《Primordial Flame》PF Book Two: Chapter 2


Liangfeng and Zag moved off a short distance from the group. Zag smirked at Chouyan who’s charcoal black eyes were locked on to him as she stood conflicted from her instinctual fear of him and her desire to protect her mistress. Liangfeng paid no mind to the gazes from Chouyan or the others.

“What happened to your son?” Liangfeng started off with a quiet but excited voice. “He doesn’t smell the same, he smells more like you. He also just seems different…”

“He fully awakened his bloodline,” Zag answered when she finally paused.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“It means Agios Ba is finally proven to be completely full of shit, the entire reason for The Covenant existing is wrong.”

“Ah!” she exclaimed so emphatically that Zag almost jumped from the surprise. “That must have been what Lord Jann was talking about!”

“What?” Zag asked for more elaboration.

“He said the entire disagreement was over the nature of bloodlines,” Liangfeng grinned up at him. “Then he wouldn't speak to me for three days after claiming I was ‘being annoying.’”

“Eh, he was probably just being an asshole,” Zag snorted. “Both him and Ifrit are almost childish in some ways.”

“Well, they really have never had anyone but themselves to influence their personalities, but I digress,” Liangfeng said as she continued to grin. “This actually helps my own plans in no small amount.”

“Oh?” Zag lifted an eyebrow.

“Say, Zaganursarrum do I look more ladylike now?” Liangfeng arched her back and stretched her arms above her head. She tilted her head down and to the side and looked, with upturned eyes, at Zag’s face to observe his reaction.

Zag looked at her with a cramped expression that showed nothing but annoyance at her playing around.

“Ah, fine, fine,” Liangfeng stopped posing and pouted at him. “I want to take over The Covenant, or at least break-off Tiantang so myself, and the rest of the women no longer have to live in the manner that we do. Even Lady Annagenisi over there would have eventually been forced into an arranged marriage and prevented from going out in the world.”

“A lofty goal,” Zag nodded. “Have you thought out how you are going to make it work, and then make it stick if you do manage to take over?”

“Some things I will have to remain flexible on,” she shrugged. “I may have to abandon the plan entirely and just run away to retain my freedom.”

“I see,” Zag said. “I assume there’s a reason you are telling me this?”

“Zaganursarrum,” Liangfeng placed her hand on his chest. “I would very much do anything for you to help me.”

Zag reached up and placed a heavy hand on her shoulder. She grunted from the pressure of his grasp. Zag cut his eyes towards Chouyan’s position when he heard her move. She stopped in her tracks at his glare. He continued to apply pressure to Liangfeng’s shoulder until she winced.

“Don’t try to manipulate me into your schemes,” Zag growled at her, his eyes changing to those of a dragon’s. “These aren't childish games you are playing anymore and even those got me injured many years ago in dealing with you.”

She teared up and nodded her head. Liangfeng seemed unable to articulate a reply.

Right as Zag was about to let go he felt a hand grab his own arm. It was so sudden, and he never felt the presence of the person who did it until they touched him that he jumped back in surprise.


“I don’t know what that was about, but is she really someone you want to cause pain?” Thea said when he looked at her in round-eyed shock. “You should also stop bullying the qilin.”

It was Zag’s turn to be speechless.

“Are you done talking to him?” Thea asked Liagnfeng.

Liangfeng nodded and sat down. She still looked shaken.

“Liangfeng,” Zag said softly to get her attention. “I have to prioritize these humans and their connection to the gods if I help you realize that plan or not depends on them. For now, will you let me take you to my where my mother is since that is where we will ultimately find out what is going on?”

She tilted her head and looked at him for a long time. He shifted uncomfortably from the lack of reply. Thea looked impatient as she tapped her foot waiting for Zag.

Liangfeng nodded her ascent.

“Good, I am sorry for my reaction and I hope that you can learn that you don't need to manipulate everyone to get something from them. There are kind people in the world who do not have a vendetta,” Zag told her and then walked off with Thea. He apologized to Chouyan as they went past her.

After they walked off Choyan moved to join Liangfeng, who was now lying on the ground.

“Chouyan can you be blunt with me?”

“What is it, Mistress?”

“Do you think I’ve manipulated you?”

“I don’t think you’ve ever felt you’ve needed to,” Chouyan replied after a moment.

“That answer really says everything, doesn’t it?” Liangfeng sighed. “I really hate the environment I was in, maybe I should just run away and not bother.”

“I do not think you’re capable of leaving it be after all the work you’ve put into it,” Chouyan told her with a small patient smile.

“I must be crazy, I went to such great lengths to escape my cage just, so I can build another one to lock myself in. I even want to go so far as to drag people into it with me, even a dragon no less,” Liangfeng sighed and closed her eyes.

“There will always be a cage made up of our responsibilities, I think that dragon is much less free than what you like to fantasize. He might even have burdens heavier than your own,” Chouyan said as she kneeled down and stroked Liangfeng’s head.


Zag and Thea rejoined the others. Bron gave Zag a look of concern when he saw his expression, however, Zag subtly waved his hand signaling his desire to put it off until later.

“I’ve finished briefing Foro on what I want him to do, I should be able to secure my throne when I return here,” Thea explained to Zag. “I have doubts on being able to hold it if The Covenant really wants to see me as a traitor, though.”

“As infiltrated as they seem to be, I doubt the shadow users will be happy to leave any independent states,” Zag responded. “I do not see the conflict as unavoidable no matter what we do since the gods themselves seem to be involved on some level.”

