《Legend of the wasteland》Good ol' crazy Moira


When Adam entered Megaton the sight that greeted his eyes astounded him to no end

It's the city of Megaton but much larger than in the game, there are dozens of houses maybe even hundreds of them with people hanging out here and there, like busy ants from a colony

Some houses are down to earth some are raised on platforms, some have multiple stories, there are probably also underground houses as well, the size of the city is simply massive compared to the game

Next to him are some children playing with their toys, some are playing with each other and some are looking at him before quickly turning away and continuing their play, their cheerful laughs destroying the moody/gloomy atmosphere of the wasteland

At least a couple of dozen citizens can be seen chatting, walking, talking, arguing and doing lot's of other things that normal humans in the pre-war times would be doing

The sheer sight of such a bustling town/community surrounded by the huge iron walls and rubble cupeled with the contrast between the lively and bustling town compared to the gloomy and lonely wasteland made Adam astounded and dumbfounded, it blew his mind and stunned him for a few seconds

If not for the fact that everything is so run down and dirty, Adam would have thought he has entered a real city in a not post-apocalyptic scenario

One of the things that contribute to the liveliness is the fact that not everything is gray like in the fallout game, some people painted their houses blue, or magenta or into a rainbow of colors while there are pictures all around the walls of the city, it is another thing that contributed to Adam's dumbfoundedness

Adam was actually so astounded and shocked when he saw the city that he didn't even hear the beep that his pip-boy gave out when he discovered Megaton and gained 10 XP for it nor did he notice that someone was approaching him, someone very very familiar to any Fallout 3 player

"Well hello, there stranger. Name's Lucas Simms town sheriff and mayor if the need arises. It's a beautiful town isn't it?" While Adam was dumbfounded staring at the weirdly/unexpectedly colorful and lively surroundings a man approached him from his front

With a kind-looking face, dark skin and a western accent, wearing the clothes a cowboy would wear the man introduced himself to Adam, it's the Preston of Fallout 3, it seems he noticed the dumbfoundedness in Adam's eyes

"Adam, just Adam. Nice to meet you, Lucas, it sure is beautiful." Adam was brought out of his state of confusion and shock when Lucas spoke to him

Adam politely introduced himself while giving Lucas his right hand for a handshake and commenting on the town, it really was beautiful, not in the sense that it was aesthetically pleasing, god no it's actually quite ugly by the standards of the 21st century, but the fact that such a settlement exists in the harsh and deadly wasteland is indeed beautiful

"Well, well, we'll look at the politeness. It's something quite hard to come by in the wastes. Nice to meet you to Adam and welcome to Megaton just holler if you need something." Lucas Simms smiled back at Adam, it is rare to see such a young man with such politeness out in the wasteland, Lucas knows that since he is a sheriff and oftentimes rabblerousing kids and youth cause problems in the town, so Adam was aking to a breath of fresh air for Lucas instantly improving Lucases opinion of Adam by a bit as he shakes Adam's hand


"Well, to be honest, I could use some directions. It's my first time in the city and I don't exactly know where to go." Said Adam as he smiles back at Lucas and explains that indeed Adam already needs some help from Lucas, even thou it is only minor help

In reality Adam was probably one of the people that knows Megaton like the back of his hand after playing Fallout 3 multiple times Adam already knows all the nooks and crannies of the town, but that is the game, Adam doesn't know if anything has changed about the town and it's citizens because everything became more realistic

"I see, well it is understandable. Here let me show you around." Said Lucas as he still kept his kind smile on his face before he began to explain to Adam about the place, including leading Adam directly to the places giving Adam a tour of Megaton and explaining the history of Megaton

This took at the very least an hour, probably much much more, honestly at fist Adam was paying attention and trying to remember everything Lucas said but at the end, he just gave up, Lucas Simms just can't shut up about Megaton and his work as a Sherrif making Adam suffer as he rambled on and on and on seemingly without end

Adam didn't know that it was even possible for one man to talk that much or for one man to talk for so long, Adam truly wished he hadn't asked Lucas for his help, he would have had a better time finding out about the city by himself

Adam even met all 5 of the guards that Crow has inside of the city, some were rude and some were nice but they all tried to scam him or make him buy something which he always refused to do

Thankfully at, long last, after a few hours of torture Lucas left Adam alone in front of the place that Adam wanted to come to, Craterside supply, the general good store run by the excentric inventor/novelists Moira Brown and the place where Adam can get 2 very important things, that is if his theory about the system is true

