Suddenly the dwarf’s once again glowed a golden tint and I knew what was coming. Fuck…. I tried to stop my momentum from charging at the dwarf but I knew that I definitely couldn’t stop myself in time. Instead I dove at the dwarf’s legs and I accidentally stabbed the dwarf in the family jewels. That’s got to hurt….


[28!] [Critical Hit!]

HAHA, I bet that was a critical hit.

Author’s Note: I know, a bit perverted… lol.

When the skirmish with the dwarf finally ended, I leveled back up to level 7 and only had 40 health left. Not bad, these enemies give me fairly good experience!

‘I kicked the corpse of the dwarf in order to see the loot that dropped.’ On the ground was 8 copper coins and a piece of equipment! I picked up the equipment in order to see what it was.

Diminutive Boots [Tier: Basic]Type:Plate ArmorDurability:???Stats:???Requirements:???

What the fuck is this! I can see the name of the equipment and the type but not the rest of the details. Am I not high level enough, do I need as skill? Oh wait, I can equip it.

[Warning: Because the equipment is not identified yet, you will only gain 60% of the benefits]

Hmmm, I guess it’s better than nothing. I’ll just go get it identified later.


Self Proclaimed Title: Cat Slayer!Name:AxleLevel:7Class:WarriorHealth:138 / 138Mana:135 / 135Stamina:136 / 136Attack:69-71Magic Attack:35Defense:57Movement Speed:6Fame:10

The boots I just picked up are plate, since I can wear either plate or leather I don’t know which armor set I should use. The plate armor focuses on more defense and strength, while the leather armor focuses on more agility and endurance. I’ll equip the plate boots for now just because I have nothing else but I’ll have to pick which gear set I should wear sometime soon. I guess it’ll depend on how my character develops.

While waiting for my health to regenerate I decided to take a break and start skinning the animals I got previously. Skinning the animal was tough, I’ve cut my hand at least 5 times trying to skin this shit! And I’ve said a curse word every time I’ve cut myself. Finally finishing skinning the animal 3 windows appeared in front of me.

Pelt [Rank 1]Type:RawDurability:-Description:Can be used to make leather armor

Cat Meat [Rank 1]Type:RawDurability:-Description:Can be used to make food

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:SkinningNovice10%Description:Skinning animals can be a useful skill for leatherworkers. Although you are terrible at it now, you can get better if you keep practicing. Level this skill can give you bonuses and maybe even skills

Author’s Note: Players can acquire skill somewhat easily but it’s their decision if they want to level it up. So don’t expect that the MC to level up every skill he acquires. But I’m not implying that he’s not going to level skinning though.

After looking at the windows, I got up and walked further into the mine while still continuously drawing a map of the mine. I encountered numerous more dwarfs, it was hard to kill them all but I did it. Everytime I killed a dwarf, I would take a break and skin an animal. The cat gave me 1 pelt each while the fox gave me 2 pelts each.

The loot I got was 3 more equipment drops, 8 more silver, and I also leveled up to level 8. The drops were a plate chestpiece, a cloth headpiece, and cloth gloves. I equipped the the chestpiece because even though I could only get 60% of the benefits, it was far better than my crude shirt which was also low on durability. I decided that I would sell the cloth equipment later on.

Diminutive Chestpiece [Tier: Basic]Type:Plate ArmorDurability:???Stats:???Requirements:???

After clearing a great deal of enemies, I was faced with a predicament. There were two paths I could take at the end of the pathway, one to the right and one to the left. I contemplated between the two and eventually chose to go right.

The path on the right led into a big room that was darker and duster than the pathway. The dust also made it harder to breath. I walked into the room not knowing what was inside because it was too dark to see. When I was near the other side of the room, I was surprised at what I found. IRON ORE!

I quickly started to mine the iron ore with the pickaxe Ferron gave me. I was worried that something will come out and attack me. This place scares the shit out of me.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:MiningNovice10%Description:Mining is used to dig up ores. The higher your mining, the higher level ores you can dig up


The pickaxe broke in half. The FUCKING pick broke…. ‘I looked at the amount of iron ore I’ve collected so far.’ I have only mined 25 iron ore and I still need 25 more. What the hell am I suppose to do now….

Author’s Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I usually post the chapters 24 hours earlier than when I post them on royalroad. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com

Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like work!


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