“That’s really to the only reason I’m bothering to try, this is still my home,” Thea affirmed.

“We’ll probably have a much better understanding of what is going on by the time we get back,” Zag told her. “I’m putting off any kind of decisions until I get an explanation out of Ifrit, you shouldn’t make any specific plans until you know what you’re working with.”


“You must have spent a lot of time with the Old God, the way you speak of him,” Foro mentioned.

“My mother is Ifrit’s keeper, I was actually born before the war, although I was very young when it happened and don’t remember much of what was going on,” Zag explained. “Jann escaped one time and showed up unannounced, he kept trying to teach my sister and I things, but he’s a terrible teacher. Him escaping is how I met Agios the first time and found out about the differences of opinion he and my mother have.”

Everyone stared at him for a moment. Their minds were grappling with the concept of him being as old as the events he just casually mentioned. The war was effectively the beginning of recorded history for The Covenant’s citizens.

“Oh, right!” Zag exclaimed and pointed to Ketai. “You should utilize her ability to sniff out the shadow users and clear out any that are remaining in the city, she should be able to track them down fast enough that they’d have trouble escaping.”

“If they haven't started to flee already,” Foro added. “I guess we should start heading back if we want to catch them.”

Foro motioned to the legionaries, and they all shifted and after a running start took flight towards the city. Foro walked over to Ketai and wrapped his arms around her from behind. As he shifted she squirmed around to face him and wrapped her own arms underneath his and around his shoulders.

“I’m worried I’ll drop you this way,” he told her.

She squeezed him hard enough that he grunted and then with a strained effort he took off to follow the rest of the legionaries.

“Your second is an impressive fellow, you know?” Zag told Thea.

“I think it is all the more impressive since he either doesn't realize it at all or is just genuinely humble beyond words,” Thea replied. “How are we planning to travel and how long should it take?”

“Bron and I are going to be carrying everyone since we can cruise faster and longer than you,” Zag answered.

Aisling, who was recovered albeit tired from the summoning, jerked her head up and looked at him in wide-eyed horror.

“I feel insulted as a being of flight,” Thea faked a pout which sent Zag into snorts of laughter.

“You seem to be feeling a lot better than you did,” Zag observed.

“I am still really worried over my sisters but finding Foro and the survivors still alive has helped,” she gave a halfhearted grin. “You not being anywhere near the terrifying monster you are described as has helped as well.”

Zag chuckled at that. Bron snorted out a laugh from the side.

“The Old Man is a softy,” Bron added before he was sent laughing even harder by his own quib.

“Either way, even if it was for your own reasons. Thank you for all you’ve done,” Thea said as she clutched the eggs closer to herself.

Zag was rendered speechless by her for the second time that day.

“Didn't you mention something in your story about being able to go faster when you were carrying her?” Aisling asked as she pointed to Liangfeng and Chouyan who were rejoining the group after their own conversation.

“Ah, yes that would save a lot of time,” Zag nodded.

“What would?” Liangfeng asked as they walked up.

“Whatever you did that made me fly faster when you were a kid,” Zag told her.

“Oh, yes that isn't very difficult,” Liangfeng told them.

“Can Chouyan do the same thing?” Bron asked.

“She should be able to, she has the same influence over the wind as a celestial serpent would,” Liangfeng explained.

“So I take it you can more or less do the same things as Thea in regard to gifting and absorbing Jann’s attribute?” Zag asked.

“He said it means I’m his apostle,” Liangfeng answered proudly.

“I guess he was easier for you to put up with than he was for me,” Zag grouched.

“Not at all, he can't focus on anything for very long and since he doesn't get tired it just becomes unbearably annoying,” she responded. “The information was worth it, some of it anyway.”

“Alright, Chouyan do you mind being split up from your mistress on this trip, even if she will be in sight?” Zag asked the qilin woman.

“What are we doing?” she was confused since she lacked almost all the context of the travel plans.

“You will ride with Aisling on Bron and use your powers to make him go faster, I will carry Liangfeng and Thea with Liangfeng doing the same thing for me.”

“I will be riding on a dragon?” Chouyan’s face paled although her expression did not show her apprehension.

“If you promise not to throw up on me I won't throw up on you,” Aisling offered helpfully.

“That wasn't what I was worried about, although now it scares me even more,” Chouyan gave her a look filled with doubt about the entire thing.

“Isn't it strange that the two wind-touched beings can't fly, yet the two flame-touched beings can?” Bron asked.

“I never even thought to ask Jann about that!” Liangfeng exclaimed, regretful of the missed opportunity.

“Honestly, the flight should be more comfortable for you with whatever it is they will be doing,” Zag told Aisling.

“You’ll be alright,” Liangfeng patted Chouyan on the back. “Flying is fun.”

“I have never doubted your sanity more than I do right now,” Chouyan replied to her.

“Anyway,” Zag interrupted. “Something important for all of you to understand, especially you Boy. We will land some distance away from my mother’s lair. None of you should approach until I give the ok.”

“Isn’t the drive to fight another dragon going to be a problem for me?” Bron asked.

“Self-control Boy, I get to go first,” Zag said. “That way I can at least tell her who you are, so she goes easy on you.”

“There are so many things wrong with the logic in that, can I just go back home?” Bron sighed.

“No,” Zag answered with a grin on his face.

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