Since Adam came to this world and interacted with its inhabitants he has found out some of the features of the system and he has made up some theories about the systems and Moira Brown will help Adam greatly in his research about the system

Pushing open the rusted steel door of the Craterside supply which opened with a very audible squeak Adam walks right into the shop and closes the door behind him

Adam was a bit surprised by what he found inside, the shop was significantly larger than what it is displayed in the game with shelves and stands to display the goods Moira was selling, there were at least 7 people inside shopping and browsing thru the things displayed by Moira, Adam also sees a couple of guards in the building while he can hear more noise at other sections of the shop indicates that there are more people in the shop, either guards or customers

When he entered everyone turned to see who entered, with post people later turning away but the guards kept on staring at Adam probably because he is an unknown face

But Adam isn't interested in any of those people instead he is interested in only one person right now so Adam looked around for a bit before he spotted the crazy redhead known as Moira Brown and when he saw her, his jaw almost dropped to the floor


In the video game, Moira looks average, hell she even looks a little strange with her strong jawline and weird lips but that is Moira whom players saw in a game that came out in 2008, and everything was only seen thru a screen so Moira couldn't exactly be called beautiful

But here, in real life, Moira is a bombshell, with her long red hair tied into a ponytail, her symmetrical facial features and bombshell of a body she can be counted as one of the most beautiful women Adam has ever seen, and which is high praise considering he comes from an age where the internet exists

'Damn, she is hot.' When Adam observed her sweeping the floor in her blue jumpsuit he couldn't help but appreciate her look and also appreciate some of her jiggling parts before rearing in his lust and deciding that it was time to get down to business

"Hello there." Adam walked up and approached Moira with a warm smile and tone of voice as she sweeps the floor with her broom

"Hello, newcomer! I am Moira Brown I run the Craterside supply, just tell me if you need anything." When Moira heard that someone called out to her she immediately looked up, stopping her sweeping and she saw a tall, handsome man, with an unfamiliar face introducing himself to her

She immediately connected him with the sighting of a newcomer in Megaton that came into Megaton today and fits Adam's description so with a foolish grin she introduced herself to Adam

"Word spreads that fast around here huh? Well, anyway I'm Adam." When Adam heard her talking about him he was weirded out for a couple of moments before he remembers that even if Megaton is larger than it was in the game it is still a pretty small place so word of a new face spreads around fast

"Listen, I didn't come here to buy anything. I need some caps and heard you were hiring someone for a book of yours. Doesn't matter what I have to do as long as I get paid." Adam immediately went to the point, with only a hundred caps in his pocket, a sniper rifle and some clothes Adam can't be called rich so he needs some caps besides that this will help him see if his theories are right

"Oh really! So someone is willing to go through highly dangerous stunts that could kill him in a multitude of ways, with the possibility of lifelong suffering for caps! That's great news!" When Moira heard what Adam said she immediately turned towards him and exclaimed her happiness with a smile on her face, but the words she said were in fact quite grimm and scary, making Adam wonder just how many screws does she have loose in that head of hers

"Anyways, I need you to help me out in my Wasteland Survival Guide, a book that I am writing with the purpose of helping people survive in the wasteland! I am gonna need you to go out and experience all of these things for some practical knowledge!" Moira just continued on talking about that guide of hers without even letting Adam ask a question or explain himself and she wanted to go on a whole rant with explaining what the first chapter will be until Adam stopped her

"Wait, you are planning to create a guide of how to survive in the wasteland by using other humans as guinea pigs?" Adam told her that with a dangerous and angry looking face as he asked that question, of course, it's only a pretended anger, for some reason the thought of other humans dying doesn't bother him, probably has something to do with the mind alteration the system put him thru

"W-well yes basically." When Moira saw how Adam stared down at her she immediately became down and lost all of her precious confidence and gusto, she wanted to explain her reasoning and logic but in front of Adam she lost all her power to retaliate and she admitted the truth, no matter how you sugarcoated it the fact is she is basically using other humans as test subjects

"Do you realize how dangerous that is! Not only will you be sending countless people to their deaths in order to explore the wasteland, but your guide might also turn out wrong, doing more harm than good!" Adam raised his voice as he yelled out loud at Moira scaring the living daylights out of her as she began to think a little bit about her guide

Immediately everyone in the shop turned to the conversation/argument between Adam and Moira with some of the guards almost charging in until one of the senior guards stopped them by saying something only the guards could hear, while the customers just enjoyed as they watched all of the drama unfold

