《Faceless Phantom》Chapter 46 - Origin


There was once a small village at the northeast border of Alkronia. The place was peaceful, and everyday the villagers enjoyed their life at the fullest.

Most of the villagers were hunters and farmers. Since there was no war at that time, the village didn't have a wall and protection. There was hardly any strong monsters as well. Thus, the place had no affiliation to Alkronia or other kingdoms. They could take care of themselves without any external help.

One day, a group of people was seen coming to their village. It was the first time they had visitors, so they tried their best to be friendly and gave them a good service.

The guests looked nice and friendly as well, and they even give the villagers a grand feast. Therefore, they were all enjoyed the night with wonderful mood.

However, the next day, the group of outsiders was suddenly attacking and capturing all the villagers. They tried to fight back, however it was pointless. They could only hunt monsters and had no experience of battling against other humans. Also, it was a surprise attack and they weren't prepared.

Thus, the village was occupied by the outsiders. And the villagers were imprisoned.

At one night, everyone was gathered at the square. There was some sort of ritual happened.

The Outsiders gathered all the women at one place. They undressed the women and themselves. And then, they raped the women in public, while the men were forced to watch the event. Witnessing such immorality happened to their wives and daughters, the men were shocked and angered. However, no matter how they struggled, the strong rope restricted them to do something.

Among the captured men, there was a little boy. He saw his mother and big sister forced to do the indecent act. He was frozen with eyes wide open, shocked about the tragedy befell on him.

Screams, moans, and cries were heard.

A moment later, while the rape was still happening, the Outsiders chose some men and brought them to some kind of magic circle. Inside the circle, there was a man tied at the center, and the chosen villagers were put to circle him.


And then, the men were executed by slitting their throats. As their blood spilled, the magic circle shined. The outsiders then reciting some strange spell. Slowly, a portal was created above the tied man.

The portal then spilling black liquid, dripping onto the tied man in the middle of the circle. He was then consumed by the black liquid. After all the liquid came out, the portal closed. Then, the black liquid transformed the man into giant black winged demon.

As the wings spread, the vision suddenly turned black. Once it came back, the scenery had changed.

The boy from the village was imprisoned. He was being observed and tested by a group of people in white coat. He became a lab rat.

Days by days passed with the same routine. He was slowly got used to it albeit the harsh treatment.

Every free time, he met the other patients inside a wide room. There was a girl who always curiously talked to him. Eventually, he had a crush with her.

As they grew up, they got closer and closer. But one day, they were gathered in a room with a stage. On that stage, there was a magic circle with a tied man. The boy's eyes widened.

The same ritual in his village was about to happen again.

All matured girls were taken to the stage. And he saw with his very eyes, that his crush got raped right in front of him.

He was broken, but deep down he still wanted to fight back. He would get his revenge later so he tried to observe and see the men behind the experiment. And eventually, he found them.

There were three men standing on the far left.

A man with big body, gray hair, and violet eyes. His name was Belgram. Another one was tall, he had blond hair and green eyes. The others called him with respect as Lord Uruzak. And the last one was giant black winged figure. It was the summoned demon from his village. He was called Beleth.


The ritual happened every month, then every week, then every day. He tried to endure everything. He already set his goal. He already set his mind.

After years of suffering, he got released as they said that he didn't show promising potential. Furthermore, his memory got wiped before they threw him away.

All his sufferings, surviving for the goal to get revenge had vanished. The sole purpose of his life got erased in a blink of an eye.

The man was then found by a caravan, a group of merchants who accidentally passed by. Therefore, he lived a new life by travelling as a nomad merchant.

The man kept travelling without pursuing any goal or achievement. Though his memories got erased, the mental trauma stayed still. He unconsciously wanted to ran away and stay low profile.

Till his heart and mind finally had peace, he settled on a remote village in Alkronia as an assistant of blacksmith. His work was repairing items.

One day, a gray haired man with big body who introduced himself as Belgram came to meet him. He wanted to convince him to be his first patient. He told him that he could achieve something big. Something extraordinary.

However, the man refused as he liked to be the blacksmith's assistant and lived a peaceful life. He was then given an address if he ever changed his mind later. Thus, Belgram left.

The blacksmith overheard the conversation, and he said to the man that he just declined one in a lifetime opportunity. He talked about Belgram as if he was the greatest man in the world. However, the man didn't want to leave the blacksmith since he got sick for the past few weeks. They eventually had a fight. Therefore, the man left and did what the blacksmith wanted even though he declined.

Once he arrived to the address, he was welcomed. Then they led him to his room and given his schedule. And that very day, the routine started. He got diagnosed and tested by Belgram and other researchers for days. Until someday, the researchers finalized their conclusion. Couldn't wait to see the result, the man got excited.

Unfortunately, Belgram told the man that he was wrong. He said he miscalculated his potential, and he was just an ordinary person. Hearing the nonsense, the man got angry and they had a verbal fight. Furious, the man eventually left.

As he went back home, the place was strangely quiet. He called the blacksmith multiple times but there was no answer. And then, he found the blacksmith was already died on his bed.

In sorrow, he went to meet Belgram again. He wanted to prove him about how extraordinary he was. Fortunately, a bandit ambushed and tried to mug him. Thus, he killed the bandit and brought his severed head.

With bloody figure, he met Belgram once again. The man ranted about the blacksmith's dead and blamed him for it. Seeing the broken man, he then sighed.

In seconds, he quickly subdued the man by using some sort of device. He could've killed him at that moment, or erased his memory so he could live another life. However, he decided to imprison him somewhere, sealing him away through a portal.

Years had passed, and the man finally got out from his prison. His eyes were filled in anger.


Somewhere within a desert, a man in black was lying on the ground. Slowly, his eyes and fingers moved.

As he was conscious, he was suddenly in a deep shock. His body was shaking.

"It's not a dream... It's real... I was... I was..."

He sat down and looked at both palms of his trembling hands which he raised little by little.

"Damned bastards trying to erase my memories..." His eyes sharpened, and his face showed a storming anger. "I will kill them all..."

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