"B-but..." Moira tried fo fight back Adam's brutal verbal assault but before she could even utter out a word Adam already started talking, cutting her off from her train of thoughts

"And not only that, I heard that more than just one of your experiments went wrong endangering multiple people! What if this guide turns out the same, but this time it will kill thousands maybe even millions because of your actions!" Adam still continued his ruthless barrage at Moira and her foolishness making her feel worse and worse about her idea, her spirits dampened and her mood turned sour

"I-I guess you are right, I guess I shouldn't write the guide, after all, I would only do more harm than good." Said Moira as she looked down at the floor with red puffy cheeks and tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, it is obvious that she is sad and that her mood has come down making her gloomy

Immediately when she said that Adam heard 2 dings inside of his head confirming one of his 2 theories, now comes the second theory, which might be a little tricky to pull off

"Whoever told you not to write the book?" Adam looked at Moira with puzzled eyes and a head tilted to the side as if not understanding why she doesn't want to write the book any longer

"You said it yourself, I am incompetent and would probably do more bad than good with my actions, let's not mention how many people would have to scarify their lives for the book." Moira looked up again at Adam as she slowly and sadly explained her reasoning, she really wished that she never would have thought about that guide, if she never thought about it she never would have become so sad and gloomy

"You are too pessimistic. There is only a chance you will screw everything up and an even bigger possibility for you to improve the life of the people in the wasteland. You should not look at yourself as incompetent, sure some of your experiments went wrong, you made mistakes and bad choices. But I believe that you are a smart girl who can do anything she puts her mind on to, even write that book. Nothing great is achieved without making mistakes. Besides that, you shouldn't worry about any of the practical parts, I will be doing all of that I don't plan on dying anytime soon." Adam told Moira with warm eyes and a gentle tone of voice as he crouched down a bit in order to look at Moira in the eyes

Adam himself at this moment doesn't know if he is acting or not, on one hand, he wants to help Moira but on another hand, he doesn't really care about the wasteland nor does he feel any special emotions towards Moira, so maybe a bit of acting mixed with a little of his true feelings

"Do you really think so? Do you really think that I am smart and that I can write that book?" Asked Moira in an unsure voice, she has just experienced Adam putting her down and insulting her yet now he is supporting her, she is really confused both mentally and emotionally

"Yes, of course. If you want to do it you can do it." Adam reassured her with a smile, she certainly is smart, even thou it is never showcased in the game she is quite smart, and she certainly can write that book, if the Lone Wandered helped her that is but she did write it and it was a colossal hit

When Moira heard Adam and saw the look in his eyes she felt something, although she can't describe what it is it gave her the energy to bounce back and it gave her the confidence that she can indeed do it

"You are right! The guide has potential and I certainly can't stop myself because of the fear of failure!" Moira basically jumped up as she said that sentence, almost hitting Adam in the chin, with newfound resolve in her eyes and confidence in her heart

'What the hell, what kind of 360 is that?!' When everyone heard and saw what Moira did and how she behaved they couldn't help but let their jaws hang loose, Adam included, she basically has gone from happy to sad to once again happy, well guess that's the reason she is considered a crazy person

"That's the spirit, now tell me what is my mission?" Adam quickly regained back his sense of reason and remembered that Moira is not really all right in the head so he smiled as he looked at the happy and cheerful Moira before he decided it was time for some business

"Well, the first chapter should be about day to day dangers so, how do you feel about food scrounging, landmines and radiation?" Moira asked Adam with a calm and happy face as if she isn't talking about highly dangerous stuff that can kill someone in the wasteland

"Well, tell me more about radiation." Said Adam as he looked at Moira, the radiation part of the first chapter is the easiest and least dangerous, it is only a bit boring since all you do is lie down into/drink irradiated water but Adam has more than enough time for now so he might as well get that over with quickly

"Ah radiation, it's one of the more fun choices at least for me, for you probably not so much. Anyways, I know a lot about radiation from books but, I haven't had the pleasure of working with a live example of an irradiated being at least not for long. So I need you to get irradiated! 200 rads should be enough for a basic sickness but try to get 600 so that I can more thoroughly experiment on you!" Said Moira with her happy go lucky tone of voice, it really must be nice to have her type of thought process, a one-track mind is the best way to describe her

"Right on it." Said Adam before he walked out of the Craterside supply with all the customers and guards still staring at him in shock not understanding what just happened

The moment the door of the shop closed Adam looked at his pip-boy and found out that...

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